StartPage ~ Search the Web Privately

StartPage ~ Search the Web Privately

In last week’s Solari Report, Catherine interviewed author and  privacy expert, Katherine Albrecht. During the interview, Katherine mentioned a search engine that serves to protect

Faking Mental Illnesses

Faking Mental Illnesses

Nearly 700,000 prescriptions for atypical antipsychotics were dispensed for kids under 13 last year. The changes being proposed for the manual of mental illness—whose sales

Goldman Testifies

Goldman Testifies

Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, testifies before a Senate subcommittee today on the role his and other investment banks played in triggering

U.S. Accuses Goldman Sachs of Fraud

U.S. Accuses Goldman Sachs of Fraud

By Louise Story and Gretchen Morgenson Goldman Sachs, which emerged relatively unscathed from the financial crisis, was accused of securities fraud in a civil suit filed

Goldman's E-Mails

Goldman's E-Mails

New York Times (25 Apr 10) Description: The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released e-mail messages on Saturday from Goldman Sachs executives that discussed the

Goldman’s E-Mails

Goldman’s E-Mails

New York Times (25 Apr 10) Description: The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released e-mail messages on Saturday from Goldman Sachs executives that discussed the

Goldman Sachs Leaders

Goldman Sachs Leaders

Lloyd C. Blankfein – Director since April 2003 John H. Bryan – Director since November 1999 Gary D. Cohn – Director since June 2006 Claes

More Reasons to Love Men

More Reasons to Love Men

Percentage of men who currently own a pet: 78% Animal the average guy is most likely to keep around: Dog Percentage of men who say

The GMO Food Database

The GMO Food Database

You want to know for which food products or plants gene technology plays a role? Plants Foodstuffs Ingredients and additives Additives according to E numbers

More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship

More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship

By Brian Knowlton Amid mounting frustration over taxation and banking problems, small but growing numbers of overseas Americans are taking the weighty step of renouncing

Corporations Get a Free Ride

Corporations Get a Free Ride

By: Gordon T Long This alarming chart suggests one or more of three possibilities: There is no relationship between corporate taxes and GDP. Corporate pretax

How Goldman Sachs Sc***ed Ghana

How Goldman Sachs Sc***ed Ghana

Goldman Sachs, the global financial institution, with fraud allegations levied against it has a long history of setting up its clients for a fall…and making

Serious Concerns re: Internet Freedom

Serious Concerns re: Internet Freedom

Negotiations on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) resumed last week in Wellington, New Zealand, with Canada, the United States, the European Union, and a handful

The Homeowners Behind the Goldman Deal

The Homeowners Behind the Goldman Deal

By Carrick Mollenkamp, Mark Whitehouse, Anton Troianovski Aberdeen Township, N.J. — The government’s civil-fraud allegation against Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS, News) Group Inc. centers on

Corrupted Infant Vaccine

Corrupted Infant Vaccine

“U.S. federal health authorities recommended … that doctors suspend using Rotarix, one of two vaccines licensed in the U.S. against rotavirus, saying the vaccine is

A New Course on Logic from Jon Rappoport

A New Course on Logic from Jon Rappoport

By Jon Rappoport I have received MANY inquiries about my new course. People have asked me for an outline or syllabus of the course. So

Small Towns Take On the Energy Giants

Small Towns Take On the Energy Giants

By Ralph Diermann After selling off their electricity and gas networks to large energy corporations in the early 1990s, small towns in Germany are now

Announcing ProFounder

Announcing ProFounder

What we do… ProFounder is a new crowdfunding platform for U.S. entrepreneurs to raise capital from their communities to start or grow a business. On

Chart of the Day ~ Goldman Sachs Abacus Deal

Chart of the Day ~ Goldman Sachs Abacus Deal

Now YOU Can Understand How The Goldman Abacus Deal Worked Confused about this Goldman Sachs (GS) Abacus deal you’ve been hearing about? Don’t be. It’s

Monsanto Under Investigation by 7 States

Monsanto Under Investigation by 7 States

By Alison Fitzgerald March 10 (Bloomberg)—At least seven U.S. state attorneys general are investigating whether Monsanto Co., the world’s largest seed producer, has abused its

Oil Blast Contagion

Oil Blast Contagion

We seem to have an epidemic of oil and gas blasts: 11 Missing After Louisiana Oil Blast (23 Apr 10) FACTBOX-Iraq-Turkey Crude Pipeline Blast

Federal Health Care Nullification Act

Federal Health Care Nullification Act

The following is Tenth Amendment Center approved legislation to nullify federal overreach into the health care industry. Activists, we encourage you to send this to

Women Food and God

Women Food and God

I finished Geneen Roth’s new book Women Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Anything this weekend. This is a beautifully written, inspiring book.

Jim Johnson, Goldman Sachs Director

Jim Johnson, Goldman Sachs Director

Jim Johnson played an interesting role in the pump and dump of the American economy. He launched the pump as Chairman of Fannie Mae and

The Rats Are Jumping Ship….

The Rats Are Jumping Ship….

By Jake Tapper In my EXCLUSIVE “This Week” interview, I asked former President Bill Clinton if he thought he got bad advice on regulating complex

Goldman Director Rajat Gupta to Leave

Goldman Director Rajat Gupta to Leave

By Susan Pulliam Rajat Gupta told Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in March he wouldn’t stand for re-election as a director, after receiving notice from prosecutors

Goldman & Mortgage Market Fraud

Goldman & Mortgage Market Fraud

The SEC’s complaint against Goldman Sachs (See U.S. Accuses Goldman Sachs of Fraud) is not the first time that Goldman has been investigated for mortgage

Goldman & Mortgage Market Fraud

Goldman & Mortgage Market Fraud

The SEC’s complaint against Goldman Sachs (See U.S. Accuses Goldman Sachs of Fraud) is not the first time that Goldman has been investigated for mortgage

Iceland Volcano Spews More Ash

Iceland Volcano Spews More Ash

BY Larry Mcshane The great Icelandic ash plume cast its devastating shadow over international air traffic again Saturday, grounding millions of global travelers – including

Making A Bit Of Me

Making A Bit Of Me

Illustration by David Simonds The great hope of transplant surgeons is that they will, one day, be able to order replacement body parts on demand.

Paulson Inadvertently Kills Gold

Paulson Inadvertently Kills Gold

We aren’t going to bother telling you the news on Goldman Sachs being charged by the SEC with fraud over mortgage products.  The notion that

Unanswered Questions About Chemtrails

Unanswered Questions About Chemtrails

On this week’s Solari Report, a special report by Catherine Austin Fitts on chemtrails, the spraying program going on in the skies overhead America and



From Wikipedia: In nanotechnology, a particle is defined as a small object that behaves as a whole unit in terms of its transport and properties.

The Boom That's Left Small Business Behind

The Boom That's Left Small Business Behind

HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! At least that’s what a recent flood of articles appearing in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Newsweek and

Jamie Oliver's 'Food Revolution'

Jamie Oliver's 'Food Revolution'

By Arun Gupta After two months, kids hated the new meals, milk consumption plummeted, and many students dropped out of the school lunch program altogether.

Jamie Oliver’s ‘Food Revolution’

Jamie Oliver’s ‘Food Revolution’

By Arun Gupta After two months, kids hated the new meals, milk consumption plummeted, and many students dropped out of the school lunch program altogether.

That's Tariffic

That's Tariffic

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c That’s Tariffic Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

That’s Tariffic

That’s Tariffic

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c That’s Tariffic Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

Arizona Goes It Alone With Tough Immigration Laws

Arizona Goes It Alone With Tough Immigration Laws

Photograph: George Steinmetz/Corbis Pro-immigration groups across the US expressed despair today after Arizona passed the toughest bills in the country which they say are aimed

Mongolia Sets $1 Billion Bond Issue

Mongolia Sets $1 Billion Bond Issue

The Wall Street Journal [Must subscribe to read full article.] By Ellen Sheng & Peter Stein HONG KONG–Mongolia plans to raise up to $1 billion

Action Alert on Senate Food Safety Bill

Action Alert on Senate Food Safety Bill

Following is an Action Alert originating from the Weston Price Foundation: The U.S. Senate is expected to vote on a sweeping overhaul of the food

Liquid Investments!

Liquid Investments!

For the ultimate in liquid investments, try top-quality wine, which has outperformed one benchmark U.S. stock index for 13 years and withstood two recessions. That’s

Oregon Weatherman Describes Chemtrails

Oregon Weatherman Describes Chemtrails

Continue reading KTVL Weather – Kevin Lollis – Chemtrails Catherine Austin Fitts’ Blog Commentaries A Solari Report Special with Clifford Carnicom (2 June 10) More

IRS Audits Of Large Corporations Decline

IRS Audits Of Large Corporations Decline

Despite a growing federal deficit, IRS audit efforts aimed at the nation’s largest corporations have precipitously declined in the last few years and now are

Tent Cities in America

Tent Cities in America

The National Coalition for the Homeless is working to bring about social change through advocacy, education, and community organizing. This report seeks to address these

The Garden

The Garden

“You don’t understand, there’s MONEY involved in this!” Watch the trailer. . . “Middle of downtown Los Angeles, 13 acres, people growing food.” It was

Constituent Services

Constituent Services

Do you feel Members of Congress should be forced to enroll themselves in the health care plan they vote for? YES––NO

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

QUESTION I listened to you on Alex Jones recently and I was wondering where I could go to learn the spiritual warfare techniques you spoke

Tea Party 48% Obama 44%

Tea Party 48% Obama 44%

On major issues, 48% of voters say that the average Tea Party member is closer to their views than President Barack Obama. The latest Rasmussen

It IS Spring!

It IS Spring!

By Anais Starr I found a booklet online—The War Garden Victorious—by Charles Lathrop Pack. The image here is just one of the posters produced during

Congress Aims to Destroy More Small Farms

Congress Aims to Destroy More Small Farms

By Jean Spencer Congress’s food-safety fight is nearing an end but small farmers still have a bone to pick with the legislation. The Senate version

Rubin And Prince Spin (Again and Again…)

Rubin And Prince Spin (Again and Again…)

By Alan Portner Former Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and former Citigroup CEO Charles Prince testified Thursday before a federal panel on Capitol Hill. The

BMG Says Scotia Vault Is Safe & Sound

BMG Says Scotia Vault Is Safe & Sound

Nick Barisheff, President & CEO Bullion Management Group Inc, on Financial Sense Newshour explains why BMG stored bullion at ScotiaMocatta Bullion Vault is safe &

BMG Says Scotia Vault Is Safe & Sound

BMG Says Scotia Vault Is Safe & Sound

Nick Barisheff, President & CEO Bullion Management Group Inc, on Financial Sense Newshour explains why BMG stored bullion at ScotiaMocatta Bullion Vault is safe &



By Michael J. Murphy Geo-engineers gathered once again near Monterey California at the Asilomar International Conference on Climate Intervention Technologies meeting to develop norms and

Review of FBAR Regulations

Review of FBAR Regulations

March 2010 The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Notice 2010-23 and Announcement 2010-16 (collectively, the “IRS Guidance”) regarding Form TD F 90-22.1, Report of Foreign

Court of Appeals Says Forget Net Neutrality

Court of Appeals Says Forget Net Neutrality

By Mike Zapler and Mike Swift Intervening in a high-stakes battle over regulation of Web traffic, a U.S. appeals court issued a ruling Tuesday that

Murphy Rebuts Gold Lending

Murphy Rebuts Gold Lending

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold: The Huffington Post has posted an essay by GATA Chairman Bill Murphy in reply to an essay by banker

A Solari Report – Census Fines

A Solari Report – Census Fines

Introduction In our previous blog article about the census A Solari Report— The 2010 Census, we indicated that under 13 U.S. Code § 221, failure

Food Stamp Usage Hits Record 39 Million

Food Stamp Usage Hits Record 39 Million

By Mish Food stamp usage is up again except the program is now called SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Inquiring minds are looking at a

Obama Limits When U.S. Would Use Nuclear Arms

Obama Limits When U.S. Would Use Nuclear Arms

By David Sanger and Peter Baker President Obama said Monday that he was revamping American nuclear strategy to substantially narrow the conditions under which the