Swine Flu Review

Swine Flu Review

The Case for Reforming U.S. Emergency Health Laws INTRODUCTION I. The 2009-2010 swine flu pandemic is officially over, but many serious risks remain–not so much

Catherine on Food Freedom

Catherine on Food Freedom

The Alex Jones Show August 24, 2010 YouTube Continue viewing Part 2 and 3: Catherine Austin Fitts: We Must be Self-Sufficient 2/3 Catherine Austin Fitts:

Stefan Molyneux w/Max

Stefan Molyneux w/Max

YouTube On the Edge with Stefan Molyneux (2/3) On the Edge with Stefan Molyneux (3/3)

Directed Energy Weapons in Use in Prison

Directed Energy Weapons in Use in Prison

Participatory journalism taken to the extreme. The reporters standing in front of me in line shouted in agony and crumpled in pain as the laser

Actual Troop Levels

Actual Troop Levels

Based on the best figures we can find, here is a chart of the actual troop levels in Iraq and Afghanistan. Non-mercenary troop levels in

ShoreBank (Chicago) Closed By FDIC

ShoreBank (Chicago) Closed By FDIC

By James Sterngold ShoreBank Corp., the unprofitable Chicago lender operating under a Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. cease-and-desist order for 13 months, will be shut by

Dirt! The Movie

Dirt! The Movie

YouTube Dirt! The Movie was inspired by William Bryant Logan’s book DIRT: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth. It connects our deepest positive multi-denominational religious

Retirement Fund Withdrawals Rise in Downturn

Retirement Fund Withdrawals Rise in Downturn

* Fidelity exec: Savers tap funds to avoid foreclosure * Record levels of hardship withdrawals, loans * 401(k) balances slipped in Q2 as stock market

Resource Demand Spurs M&A Deal Surge

Resource Demand Spurs M&A Deal Surge

By Javier Blas and William MacNamara The rise of China and India has sparked a renewed surge in aggressive dealmaking in the resources sector, with

Resource Demand Spurs M&A Deal Surge

Resource Demand Spurs M&A Deal Surge

By Javier Blas and William MacNamara The rise of China and India has sparked a renewed surge in aggressive dealmaking in the resources sector, with

Soros Slashes US Equities

Soros Slashes US Equities

George Soros has slashed the amount of money he is willing to gamble on the fortunes of the US stock market in the second quarter

U.S. Ends Combat Operations in Iraq

U.S. Ends Combat Operations in Iraq

Near the Iraq-Kuwait border — The last U.S. combat troops were crossing the border into Kuwait on Thursday morning, bringing to a close the active

The Safest Cities For Children

The Safest Cities For Children

Research By: Lisa Lombardi Some places are just too dangerous for children: crocodile ponds, stores that sell barbed wire, Jacksonville. . . . Okay, the

Financing Farming in the U.S.

Financing Farming in the U.S.

Financing Farming in The U.S.(PDF) INTRODUCTION A member of our network asked me to read and comment on a new study, “Financing Farming in the

The Sanders Family Most Bodacious Hoedown 2010

The Sanders Family Most Bodacious Hoedown 2010

4 September a.d. 2010, 1:00 p.m. till 10:00 p.m. Watercress Farm (Top of the World Farm) 842 Waterloo Road, Westpoint, Tennessee 38486 (between Lawrenceburg &

Confidence in US News is Rare

Confidence in US News is Rare

No more than 25% say they have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in either By Lymari Morales Americans continue to express

From Ed Steer's Gold & Silver Daily

From Ed Steer's Gold & Silver Daily

Here’s what John [Williams of Shadowstats.com] has to say about both the gold and silver price… Despite the June 28th historic high gold price of

From Ed Steer’s Gold & Silver Daily

From Ed Steer’s Gold & Silver Daily

Here’s what John [Williams of Shadowstats.com] has to say about both the gold and silver price… Despite the June 28th historic high gold price of

Prayer Actually Heals

Prayer Actually Heals

Prayer heals when it’s close-up and personal, and there’s a study to prove it. It’s not just any kind of prayer, but “proximal intercessory prayer,”

65% of Voters Are Angry About Federal Policies

65% of Voters Are Angry About Federal Policies

With midterm elections less than three months away, nearly two-out-of-three U.S. voters (65%) remain at least somewhat angry at the current policies of the federal

Peter Phillips on US Media

Peter Phillips on US Media

YouTube Related reading: ?Breakfast with Peter Phillips- Media Gate-keeper Constipation & the Solution to the Power Elite? YouTube Video ?Breakfast with Peter Phillips- The US

Elvis New Hall of Fame Exhibit

Elvis New Hall of Fame Exhibit

By  Daniel Kreps The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame will celebrate its 15th anniversary in part with a new Elvis Presley exhibit set to

Child Conflict Seems to Differ Among Nations

Child Conflict Seems to Differ Among Nations

By Robert Preidt American parents are more likely than European parents to have conflicts with their adult children, finds a new study. Researchers examined parent-adult

"Flash Crash"

"Flash Crash"

While analyzing HFT (High Frequency Trading) quote counts, we were shocked to find cases where one exchange was sending an extremely high number of quotes

“Flash Crash”

“Flash Crash”

While analyzing HFT (High Frequency Trading) quote counts, we were shocked to find cases where one exchange was sending an extremely high number of quotes

Germany To Start Onboarding "Bad Debt"

Germany To Start Onboarding "Bad Debt"

By Tyler Durden In what could be the most important news of the day, German Die Zeit reports that, in a stunning move, the EU

Professor Manuel Castells

Professor Manuel Castells

“It’s a culture of do-it-yourself, organize it yourself. It’s a new economic culture. Don’t give up the value of your life for the value of

America Is at Risk of Boiling Over

America Is at Risk of Boiling Over

Out-of-touch leaders don’t see the need to cool things off. By Peggy Noonan It is, obviously, self-referential to quote yourself, but I do it to

Google & the Profits of Evilness

Google & the Profits of Evilness

By Jessica E. Vascellaro A confidential, seven-page Google Inc. “vision statement” shows the information-age giant in a deep round of soul-searching over a basic question:

Google & the Profits of Evilness

Google & the Profits of Evilness

By Jessica E. Vascellaro A confidential, seven-page Google Inc. “vision statement” shows the information-age giant in a deep round of soul-searching over a basic question:

Ted Stevens and Sean O'Keefe in Alaska Plane Crash

Ted Stevens and Sean O'Keefe in Alaska Plane Crash

Sean O’Keefe–––––––––––––––––––Ted Stevens Former Alaska Republican Senator Ted Stevens and former NASA administrator Sean O’Keefe were among seven others on a small plane that crashed

Ted Stevens and Sean O’Keefe in Alaska Plane Crash

Ted Stevens and Sean O’Keefe in Alaska Plane Crash

Sean O’Keefe–––––––––––––––––––Ted Stevens Former Alaska Republican Senator Ted Stevens and former NASA administrator Sean O’Keefe were among seven others on a small plane that crashed

Uh Oh! – Animal "Traceability" is Back

Uh Oh! – Animal "Traceability" is Back

[More proposals and meetings in the “grind down your time and resources” mode – CAF] Come to the meeting and make your voice heard! Wednesday,

Uh Oh! – Animal “Traceability” is Back

Uh Oh! – Animal “Traceability” is Back

[More proposals and meetings in the “grind down your time and resources” mode – CAF] Come to the meeting and make your voice heard! Wednesday,

Food Inflation Coming To A Household Near You

Food Inflation Coming To A Household Near You

By Joe Weisenthal Nothing to see here, except yet another sign of the food inflation that’s the story of the moment. JPMorgan retail analyst Charles

More Wealthy Migrate South to Avoid Tax Hikes

More Wealthy Migrate South to Avoid Tax Hikes

By Hilary Johnson For years, wealthy retirees from high-tax states in the Northeast and Midwest have been streaming to sunny, low-tax Florida. That stream is

Google-Verizon Pact: It Gets Worse

Google-Verizon Pact: It Gets Worse

So Google and Verizon went public today with their “policy framework” — better known as the pact to end the Internet as we know it.

The Gulf is Fine

The Gulf is Fine

The oil well cap is fine. The relief well is fine. The new BP CEO is fine The ocean is fine. The stories about the

Matt Simmons Has Died Of A Heart Attack

Matt Simmons Has Died Of A Heart Attack

By Tyler Durden CNBC notes the apparent cause of death of the recently popular BP skeptic, and founder of oil company Simmons & Co., was

Navigate The Falling Dollar

Navigate The Falling Dollar

Related watching: Never to late to start…this one is an oldie but goodie! Navigate The Falling Dollar – Catherine Austin Fitts Catherine in Mill Valley

New IMF Strategy – Launch Of  Global Currency

New IMF Strategy – Launch Of Global Currency

By Steve Watson Highlights “potential resistance” on road from “voluntary multilateral framework” to full blown global currency. A newly published IMF strategy document calls for

Cern Scientists Plan New Atom Collider

Cern Scientists Plan New Atom Collider

Scientists behind the European atom smasher aimed at uncovering the secrets of the universe want to build an even bigger machine with partners and funds

Fed Mortgage Bond Trades Failing

Fed Mortgage Bond Trades Failing

By Caroline Salas and Jody Shenn For all the good the Federal Reserve’s $1.25 trillion of mortgage-bond purchases have done, they’ve also left part of

Creating Safe Places

Creating Safe Places

“Who indeed will survive as a remnant to repopulate the planet? Will it be those who have misused the planet or those who would heal

We Have a New Sheriff!

We Have a New Sheriff!

I went to the polls on Thursday. My candidate for sheriff won! The expensive negative campaigning did not work — indeed it may have even

Crack in the World

Crack in the World

Inspired by the scare stories about methane gas in the Gulf, I tracked down Hollywood’s story about nuclear explosions on the outer surface of the

My Magical Mudpacks

My Magical Mudpacks

By Catherine Austin Fitts I have learned that when I forward links to the fourth person who asked, it is time to do a blog

Online Steiner Archive

Online Steiner Archive

Modern Spiritual Science or Anthroposophy, as it has been established by Rudolf Steiner (1864-1925), presents a unique cultural and spiritual impulse in the history of

Save Money On Groceries

Save Money On Groceries

Buying in bulk and freezing or canning fruits and veggies are great ways to enjoy better food and cut your costs by up to 85

The Profits of Extinction

The Profits of Extinction

Max Keiser interviews Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Society about the economics of extinction. His example illustrates the end game and the high

The Oil Spill's Toxic Trade-off

The Oil Spill's Toxic Trade-off

By Susan Shaw Break down the oil slick, keep it off the shores: that’s grounds for pumping toxic dispersant into the Gulf, say clean-up overseers.

The Oil Spill’s Toxic Trade-off

The Oil Spill’s Toxic Trade-off

By Susan Shaw Break down the oil slick, keep it off the shores: that’s grounds for pumping toxic dispersant into the Gulf, say clean-up overseers.

Food Stamp Use Rising

Food Stamp Use Rising

By Gregory White View Larger Chart Continue reading the article . . .

U.S. To Train 3,000 Offshore IT Workers

U.S. To Train 3,000 Offshore IT Workers

By Paul McDougall Federally-backed program aims to help outsourcers in South Asia become more fluent in areas like Java programming—and the English language. Despite President

The Political Class and America Diverge

The Political Class and America Diverge

Recent polling has shown huge gaps between the Political Class and Mainstream Americans on issues ranging from immigration to health care to the virtues of