‘Swine Flu Pope’  & WHO Corruption

‘Swine Flu Pope’ & WHO Corruption

By F. William Engdahl The man with the nickname “Dr Flu”, Professor Albert Osterhaus, of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam Holland has been named by

Ron Paul on Ben and the Fed

Ron Paul on Ben and the Fed

Continue reading Ron Paul with Judge Napolitano on Glenn Beck- Bernanke To Be Renominated

The Ancient Ingenuity of Water Harvesting

The Ancient Ingenuity of Water Harvesting

With wisdom and wit, Anupam Mishra talks about the amazing feats of engineering built centuries ago by the people of India’s Golden Desert to harvest

Renewing Relations: Russia & Vatican

Renewing Relations: Russia & Vatican

Pope Benedict XVI and visiting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed Thursday to upgrade Vatican-Kremlin relations to full diplomatic ties, the Vatican said. The step forward

Renewing Relations: Russia & Vatican

Renewing Relations: Russia & Vatican

Pope Benedict XVI and visiting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed Thursday to upgrade Vatican-Kremlin relations to full diplomatic ties, the Vatican said. The step forward

Money Trap Complexity: Traditional IRA vs. Roth

Money Trap Complexity: Traditional IRA vs. Roth

By Anne Tergesen Starting Jan. 1, Uncle Sam will permanently eliminate both the income and filing-status restrictions on transferring money from a traditional IRA to

Seattle Gentrification ala IRS

Seattle Gentrification ala IRS

By Danny Westneat Rachel Porcaro knows she’s hardly rich. When you’re a single mom making 10 bucks an hour, you don’t need government experts to

Growing Power

Growing Power

Continue viewing YouTube

Owning Physical Precious Metal

Owning Physical Precious Metal

GoldMoney founder and GATA consultant James Turk was interviewed for 27 minutes this week by Eric King of King World News. They discussed the second

Energy Tax Incentives

Energy Tax Incentives

DSIRE is a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility, and federal incentives and policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. Established in

Will Ben Be In by Xmas?

Will Ben Be In by Xmas?

By Scott Lanman and Craig Torres Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke left a Senate confirmation hearing with support for a second term heading a

Who's Your Foodbank?

Who's Your Foodbank?

Claims for Emergency Unemployment Compensation increased by 265,300 in one week to an all time record of 3,859,553 for the week ending November 14. If

Who’s Your Foodbank?

Who’s Your Foodbank?

Claims for Emergency Unemployment Compensation increased by 265,300 in one week to an all time record of 3,859,553 for the week ending November 14. If

Health Care: Of Lives And Principle

Health Care: Of Lives And Principle

By Sam Smith The pending health care legislation is as corrupt, cynical and contemptuous of simple decency as any bill I’ve seen in over a

Competitive Devaluations Threaten a Trade War

Competitive Devaluations Threaten a Trade War

By Michael Pettis Vietnam’s decision to devalue its currency by 5 per cent last week to protect itself from undervaluation of the Chinese renminbi, and

WTO Demands Emerging Nations Permit Derivatives

WTO Demands Emerging Nations Permit Derivatives

by Greg Palast On 10th Anniversary of the Battle in Seattle Bankers’ scheme to re-open finance casino worldwide. Apparently, one meltdown isn’t enough for the

Preparing for the Worst

Preparing for the Worst

The levels of government debt have reached the point where even mainstream banks are encouraging investors to consider the “collapse scenario” in their strategies. View

Barron's 25 Best Givers

Barron's 25 Best Givers

By Suzanne McGee With money tight, top philanthropists insist on more bang for the buck. Meet the 25 most effective givers. The name of the

Barron’s 25 Best Givers

Barron’s 25 Best Givers

By Suzanne McGee With money tight, top philanthropists insist on more bang for the buck. Meet the 25 most effective givers. The name of the

Bloomberg Reporter Who Sued Fed Dies at 52

Bloomberg Reporter Who Sued Fed Dies at 52

By Bob Ivry Mark Pittman, the award-winning reporter whose fight to make the Federal Reserve more accountable to taxpayers led Bloomberg News to sue the

Goldman Sachs – Going Long Lead?

Goldman Sachs – Going Long Lead?

Commentary by Alice Schroeder I just wrote my first reference for a gun permit,” said a friend, who told me of swearing to the good



Max Keiser has me using a new word—duopoly. It is a word worth learning and a phenomenon worth considering as we look around the landscape.

America's Most Charitable Cities

America's Most Charitable Cities

By: Wanda Lau Cities take on different faces during the holiday season–some are the spitting image of Scrooge, others look like Santa. Which one your

America’s Most Charitable Cities

America’s Most Charitable Cities

By: Wanda Lau Cities take on different faces during the holiday season–some are the spitting image of Scrooge, others look like Santa. Which one your

The Great Depression of the 14th Century

The Great Depression of the 14th Century

“The Triumph of Death” by Murray N. Rothbard Most people — historians not excepted — are tempted to think of economic and cultural progress as

China, Gold, and the Civilization Shift

China, Gold, and the Civilization Shift

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Stephen Jen from the hedge fund Blue Gold Capital has a warning for those who think that gold has risen far too

Connecticut to Sue Rating Firms

Connecticut to Sue Rating Firms

By Caroline Salas and Matthew Leising Connecticut plans to join Ohio in suing credit-rating companies for “negligent, reckless and incompetent work” in grading debt purchased

Brother, Can You Spare an American Buffalo?

Brother, Can You Spare an American Buffalo?

Author: Dorothy Kosich Unprecedented demand, a shortage of blanks, and restrictive policies and regulations continue to exacerbate what is almost becoming a chronic shortage of

Please Support Your Local Foodbank!

Please Support Your Local Foodbank!

By Sophia Tareen Prentice Jones worked construction jobs around Chicago for most of his 60 years and is quick to boast of a foreman job

Short Selling American Lives

Short Selling American Lives

By Anne Seith Two Deutsche Bank funds were designed to profit from premature deaths in the US by buying up life insurance policies. But investors

AIG in Kentucky

AIG in Kentucky

By Yasha levine Thanks to AIG, some of the poorest residents of rural Kentucky learned you can always be made poorer by corporate villains. What

Judge Spinner, You Rock!

Judge Spinner, You Rock!

By Kieran Crowley, Rich Wilner and Dan Mangan A Long Island couple is home free after an outraged judge gave them an amazing Thanksgiving present

Paulson Likes Gold

Paulson Likes Gold

By Joshua M Brown Continue reading John Paulson Likes Gold…More Than a Friend

WikiLeaks Leaks 9/11 Pager Intercepts

WikiLeaks Leaks 9/11 Pager Intercepts

WikiLeaks releases 573.000 pager intercepts from 9/11 2001. From 3AM on Wednesday November 25, 2009, until 3AM the following day (US east coast time), WikiLeaks

Dubai Financial Crisis

Dubai Financial Crisis

Nov. 27 (Bloomberg)—Dubai’s debt woes may worsen to become a “major sovereign default” that roils developing nations and cuts off capital flows to emerging markets,

Dark Side of the Internet

Dark Side of the Internet

Nov. 26 (Guardian-UK) Fourteen years ago, a pasty Irish teenager with a flair for inventions arrived at Edinburgh University to study artificial intelligence and computer

The Value of Leadership

The Value of Leadership

One of the many blessings of living in Hickory Valley, Tennessee is that I know, respect and like my Mayor and the members of my

Negative Equity Mortgages

Negative Equity Mortgages

Continue reading CHART OF THE DAY: We’re Still Generating Too Many Negative Equity Mortgages

More Independent Than Ever

More Independent Than Ever

By David M. Halbfinger The Lou Dobbs-for-Senate rumor had barely crested when the Lou Dobbs-for-president rumor suddenly overtook it this week. Mr. Dobbs, the former

Facebook Creates Dual-Class Stock Structure

Facebook Creates Dual-Class Stock Structure

By Brian Womack Facebook Inc., the world’s biggest social-networking site, introduced a dual-class stock structure to let current shareholders hold onto voting control. The decision

EU President Promises EU Tax to Bilderbergers

EU President Promises EU Tax to Bilderbergers

By Bruno Waterfield, Justin Stares and Colin Freeman Within days of taking office in January, the former Belgian prime minister will put his weight behind

Iran: Will Sanctions Work?

Iran: Will Sanctions Work?

By George Friedman The Iranian government has rejected, at least for the moment, a proposal from the P-5+1 to ship the majority of its low-enriched

A Solari Report – Canadian Banking

A Solari Report – Canadian Banking

Overview Canadian banks, trust companies, loan companies, credit unions, deposit-taking insurance companies, pension funds and retail associations are regulated and examined for safety and soundness

Victory For Private PA Food Buying Club

Victory For Private PA Food Buying Club

Magisterial District Judge Jene Willwreth today dismissed both charges brought by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture against C.A.R.E. member Jan Haller in Ephrata, Pennsylvania. Before

France Finds Monsanto Guilty

France Finds Monsanto Guilty

Posted By Dr. John Mercola France’s highest court has ruled that U.S. agrochemical giant Monsanto had not told the truth about the safety of its

Europe Chooses a President

Europe Chooses a President

Continue reading Europe Chooses a President Stratfor (20 Nov 09) More than eight years after the idea was first mooted, Europe has finally got a

SixthSense Technology

SixthSense Technology

Continue reading Pranav Mistry: The Thrilling Potential of SixthSense Technology YouTube (18 Nov 09)

Quote du Jour

Quote du Jour

Let us guard against inhumans, but let us guard even more against becoming inhuman ourselves. ~ Patriarch Pavle Continue reading Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

The Paul-Grayson Amendment Passes

The Paul-Grayson Amendment Passes

Paul-Grayson “Audit The Fed” Bill Passes Financial Services Committee Fire Dog Lake (18 Nov 09) The Paul-Grayson Amendment Lew Rockwell.com (19 Nov 09) Showdown: Ron

The Darker Profits from Unemployment

The Darker Profits from Unemployment

Hi Catherine: This article and video have been going around on Facebook, and after reading about it I was very disturbed. I’m wondering what your

Goldman, God & the Great Vampire Squid

Goldman, God & the Great Vampire Squid

Goldman Sachs has a political problem and the tension is rising daily as the housing market continues to swoon and unemployment grows. Goldman’s business model

Paulson To Invest $250m In New Gold Fund

Paulson To Invest $250m In New Gold Fund

By James Quinn Mr Paulson, best known for making $3.7bn from bets on the collapse of the US sub-prime mortgage market, is believed to have

"Space War"

"Space War"

Continue reading Arsenal of Hypocricy (part 1)

Changing The World With Wireless Broadband

Changing The World With Wireless Broadband

The Wireless Communications Association International (WCAI) exists to advance economic opportunity for the wireless broadband industry worldwide. WCAI is a technology-neutral trade association that seeks

Letter to the Editors of The Wall Street Journal

Letter to the Editors of The Wall Street Journal

November 14, 2009 Ladies and Gentlemen: Your editorial “The FHA’s Bailout Warning” states that the deterioration in The Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) financial position “is

Insiders & Outsiders: Financial Class Society

Insiders & Outsiders: Financial Class Society

By Vivien Lou Chen and Sandrine Rastello Federal Reserve Bank of New York President William Dudley said the central bank could curtail the risk of

Reality?  What A Read!

Reality? What A Read!

I enjoy reading Barbara Ehrenreich’s work. Ehrenreich seeks reality. She goes to great lengths to personally experience the phenomenon about which she writes. She combines

Goldman's $ Has No Smell

Goldman's $ Has No Smell

By Geraldine Fabrikant The latest tax filing for Goldman Sachs’s foundation is as thick as a phone book. The list of trades is more than

Big Medicare Cuts Coming

Big Medicare Cuts Coming

Report: Reform would cut senior healthcare. They simply want to steal $500 Billion of “entitlements”(already paid for) health care for the elderly. More than $500

Till Death Do Us Part?

Till Death Do Us Part?

By Carrie A. Moore Women diagnosed with cancer or multiple sclerosis are over six times more likely to be divorced than men with the same

Super-rich Seen Buying Gold, Selling Hedge Funds

Super-rich Seen Buying Gold, Selling Hedge Funds

By Steve Lodge The investment preferences of the world’s wealthiest families have shifted significantly in favour of gold and other commodities and away from hedge

"Oldie But Goodie"  March 07, 1997

"Oldie But Goodie" March 07, 1997

By J.N. Tlaga Between January 3 and April 18 of 1995, the value of US dollar in Japanese yen declined 20% from 100 to 80

Unemployment Rate Jumps to 26-year High

Unemployment Rate Jumps to 26-year High

By Timothy R. Homan Nov. 6 (Bloomberg) — The unemployment rate in the U.S. jumped to 10.2 percent in October, the highest level since 1983,

House Passes Health Care Reform

House Passes Health Care Reform

By Jason Leopold Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), who was the sponsor of an amendment that would have allowed individual states to create a single-payer system—essentially