Wisdom from Clear Thinkers on the Way Ahead

Wisdom from Clear Thinkers on the Way Ahead

Catherine Austin Fitts understanding of the global financial system and the inner workings of the Wall Street-Washington axis are unparalleled. As the former U.S. Assistant

Let’s Make a Deal!

Let’s Make a Deal!

Obama to Nominate Panetta to Succeed Gates American Forces Press Service (27 Apr 11) WASHINGTON, April 27, 2011 – President Barack Obama intends to nominate

Storms Knock Out TVA Nuclear Units, Power Lines

Storms Knock Out TVA Nuclear Units, Power Lines

HOUSTON, April 27 (Reuters) – Severe storms and tornadoes moving through the U.S. Southeast dealt a severe blow to the Tennessee Valley Authority on Wednesday,

Apple Patent Reveals Extensive Stalking Plans

Apple Patent Reveals Extensive Stalking Plans

The spying iPhone is no accident. A recent Apple patent application reveals that the location-tracking dossiers accumulated in iPhones are to be used in apps

Factor E Farm Project

Factor E Farm Project

Video about a project that is developing do-it-yourself versions of 50 essential machines for civilization, many of which are food and agriculture-oriented: Factor E Farm

Jon Rappoport: An Artificial World

Jon Rappoport: An Artificial World

NoMoreFakeNews.com (20 Apr 2011) Futurists are inclined to predict a world in which AI (artificial intelligence) will take over a major portion of what is

The American War Machine

The American War Machine

I just finished Peter Dale Scott’s new book on the American military-industrial-intelligence establishment and its historical dependency on the global drug trade. This is essential

Silicon Valley Has an Up Year

Silicon Valley Has an Up Year

By Tom Foremski It’s taken a decade but Silicon Valley companies have climbed out of dotcom dotbomb recession and reported their most profitable year in

White House Unveils Cyber ID Proposal

White House Unveils Cyber ID Proposal

By Chris Lefkow The White House unveiled a plan on Friday designed to boost confidence and business in cyberspace through the creation of a single,

On Shunning Goldman

On Shunning Goldman

If I were managing a pension fund, I wouldn’t get within a 50 mile radius of anyone from Goldman Sachs, or their spouses, or their

Did Goldman Sachs Lie?

Did Goldman Sachs Lie?

By Leo Kolivakis If you missed CNN’s In The Arena on Thursday evening, then you missed the fireworks. Eliot Spitzer challenged investment banker Goldman Sachs:

Goldman P***s Off the “Oil Card” Riggers

Goldman P***s Off the “Oil Card” Riggers

By James Herron The world of investment bank research is more often defined by consensus rather than confrontation. Radically conflicting opinions over the outlook for

Atlas Shrugged Trailer

Atlas Shrugged Trailer

The Official Atlas Shrugged Movie Trailer. Atlas Shrugged Part 1 opens in theaters April 15th, 2011. YouTube (8 Feb 11)

Now IMF Is Warning About ETFs

Now IMF Is Warning About ETFs

By Izabella Kaminska International regulator conspiracy? Unfortunate coincidence for the ETF industry? Or are regulators finally on to something via the power of group think?

Is Sugar Toxic?

Is Sugar Toxic?

By Gary Taubes On May 26, 2009, Robert Lustig gave a lecture called “Sugar: The Bitter Truth,” which was posted on YouTube the following July.

Restoring Glass-Steagall

Restoring Glass-Steagall

H.R.1489 Latest Title: To repeal certain provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and revive the separation between commercial banking and the securities business, in the manner

Obama to Call For Broad Plan to Reduce Debt

Obama to Call For Broad Plan to Reduce Debt

By Jackie Calmes Washington — President Barack Obama will call this week for a broad plan to raise revenues and cut deficits, as the battle

Peter Thiel’s Higher Education

Peter Thiel’s Higher Education

By Sarah Lacy Thiel’s solution to opening the minds of those who can’t easily go to Harvard? Poke a small but solid hole in this

Japan – Nuclear Alert Level to 7

Japan – Nuclear Alert Level to 7

By Justin McCurry Japan is to raise the nuclear alert level at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant to a maximum seven, putting the emergency on

The Student Loan Scam

The Student Loan Scam

The Student Loan Scam: The Most Oppressive Debt in U.S. History – and How We Can Fight Back [Hardcover] Amazon.com Related reading: Student Loan Scheme

Unanswered Questions About Fukushima

Unanswered Questions About Fukushima

By Yoichi Shimatsu Confused and often conflicting reports out of Fukushima 1 nuclear plant cannot be solely the result of tsunami-caused breakdowns, bungling or miscommunication.

Food Stamp Participation Hits All-Time High

Food Stamp Participation Hits All-Time High

By Theresa McCabe New York (TheStreet) — Participation in the U.S. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, reached an

Iceland Rejects Debt Deal to Repay UK, Dutch

Iceland Rejects Debt Deal to Repay UK, Dutch

By Gudjon Helgason REYKJAVIK, Iceland — Voters in Iceland rejected a government-backed deal to repay Britain and the Netherlands for their citizens’ $5 billion worth

How to Pay No Taxes

How to Pay No Taxes

Illustration by Jennifer Daniel By Jesse Drucker For the well-off, this could be the best tax day since the early 1930s: Top tax rates on

From Afar, a Vivid Picture of Japan Crisis

From Afar, a Vivid Picture of Japan Crisis

By William J. Broad For the clearest picture of what is happening at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, talk to scientists thousands of miles

Get Ready to Thrive! Coming 11.11.11

Get Ready to Thrive! Coming 11.11.11

One Lie Hides the Truth. One Hundred Lies Become the Truth. Your World Will Never Look the Same. THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts

What is Gang Stalking?

What is Gang Stalking?

Related reading: Stalking Wikipedia COINTELPRO Wikipedia The Hidden Evil The Introvert Speaks The Professional Paranoid [Paperback] Anatomy Of A SWAT From A Lawyer’s Perspective Winter

Gold Holdings – Still Small

Gold Holdings – Still Small

[click on the image for a larger version] [click on the image for a larger version] Continue reading the article . . .

The Next Housing Shock

The Next Housing Shock

By Scott Pelley As more and more Americans face mortgage foreclosure, banks’ crucial ownership documents for the properties are often unclear and are sometimes even

Of The 1%, By The 1%, For The 1%

Of The 1%, By The 1%, For The 1%

The Fat And The Furious: The top 1 percent may have the best houses, educations, and lifestyles, says the author, but “their fate is bound

The Battle of Chernobyl

The Battle of Chernobyl

It’s a documentary which analyzes the Thursday 26th April 1986 that became a momentous date in modern history, when one of the reactors at the

April Fools Day!

April Fools Day!

The American Spectator celebrated April Fools Day by announcing that after the GOP threatened to cancel their funding, NPR replaced Bill Moyer’s show with Ann

Jobs Picture Still Dismal

Jobs Picture Still Dismal

By Joe Weisenthal [click on the image for a larger version] Continue reading the article . . .

Farm to Table: High Point Farm and Fountain House

Farm to Table: High Point Farm and Fountain House

By Abigail Jackson Fountain House is one of the world’s leading mental health organizations, providing employment, educational and housing opportunities to people living with serious

Corn Futures Up, Up and Away

Corn Futures Up, Up and Away

By Joe Weisenthal [click on the image for a larger version] Continue reading the article . . . Related reading: Wal-Mart CEO Bill Simon Expects

Why Republicans Are Acting so Crazy

Why Republicans Are Acting so Crazy

By Sam Smith Not every change in national policy and events is announced with a new conference or presidential speech. A case in point is

Wisconsin Judge Declares Union Law Not In Effect

Wisconsin Judge Declares Union Law Not In Effect

A Wisconsin judge on Thursday did what thousands of pro-union protesters and boycotting Democratic lawmakers couldn’t, forcing Republican Gov. Scott Walker to halt plans to

Farmers, Seed Sellers Sue Monsanto

Farmers, Seed Sellers Sue Monsanto

[click on the image to read OSGATA-v-Monsanto-Complaint] By Kelsey Volkmann The Public Patent Foundation, on behalf of 60 family farmers, seed businesses and organic agricultural

Silver Coin Sales Continue Rising

Silver Coin Sales Continue Rising

By Joe Weisenthal By now you know that the surge in silver prices has left gold in the dust. One reason: it’s just cheaper to

Where the Bailout Went Wrong

Where the Bailout Went Wrong

By Neil M. Barofsky Two and a half years ago, Congress passed the legislation that bailed out the country’s banks. The government has declared its

Dirty Electricity

Dirty Electricity

Dirty Electricity tells the story of Dr. Samuel Milham, the scientist who first alerted the world about the frightening link between occupational exposure to electromagnetic

GOP Shifts Strategy on Housing Market Overhaul

GOP Shifts Strategy on Housing Market Overhaul

By Alan Fram House Republicans plan to introduce eight bills on Tuesday that would each take a small step toward pushing taxpayer-backed mortgage giants Fannie

Japan Copes With 21st-century Dark Age

Japan Copes With 21st-century Dark Age

By Barbara Demick The first pitch of Japan’s baseball season has been pushed back so people don’t waste gasoline driving to games. When the season

Nuclear Situation ‘Grave’ Japan PM Warns

Nuclear Situation ‘Grave’ Japan PM Warns

Naoto Kan says the situation at disaster-hit power plant is unpredictable as officials fear breach at one reactor. Japan’s prime minister has warned the situation

The Crime Behind Hope And Change

The Crime Behind Hope And Change

By Sam Smith By the standards of the US Constitution as well as American and international law, Barack Obama is a criminal – as are