A Legal Manual for an Apocalyptic New York

A Legal Manual for an Apocalyptic New York

By William Glaberson Major disasters like terrorist attacks and mass epidemics raise confounding issues for rescuers, doctors and government officials. They also pose bewildering legal

NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Probes

NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Probes

By NASA STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) is the third mission in NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Probes program (STP). The mission, launched in October 2006, has

The Blizzard of 2011

The Blizzard of 2011

By Matt Stopera A collection of pictures from around the country of the largest snow/ice storm to hit the US in decades. View More Pictures

Decapitalizing Housing

Decapitalizing Housing

Capital is slowly withdrawing from the American housing stock. We are transitioning from a model in which most Americans think of their homes as an

Krugman on the Budget & the Red Button Problem

Krugman on the Budget & the Red Button Problem

By Paul Krugman On Friday, House Republicans unveiled their proposal for immediate cuts in federal spending. Uncharacteristically, they failed to accompany the release with a

NYSE Deal on Tuesday?

NYSE Deal on Tuesday?

By Jacob Bunge and Aaron Lucchetti Votes on Tap; Schumer Speaks Up for Big Board’s ‘Brand’ New York Stock Exchange operator NYSE Euronext and Deutsche

Imagining Life Without Fannie and Freddie

Imagining Life Without Fannie and Freddie

By Gretchen Morgenson KUDOS to Treasury and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for some straight talk about the nation’s broken mortgage system. A

Morales Flees Food Price Protests

Morales Flees Food Price Protests

Bolivian president Evo Morales has abruptly left the southern highlands city of Oruro after protesters angered by rising prices booed him and set off dynamite.

Suez Canal 101

Suez Canal 101

From Wikipedia The Suez Canal (Arabic: ???? ??????? Qan?t al-S?wais) is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

Egypt And The Pyramid of Power

Egypt And The Pyramid of Power

By Jon Rappoport January 30, 2011. It’s a grim party. People in the streets, riots, police, soldiers, and nobody seems exactly sure what it’s for.

American Workers Not Needed

American Workers Not Needed

By Robert Kuttner Once again, the job numbers are dismal. In January, the U.S. economy created just 36,000 domestic jobs, far below the roughly 145,000

P&I 1000 Statistics at a Glance

P&I 1000 Statistics at a Glance

Assets are in billions as of Sept. 30. [click on the image for a larger version] Continue reading the article . . .

Food Is the New Fashion

Food Is the New Fashion

By Martha Stewart As a professional cook, cookbook author and teacher, I have a noticed a shift in the role that food plays in our

Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs)

Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs)

By Better Health Guy In a world that is full of harmful electromagnetic fields, how to evaluate these issues and what to do about them

Rethinking Electricity

Rethinking Electricity

By Darlene Heckman Virtually all of your electronics are sucking up energy even if they’re turned off or not being used. Some of the biggest

White House Plans to Revamp Mortgage Market

White House Plans to Revamp Mortgage Market

By Nick Timiraos More than two years after the government seized Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Obama administration will recommend phasing out the housing-finance

God Bless Dennis Kucinich

God Bless Dennis Kucinich

By Ashland Current U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) today took to the floor of the House to oppose the effort to reauthorize expiring provisions of

Chambersburg Pennsylvania Declaration

Chambersburg Pennsylvania Declaration

We Declare: That the political, legal, and economic systems of the United States allow, in each generation, an elite few to impose policy and governing

The Moneychanger: Steps to Rebuilding Your Local Economy

The Moneychanger: Steps to Rebuilding Your Local Economy

P.O. Box 178 Westpoint, Tennessee 38486 www.the-moneychanger.com franklin@the-moneychanger.com (888) 218-9226 THE MONEYCHANGER’S STEPS TO REBUILDING YOUR LOCAL ECONOMY Simple, practical steps that you can take

Score One for Chrysler’s Ad Firm

Score One for Chrysler’s Ad Firm

The Chrysler 200 has arrived. Imported from Detroit. YouTube Chrysler Eminem Super Bowl Commercia (5 Feb 11)

More Americans Are Creating Their Own Jobs

More Americans Are Creating Their Own Jobs

By Los Angeles Times New job figures released Friday might have been more meager than most economists had expected, but at least one set of

The Real Skinner on GnuCash

The Real Skinner on GnuCash

By Court Skinner I’m just getting started in a new, at least to me, software for keeping track of money. The software is the open

A “Mini Katrina” in Northern New Mexico

A “Mini Katrina” in Northern New Mexico

From a Subscriber: Hi Catherine, I trust you are well. I’m still enjoying and very much impressed by your weekly Solari Reports, guests, and the

Our Inheritance: A World of Galaxies

Our Inheritance: A World of Galaxies

What happens when you point the Hubble Space Telescope to a seemingly blank patch of sky? A view that takes you to the edge of

Unemployment Continues

Unemployment Continues

By Joe Weisenthal [click on the image for a larger version] Continue reading the article . . .

Black Slams Financial Commission

Black Slams Financial Commission

Tuesday, senior S&L regulator William K. Black slammed the FCIC for failing to call out fraud. As told the Real News: • The Commission was

Scientists Under Attack

Scientists Under Attack

Genetic Engineering in The Magnetic Field of Money YouTube (23 Nov 10)

Doing It Right

Doing It Right

By Paul Ferguson A junior mining company I’ve followed for years recently announced that they were raising money.  The initial response from some investors was

Excerpt: Catherine on the Financial Coup D’Etat

Excerpt: Catherine on the Financial Coup D’Etat

Straight Talk By Adam This week’s Straight Talk contributor is Catherine Austin Fitts: investment advisor and entrepreneur. She is the founder of Solari, where she offers subscribers

Complexity And Art

Complexity And Art

There is complexity because the artist, the writer, doesn’t know why he or she is doing the work. That complexity results from a lack of

More Icelandic Bankers Arrested

More Icelandic Bankers Arrested

Iceland’s special prosecutor into the banking crisis has confirmed that raids have taken place today and that arrests have been made. The Central Bank of

Hope for 1099 Rule Revision

Hope for 1099 Rule Revision

President’s Speech Offers Hope for Some Relief; Exceptions for Rental Income Reporting Remain Vague For small businesses that were dreading the thought of having to

Updated List Of Animal Die-Offs

Updated List Of Animal Die-Offs

Here’s your list of 60+ of the recent animal die-offs.  I didn’t include the honeybees, earthworms, or most insect life, as they’re a subject all

Nanoparticles – More Terrifying Than GMO?

Nanoparticles – More Terrifying Than GMO?

The European Food Safety Authority has launched a public consultation on its draft guidance document for engineered nanomaterial (ENM) applications in food and feed. The

The Housing Bubble was Global

The Housing Bubble was Global

By Joe Weisenthal Today the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission releases its full report on the crisis. [click on the image for a larger version] Continue

So Long Facebook!

So Long Facebook!

By Catherine Austin Fitts An authorized someone from Allendale Michigan kept logging in to my Facebook space. Then I started having challenges with unauthorized posts

Desert Solitaire

Desert Solitaire

From Ed Abbey’s “Desert Solitaire” Benedicto: May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into

V for Victory

V for Victory

Continue reading the article . . .

Food Facism: The Traceability Rule Cometh

Food Facism: The Traceability Rule Cometh

By Lyndsey Layton In response to a new federal food safety law and growing consumer interest, vast amounts of new data are being generated about



“I AM” – Official Trailer In theaters: February 8th, 2011 Synopsis: I AM, a prismatic and probing exploration of our world, what’s wrong with it,

Buy Local, Surf Global – 2

Buy Local, Surf Global – 2

By Janna Irons Last year, 20-year-old Kyle Thiermann took a surf trip to Southern Chile, where he planned to spend a few weeks sampling the

The Sun Rises Two Days Early in Greenland

The Sun Rises Two Days Early in Greenland

By Daily Mail Reporter The sun over Greenland has risen two days early, baffling scientists and sparking fears that Arctic icecaps are melting faster than

Vanishing of the Bees

Vanishing of the Bees

The documentary film, Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Ellen Page, takes a piercing investigative look at the economic, political and ecological implications of the

Beauty Will Save the World

Beauty Will Save the World

by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn It is vain to affirm that which the heart does not confirm. In contrast, a work of art bears within itself its

What Great Investors Understand

What Great Investors Understand

I am convinced more than ever that over a long-period, the real safety and growth of our capital lies in honest entrepreneurship – not in

Money Supply Growth

Money Supply Growth

By Shadowstats Here we show year-to-year growth as a measure of the changing money supply. Note: A downward slope in this growth curve does not

Space, The Financial Frontier

Space, The Financial Frontier

From tourist trips to the edge of the atmosphere to satellite companies propelling products into the ether, the galactic gold rush is on. And now

Southern Europeans Are Not Lazy!

Southern Europeans Are Not Lazy!

By Gregory White While the presumption may be that southern members of the eurozone are lazy, the evidence suggests otherwise, according to Societe Generale. This

The Hu-Obama Summit

The Hu-Obama Summit

By Michael J. Green Q1: What is the significance of this summit? A1: On January 19, Presidents Barack Obama and Hu Jintao will hold their

Gold Grades and Discovery Costs

Gold Grades and Discovery Costs

By Paul Ferguson The following chart shows some long-term trends in the gold mining industry.  The grade of gold discoveries is declining while the cost

Faber on the US Dollar

Faber on the US Dollar

History has shown that giant countries on the way down are very dangerous because they are desperate. But this year the U.S. has stabilized and



Ghetto Physics Trailer Continue reading the article . . .

Excerpt: On Crashing Morgan

Excerpt: On Crashing Morgan

By Catherine Austin Fitts Solari.com investment adviser Catherine Austin Fitts tells Financial Survival Radio why the “Crash JP Morgan” (which she recommends and supports) by

Excerpt: Tapeworm Economy

Excerpt: Tapeworm Economy

Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says America has a bad case of the tapeworms: A tapeworm media and a tapeworm economy. A tapeworm, she explains, is a

Support WikiLeaks Defence Fund

Support WikiLeaks Defence Fund

WikiLeaks brings truth to the world by publishing fact-based stories without fear or favour. Our organisation exists because of the work of many volunteers who

Kitchen Gardeners: On Seeds

Kitchen Gardeners: On Seeds

Where would we be without seeds? Between a rock and hungry place, that’s where!  Despite their importance, seeds don’t get the attention or respect they

Chinese Yuan

Chinese Yuan

The yuan is, in the Chinese language, the base unit of a number of modern Chinese currencies. The distinction between yuan and renminbi is analogous

Detroit in Ruins

Detroit in Ruins

The ruined Spanish-Gothic interior of the United Artists Theater in Detroit. The cinema was built in 1928 by C Howard Crane, and finally closed in

Big Losses Prompt Fresh Look at Investment Model

Big Losses Prompt Fresh Look at Investment Model

By Paul Menchaca After suffering often staggering losses since the financial crisis shook global markets in 2008, US endowments have been forced to reassess their

Phones Providers Aim to Replace Wallets, IDs

Phones Providers Aim to Replace Wallets, IDs

For many people, smart phones are almost as indispensable as wallets. And soon, your smart phone could replace your wallet. A collection of the biggest