Germans Buying Gold

Germans Buying Gold

By Jack Farchy At the Rand refinery in South Africa, the phone has not stopped ringing this week. Panicking German dealers and banks have been

SRI Demands on Goldman

SRI Demands on Goldman

By Robert Kropp The impact on investors of the business operations of corporations has been receiving unprecedented attention lately, in the aftermath of charges by

Complete Idiot's Guide to 2012

Complete Idiot's Guide to 2012

By ND, Dr. Synthia Andrews, Colin Andrews I have tried on numerous occasions to sort out what the hullabaloo about 2012 is all about. A

Complete Idiot’s Guide to 2012

Complete Idiot’s Guide to 2012

By ND, Dr. Synthia Andrews, Colin Andrews I have tried on numerous occasions to sort out what the hullabaloo about 2012 is all about. A

Kagan Goes to Bat for Monsanto

Kagan Goes to Bat for Monsanto

By Joshua Frank Alfalfa is the fourth largest crop grown in the United States and Monsanto wants to control it. On April 27, the Supreme

Gulf Oil Spill To Reach Shore in Next Few Days

Gulf Oil Spill To Reach Shore in Next Few Days

As the nation’s leading scientific resource for oil spills, NOAA has been on the scene of the Deepwater Horizon spill from the start, providing coordinated

Gulf Oil Spill

Gulf Oil Spill

YouTube How about using the hay idea (below from CWRoberts) and other low tech ideas to help? Time for enlisting the fisherman and farmers on

Depaving Portland

Depaving Portland

Continue reading Depaving Portland Related reading Depaving Day! StreetFilms

Morgan Stanley Whac-a-Mole

Morgan Stanley Whac-a-Mole

Last night minutes after midnight, the WSJ announces that federal prosecutors are investigating Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley’s new CEO Jamie Gorman was in Tokyo. According

Gold Price in Euros

Gold Price in Euros

View Larger Chart Continue reading The Ultimate Rejection Of The Euro

Senate Approves Incomplete Audit of Fed

Senate Approves Incomplete Audit of Fed

By Victorial McGrane and Michael R. Crittenden The Senate adopted an amendment Tuesday to the financial-overhaul bill that would boost transparency of the Federal Reserve’s

David Cameron PM Statement

David Cameron PM Statement

YouTube Related reading: David Cameron Enters No10 as Prime Minister ITN (12 May 10) General Election 2010: Timeline of The Day David Cameron Became Prime

Growing Number of Earthquakes

Growing Number of Earthquakes

View larger chart at USGS Earthquakes website View larger chart at USGS Earthquakes website Establishment date for HAARP: 1983

40 Million Americans on Food Stamps

40 Million Americans on Food Stamps

By Charles Abbott Nearly 40 million Americans received food stamps — the latest in an ever-higher string of record enrollment that dates from December 2008

UK FSA & FINRA Whack Goldman Stock Some More

UK FSA & FINRA Whack Goldman Stock Some More

Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. disclosed Monday that it has received notices of investigations from FINRA and from the United Kingdom Financial Services Authority regarding its

UK FSA & FINRA Whack Goldman Stock Some More

UK FSA & FINRA Whack Goldman Stock Some More

Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. disclosed Monday that it has received notices of investigations from FINRA and from the United Kingdom Financial Services Authority regarding its

Swine Flu: What Happened?

Swine Flu: What Happened?

Swine flu kept the world in suspense for almost a year. A massive vaccination campaign was mounted to put a stop to the anticipated pandemic.

Open Letter to EU Heads of State

Open Letter to EU Heads of State

Did you know that Greece alone has 14 times as much gold per capita as China? Do you realize that your “PIGS” actually have the

Lying to Cut Retirement Benefits

Lying to Cut Retirement Benefits

Continue reading U.S. Retirement Benefits To Be Cut? Continue reading Campaign to Cut Entitlements Picking Up in U.S. Did you notice they did not suggest

Unemployed for Over 27 Weeks

Unemployed for Over 27 Weeks

Chart of the Day: No Green Shoots at All for the Long-Term Unemployed We saw this coming long ago. Some wonderful people warned us and

Spanking Buffett

Spanking Buffett

Last weekend at the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting, Goldman Sachs preferred stock investor Warren Buffet made a big deal about supporting Goldman Chairman and CEO

Former CEO of Iceland’s Kaupthing in Custody

Former CEO of Iceland’s Kaupthing in Custody

Former CEO of the Icelandic bank Kaupthing, Hreidar Már Sigurdsson, was given a 12-day custody sentence in Reykjavík District Court today at the request of

GS&Co-SEC Talk Settlement

GS&Co-SEC Talk Settlement

By Susan Pulliam and Susanne Craig Sides Remain Far Apart as Criminal Probe, Deal Structure Pose Hurdles; Shareholder Meeting Today Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE:

GS&Co-SEC Talk Settlement

GS&Co-SEC Talk Settlement

By Susan Pulliam and Susanne Craig Sides Remain Far Apart as Criminal Probe, Deal Structure Pose Hurdles; Shareholder Meeting Today Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE:

Wealth And Inequality In America

Wealth And Inequality In America

Inequality is worst around Wall Street and Oil Land Continue reading 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America

Homes Priced In Gold Down 75%

Homes Priced In Gold Down 75%

Today’s chart presents the median single-family home price divided by the price of one ounce of gold. This results in the home / gold ratio

Dow Closes Down $347.80

Dow Closes Down $347.80

“Heard of the lone assassin? Or the lone trader? Or the lone computer “glitch.” Get ready for the lone typo.” – ~Catherine Austin Fitts –

Swiss Meeting to Debate Global Reform

Swiss Meeting to Debate Global Reform

Switzerland will host a forum of bankers and policymakers next month to discuss strengthening the global monetary system after the financial crisis, the Swiss central

Thumbing Down on Blankfein

Thumbing Down on Blankfein

The Wall Street Journal speculated today on the possibility that Blankfein will not make it as Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs. See “What-Ifs for

'Long-term Harm' Too Much TV For Toddlers

'Long-term Harm' Too Much TV For Toddlers

The study of 1,300 children by Michigan and Montreal universities found negative effects on older children rose with every hour of toddler TV. Performance at

‘Long-term Harm’ Too Much TV For Toddlers

‘Long-term Harm’ Too Much TV For Toddlers

The study of 1,300 children by Michigan and Montreal universities found negative effects on older children rose with every hour of toddler TV. Performance at

A Home in New Zealand

A Home in New Zealand

Some wonderful friends of mine are selling their estate in New Zealand, north of Auckland. If you are looking to get away from it all,

I Voted Today

I Voted Today

I voted today in the Democratic Primary for local offices in Hardeman County, Tennessee. (No, I am not a registered Democrat. Don’t need to be

Exchange Stabilization Fund

Exchange Stabilization Fund

One of my favorite money laundering stories is told by Christopher Simpson, in his marvelous book Blowback, regarding one of the first Exchange Stabilization Fund

U.S. Role in Mortgage Market Grows Even Larger

U.S. Role in Mortgage Market Grows Even Larger

By Nick Timiraos The U.S. government’s massive share of the nation’s mortgage market grew even larger during the first quarter. Government-related entities backed 96.5% of

2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

By Times-Picayune Staff What’s going on beneath the sea? A graphic explanation of the fight to shut off the oil leak.t Continue reading 2010 Gulf

The Big Alienation

The Big Alienation

By Peggy Noonan We are at a remarkable moment. We have an open, 2,000-mile border to our south, and the entity with the power to

Action Alert – Codex Conference

Action Alert – Codex Conference

This is a grave threat to the Non-GMO Tipping Point—We must push back now! Please send this URGENT message to US Government leaders to protect

"From a Reader: Go to the Appeal Courts!"

"From a Reader: Go to the Appeal Courts!"

Dear Catherine: I have followed your work for many years and appreciate the service that you have performed in presenting the information and analysis. It

“From a Reader: Go to the Appeal Courts!”

“From a Reader: Go to the Appeal Courts!”

Dear Catherine: I have followed your work for many years and appreciate the service that you have performed in presenting the information and analysis. It



Autism360 is a unique tool which provides an accurate report that captures the details of your child’s or your own individuality and offers treatment options

Halliburton In Spotlight In Gulf Spill Probe

Halliburton In Spotlight In Gulf Spill Probe

By Margot Roosevelt Investigators look at the company’s role in cementing the deepwater drill hole in the Gulf of Mexico. Transocean and BP also face

More on Gulf Oil Spill

More on Gulf Oil Spill

By Allen Breed and Seth Borenstein BP’s chairman defended his company’s safety record and said Sunday that “a failed piece of equipment” was to blame

“Policing for Profit”

“Policing for Profit”

By John E. Kramer Arlington, Va.—It’s called policing for profit and it’s happening all across America. Police and prosecutors’ offices seize private property—often without ever

Bet Against the American Dream

Bet Against the American Dream

From This American Life ~ WBEZ PROLOGUE. Ira talks about a friend who for years had a very trusted business partner and bookkeeper, until one

Staying Home!

Staying Home!

Continue reading YouTube Video The storms rolled through flooding parts of Tennessee this weekend. I was planning on driving to Nashville to join friends at

Pricing Goldman Allegations

Pricing Goldman Allegations

On April 15th, Goldman Sachs common equity closed at $184. On April 16th, after the SEC announced that it was bringing a civil complaint against

Genome Personalized Medicine Sequencing 

Genome Personalized Medicine Sequencing 

By Emily Singer The select few who have had their genomes sequenced learn to use that information for health care. Several months after deciphering his

Million's May Lose Jobless Benefits

Million's May Lose Jobless Benefits

By Brian Faler Since the U.S. recession began in December 2007, Congress has extended the length of unemployment benefits for the jobless three times. Now,

Million’s May Lose Jobless Benefits

Million’s May Lose Jobless Benefits

By Brian Faler Since the U.S. recession began in December 2007, Congress has extended the length of unemployment benefits for the jobless three times. Now,

Planned Economy, Privacy Problems

Planned Economy, Privacy Problems

By Jim Harper The financial regulation the Senate is debating may undo your financial privacy. If someone asked you what’s wrong with a planned economy,

Where There Is No Doctor

Where There Is No Doctor

By David Werner with Carol Thuman and Jan Maxwell This handbook has been written primarily for those who live far from medical centers, in places

The Horse Boy

The Horse Boy

Continue reading The Horse Boy Movie – Trailer



– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Kathryn

Goldman Whac-A-Mole

Goldman Whac-A-Mole

By Catherine Austin Fitts It makes sense to pause in the outpouring of news about Goldman Sachs to ponder what has happened and the nature

USA "Obstruction of Justice"

USA "Obstruction of Justice"

YouTube Video By J.D. Tuccille “Was that a threat?” That’s how U.S. border guards at the Lewiston Bridge border crossing responded to a Canadian shopper

USA “Obstruction of Justice”

USA “Obstruction of Justice”

YouTube Video By J.D. Tuccille “Was that a threat?” That’s how U.S. border guards at the Lewiston Bridge border crossing responded to a Canadian shopper

Greek Bonds Reach All-time Highs

Greek Bonds Reach All-time Highs

The premium investors seek to hold Greek debt has soared today following a day when Standard and Poor’s downgraded Greek’s credit rating to junk status.

GM Crops Go to US High Court

GM Crops Go to US High Court

By Matthew Berger The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday in its first-ever case involving genetically modified crops. The decision in this case may