Democrats Forcing Mandatory Health Care "Tax"

Democrats Forcing Mandatory Health Care "Tax"

By Jason Leopold Nearly a year after Democrats introduced legislation to reform the health care industry – first by flirting with the prospect of having

Los Angeles Gets Tough on Banks

Los Angeles Gets Tough on Banks

By Rachel Beck The city of Los Angeles is putting banks it does business with on the spot. The unanimous directive coming from the city

Monthly Carload Declines Slow in February 2010

Monthly Carload Declines Slow in February 2010

Click for larger chart The Association of American Railroads (AAR) today reported that in February 2010, U.S. freight railroads saw a 1.5 percent decline in

The Color of Money

The Color of Money

By: Corey Pein Within a month of becoming president of the Santa Fe-based Permaculture Credit Union—a unique financial institution based, as the name suggests, on

U.S. Sales Tax Rates Hit Record High

U.S. Sales Tax Rates Hit Record High

By William P. Barrett While President Obama’s push to raise federal income taxes for the wealthy gets lots of attention, the continuing upward creep in

Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's Sued

Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's Sued

Connecticut’s attorney general sued Moody’s Investors Service and Standard & Poor’s over ratings the firms issued on risky investments. In the civil lawsuit filed Wednesday,

US Feb Budget Deficit = $221 Billion

US Feb Budget Deficit = $221 Billion

By Vincent Del Giudice The U.S. budget deficit widened to a record in February as the government boosted spending to help revive the economy. The

A Boycott by Any Other Name …(again)

A Boycott by Any Other Name …(again)

By James Bowen, National Chairperson of the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign By James Bowen, National Chairperson of the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign In the late 19th century,

3D Television Coming

3D Television Coming

Photograph: 20th Century Fox By Andrew Clark and Zoe Wood Korean company Samsung kicks off the industry-wide push by launching a 3D range that will

Greywater – Eric Broberg

Greywater – Eric Broberg

Bay Area permaculture designer Eric Broberg explains the need for greywater and gives a walk-through of one of the systems he has installed in Oakland.

"In From the Internet"

"In From the Internet"

Heidi is the proprietor of a bar in Detroit. She realizes that virtually all of her customers are unemployed alcoholics and, as such, can no

“In From the Internet”

“In From the Internet”

Heidi is the proprietor of a bar in Detroit. She realizes that virtually all of her customers are unemployed alcoholics and, as such, can no

The Swaps That Swallowed Your Town

The Swaps That Swallowed Your Town

By Gretchen Morgenson As more details surface about how derivatives helped Greece and perhaps other countries mask their debt loads, let’s not forget that the

Changing Our Lifestyle

Changing Our Lifestyle

By Megan Quinn Bachman …The good news is that it hasn’t been all hard times for these lifestyle leaders. Many changes have made their lives

Icelanders Reject Bank Bailout

Icelanders Reject Bank Bailout

By Anthony Faiola Icelanders this weekend resoundingly rejected a plan to reimburse overseas depositors after the failure of an online Icelandic bank, a rare public

Corporate Crime Data

Corporate Crime Data

By Gary Null So, here is the raw data. The next time you see the head of one of these private corporations appearing as an

How Facebook Was Founded

How Facebook Was Founded

By Nicholas Carlson The origins of Facebook have been in dispute since the very week a 19-year-old Mark Zuckerberg launched the site as a Harvard

"By a Solari Reader"

"By a Solari Reader"

Mish Shedlock has another story out about how government is broke and union workers are selfishly asking for pay raises in the face of these

“By a Solari Reader”

“By a Solari Reader”

Mish Shedlock has another story out about how government is broke and union workers are selfishly asking for pay raises in the face of these

The Census of Agriculture

The Census of Agriculture

From the Introduction: The 2008 Organic Production Survey (OPS) is a follow-on survey to the 2007 Census of Agriculture. It is the first organic production

IBM Awarded Census Bureau Contract

IBM Awarded Census Bureau Contract

The U.S. Census Bureau has awarded IBM (NYSE: IBM) Global Business Services a contract to provide data tabulation and dissemination services in support of the

How Big Is Big Government?

How Big Is Big Government?

By Jon Rapppoport MARCH 4, 2010. A week ago, I wrote and emailed and posted this article. Since then, I’ve had time to reflect further,

Qwest CEO Threatened With Repercussions

Qwest CEO Threatened With Repercussions

By Wayne Madsen WMR has learned from sources who worked in senior positions for the telecommunications company Qwest that its former chairman and CEO, Joseph

Confidence In Economy Is Low

Confidence In Economy Is Low

Views of the country’s short- and long-term economic future are gloomier these days than they have been at any time since President Obama took office

Germany: A Major Victory For Privacy

Germany: A Major Victory For Privacy

By Scribe Yesterday, there was a major victory for privacy.  Unfortunately, it was not in the US.  The German Constitutional Court threw out as unconstitutional

Opting Out of the Big Bank Fiasco

Opting Out of the Big Bank Fiasco

By Mayuri Onerheim The Rolling Stone March 2009 issue had an article by Matt Taibbi called Wall Street’s Bailout Hustle in which he likens the

Introducing LittleSis

Introducing LittleSis

LittleSis styles itself as: We bring transparency to influential social networks by tracking the key relationships of politicians, corporate executives, lobbyists, financiers, and their affiliated

Richard Dolan

Richard Dolan

One of the challenges of learning about the UFO phenomenon is finding an overview which is both thorough and intellectually rigorous. Richard Dolan has done

9/11 Truth Press Conference

9/11 Truth Press Conference

See also at YouTube: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Press Conference AE 9/11 Truth Press Conference Q & A Session PT 1-2 AE 9/11

Internet – Regulation Coming?

Internet – Regulation Coming?

By Kieren McCarthy The US government’s policy of leaving the Internet alone is over, according to Obama’s top official at the Department of Commerce. Instead,

"Time to Turn the Clock to Zero?"

"Time to Turn the Clock to Zero?"

Sting and Dominic – Brand New Day – Acoustic Version YouTube Information about Sting at Wikipedia Visit Sting Website Lyrics:

“Time to Turn the Clock to Zero?”

“Time to Turn the Clock to Zero?”

Sting and Dominic – Brand New Day – Acoustic Version YouTube Information about Sting at Wikipedia Visit Sting Website Lyrics:

A Simple, Healing Mountain Cottage

A Simple, Healing Mountain Cottage

Denise Franklin needed a healing place. She’d been through a major illness (more than 20 years earlier doctors had told her she had six months

Is Your Gold At An LBMA Bank?

Is Your Gold At An LBMA Bank?

By Adrian Douglas Recently I have written several articles that have discussed how much “paper gold” has been sold, principally through the unallocated accounts of

Massive Earthquake Hits Chile

Massive Earthquake Hits Chile

By Jose Luis Saavedra One of the world’s most powerful earthquakes in a century battered Chile on Saturday, killing at least 214 people, knocking down

What Are Banks Doing With Our Money?

What Are Banks Doing With Our Money?

By James Turk Instead of depositor money being used to stimulate economic activity in the private sector by lending to businesses and consumers, the banks

"European Union Squabbles"

"European Union Squabbles"

Continue reading Who Are You Mr President? Nigel Farage Asks Van Rompuy Related reading: Nigel Farage Insults EU President Herman Van Rompu TimesOnLine (25 Feb

“European Union Squabbles”

“European Union Squabbles”

Related reading: Nigel Farage Insults EU President Herman Van Rompu TimesOnLine (25 Feb 10) Europe Chooses a President Stratfor (20 Nov 09) Herman Van Rompuy:

Norway Does It Their Way

Norway Does It Their Way

By Matthew Futterman and Kevin Helliker Vancouver, British Columbia Norway’s Olympic team has won a surprising 17 medals in Vancouver so far, enough to place

Administration to Stop Foreclosures ?

Administration to Stop Foreclosures ?

By Dawn Kopecki The Obama administration may expand efforts to ease the housing crisis by banning all foreclosures on home loans unless they have been

Senate Votes to Extend Patriot Act

Senate Votes to Extend Patriot Act

Democrats have retreated from adding new privacy protections to the primary U.S counterterrorism law, stymied by Senate Republicans who argued the changes would weaken terror

Sultans of Swap

Sultans of Swap

by Gordon T Long The Bond Vigilantes are dead – RIP – Long Live the Sultans of Swap Every parent has had that moment when

Silver and Gold Critics Win CFTC Hearing

Silver and Gold Critics Win CFTC Hearing

When the US commodities regulator sought public input last year on a plan to damp oil speculation, most of the hundreds of missives it received

Fannie, Freddie Post Losses on Tax Credit Writedowns

Fannie, Freddie Post Losses on Tax Credit Writedowns

By Dawn Kopecki Feb. 24 (Bloomberg) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage-finance companies under government control, are reporting fourth-quarter losses after writing down the

IMF Floats Capital Controls Trial Ballon

IMF Floats Capital Controls Trial Ballon

Global Crisis Leads I.M.F Experts to Rethink Long-Held Ideas New York Times (21 Feb 10) WASHINGTON — The International Monetary Fund has long preached the

The Financial Crisis in Greece

The Financial Crisis in Greece

Fed Probes Goldman Role in Greek Crisis Financial Times (25 Feb 10) Bernanke Probing Goldman’s Dealings with Greece MarketWatch (25 Feb 10) London Firm Was

IRS Has Its Eye on Wisconsin Fund's Gains

IRS Has Its Eye on Wisconsin Fund's Gains

Pensions & Investments (11 Jan 10) The Internal Revenue Service wants to tax the State of Wisconsin Investment Board some $40 million, including interest, to

IRS Has Its Eye on Wisconsin Fund’s Gains

IRS Has Its Eye on Wisconsin Fund’s Gains

Pensions & Investments (11 Jan 10) The Internal Revenue Service wants to tax the State of Wisconsin Investment Board some $40 million, including interest, to

Conning the Climate

Conning the Climate

No, it’s not abstract, up there in the clouds!” exclaimed Talita Beck. “I can see it. I can measure it.” We were talking about carbon

The Middle Class Two Income Trap

The Middle Class Two Income Trap

Two Breadwinners plus Extra Money to support the Banking Industry. How Middle Class Americans are losing Ground by Supporting the Financial Sector. MyBudget 360 (19

Gold War: Gold is Money and Nothing Else

Gold War: Gold is Money and Nothing Else

By Paul Mylchreest (12 Nov 07) THESIS: The biggest credit bubble in modern history is showing signs of unraveling in the US. Debt/credit expansion brings

Disaster Capitalism is Green

Disaster Capitalism is Green

The Economist (8 Feb 10) THERE was a time when conservation meant keeping people away from nature. America’s system of national parks, a model for

Ron Paul Wins CPAC Presidential Straw

Ron Paul Wins CPAC Presidential Straw

Talk about your political upsets. Texas Rep. Ron Paul, hero of a fervant band of libertarians, unexpectedly won the presidential straw poll at the Conservative

Class Warfare's Next Target: 401(k) Savings

Class Warfare's Next Target: 401(k) Savings

By Newt Gingrich and Peter Ferrara You did the responsible thing. You saved in your IRA or 401(k) to support your retirement, when you could

Tesla Motors Execs Die in Plane Crash

Tesla Motors Execs Die in Plane Crash

Tesla Motors, makers of sporty electrical cars, filed their registration statement on January 29th to go public with a $100 million offering through Goldman Sachs,