Perfect Storm Brewing

Perfect Storm Brewing

By Chuck Gibson I prefer not to spend time on short term market volatility because, well … I view short term movement as noise but

Justice Department Probing Chinese Accounting

Justice Department Probing Chinese Accounting

By Andrea Shalal-Esa and Sarah N. Lynch The Justice Department is investigating accounting irregularities at Chinese companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges, said an official

California Government Map

California Government Map

Welcome to the interactive display of California’s organizational structure, a research database designed to expose systemic inefficiency and help you visualize the scale of the

Ygrene Energy Fund consortium

Ygrene Energy Fund consortium

By a Reader Dear Catherine, I read on Sunday in the Business Section E of the Press Democrat  two articles (only one could I find online and

A Great Time in Hammonton, NJ

A Great Time in Hammonton, NJ

By Catherine Austin Fitts I spoke at the Eagle Theater in Hammonton, New Jersey last Saturday evening. If you are looking for a wonderful community

Past and Future President Putin

Past and Future President Putin

By Srdja Trifkovic Last Saturday, at United Russia’s congress, the ruling duumvirate of President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin finally ended the uncertainty

WI  Judge Patrick J – Am I Making Myself Clear

WI Judge Patrick J – Am I Making Myself Clear

By David E. Gumpert-blogmaster Those raw milk proponents advocating “teach, teach, teach” may want to enroll Wisconsin Judge Patrick J. Fiedler in their first class–in

Under Our Skin

Under Our Skin

A wonderful documentary – Under Our Skin exposes the hidden epidemic of Lyme disease and reveals how a politicized health care system fails to address

Pennies From Many

Pennies From Many

By Amy Cortese As Congress considers President Obama’s job package, one measure seems to have rare bipartisan support: a proposal to loosen some of the

Gold Slumps as CME Ups Margin Requirements

Gold Slumps as CME Ups Margin Requirements

By Garry White The gold price plunged $60 at the open after CME Group said it would increase its margin requirements from the close of

Shutdown Looms –  Spotlight on Senate

Shutdown Looms – Spotlight on Senate

By Rosalind S. Helderman and Paul Kane With time running out, Congress returns Monday to try to pass a short-term funding measure to avert a

Ray Anderson – Entrepreneur

Ray Anderson – Entrepreneur

Ray Anderson was founder and chairman of Interface Inc., one of the world’s largest manufacturers of modular carpet for commercial and residential applications and a

August Housing Starts

August Housing Starts

By John Williams at Shadowstats: Continue reading the article . . .

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields

By Anthony Gucciardi Hungary has taken a bold stand against biotech and genetic modification by destroying 1000 acres of maize found to have been grown

Siemens Abandoning Nuclear Power Business

Siemens Abandoning Nuclear Power Business

By Judy Dempsey Berlin — Siemens, the largest engineering conglomerate in Europe, announced Sunday that following the German government’s decision to phase out nuclear power

Sallie Mae Spent $530K Lobbying in 2Q

Sallie Mae Spent $530K Lobbying in 2Q

By Associated Press Sallie Mae spent $530,000 lobbying the federal government in the second quarter on issues including the implementation of last year’s overhaul of

Catherine Austin Fitts – Background

Catherine Austin Fitts – Background

This video is gives a brief description of Catherine Austin Fitts. Her family background, her beliefs, and her views on the national and global economic

401k and IRA uh ohs

401k and IRA uh ohs

By Linda Stern U.S. retirement programs could look different if a grand deficit-cutting bargain is struck in upcoming negotiations. On Thursday, the powerful Senate Finance

Who Is the Highest-Paid Man in Entertainment?

Who Is the Highest-Paid Man in Entertainment?

By Lyneka Little Tyler Perry is the highest-paid man in entertainment, according to Forbes magazine. The actor, director and producer known for his crossdressing role

Midnight Death Threats…

Midnight Death Threats…

By Ellen Brandt, Ph.D. Think you’re too sophisticated to be terrorized by anonymous thugs? Just wait until they start leaving baby animal carcasses on your

From A Coast to Coast Listener

From A Coast to Coast Listener

Hi Catherine, I just finished listening to the Flashpoints program (8/31) and your Community Business segment. Here are some ideas that occurred to me while

More 401k and IRA Changes Discussed

More 401k and IRA Changes Discussed

By Andrew Zajac Replacing tax deductions with credits for retirement savings would benefit low- and middle- income Americans, federal economic policy expert William Gale told

Health Harm from Modulated RF Fields

Health Harm from Modulated RF Fields

By Klaus Buchner and Horst Eger This follow-up of 60 participants over one and a half years shows a significant effect on the adrenergic system

Who Runs the World? Super Entity Proved

Who Runs the World? Super Entity Proved

By Michael Ricciardi In the first such analysis ever conducted, Swiss economic researchers have conducted a global network analysis of the most powerful transnational corporations

THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

YouTube (7 Sep 11) SYNOPSIS THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the

Announcing the Private Subscriber Blog!

Announcing the Private Subscriber Blog!

This week all Solari Report Subscribers will have access to private content at the Solari Report Blog. If you are a Solari Report Subscriber, look

Europeans Talk of Sharp Change in Fiscal Affairs

Europeans Talk of Sharp Change in Fiscal Affairs

By Louise Story and Matthew Saltmarsh As leaders in Europe try to contain a deepening financial crisis, they are also increasingly talking about making fundamental

Valedictorian Speaks Out Against School

Valedictorian Speaks Out Against School

Watch this valedictorian speak out about the education she received. This is a fantastic speech. The first mistake is people assume that people with degrees

Student Loans Up 511%

Student Loans Up 511%

By Daniel Indiviglio Here’s a chart based on New York Federal Reserve data for household debt. The red line shows the cumulative growth in student

The Debt Crisis at US Colleges

The Debt Crisis at US Colleges

By Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus Borrowing looms large in American life from homes to cars. But the explosion of student debt in the last

Overstock vs. Goldman & BofA

Overstock vs. Goldman & BofA

By Patrick M. Byrne: For six years has waged a war to expose Wall Street mischief. We did not go looking for a fight,

John Trudell: Let The Spirit Live

John Trudell: Let The Spirit Live

Continue reading the article . . . Related reading: John Trudell Wikipedia, John Trudell Podcast Mothers World Market

Teenager Builds Tiny Home to Avoid Mortgage Trap

Teenager Builds Tiny Home to Avoid Mortgage Trap

By Steve Delahoyde It’s been too long since we’ve had an “architecture in hard times” folk hero. There was John Morefield, the unemployed architect who

WikiLeaks Posts all US Cables Unredacted

WikiLeaks Posts all US Cables Unredacted

Continue reading . . . . . Related reading: Wikileaks Releases Entire 65 Gigabyte Uncensored Cablegate Archive (With Or Without Bank Of America Disclosure) Zero

A Major Food Issue

A Major Food Issue

By Catherine Austin Fitts These two articles illuminate a major food risk that the major food processors and fast food purveyors have kept under wraps

Nevada Wallops Bank of America

Nevada Wallops Bank of America

By Paul Kiel This post has been updated to reflect Bank of America’s response. The state of Nevada dramatically expanded its lawsuit against Bank of

Introducing Southern Joy

Introducing Southern Joy

Nothing inspires me more than talented young entrepreneurs creating new businesses. AND I am always on the hunt for fresh, organic lotions, cleaners and other products

A Huge Housing Bargain — but Not for You

A Huge Housing Bargain — but Not for You

By Roger Arnold New York (RealMoney) — The largest transfer of wealth from the public to private sector is about to begin. The federal government

Fatal Risk by Roddy Boyd

Fatal Risk by Roddy Boyd

By Catherine Austin Fitts Here we go again. Another “official reality” of the financial coup’ d’etat. This one is about AIG. The last one I

Halliburton to Hire 11,000 In 2011

Halliburton to Hire 11,000 In 2011

By Yahoo! Finance Energy company Halliburton (NYSE: HAL) plans to hire 11,000 workers in North America in 2011, a top executive told Cramer Wednesday.? Jim

Could Blankfein Face Prison?

Could Blankfein Face Prison?

By Nomi Prins The Goldman Sachs CEO didn’t get a big-time criminal-defense lawyer because he’s worried about an SEC wrist slap—there’s a real possibility of

Jackson Hole Starts Friday

Jackson Hole Starts Friday

By the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank Since 1978 the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City has hosted an annual economic policy symposium. The event



As gold has soared close to $1,900 an ounce on market turmoil in recent weeks, the SPDR Gold Shares exchange traded fund GLD, has passed

Quontron Resonance System

Quontron Resonance System

On the last Solari Report, Adam Trombly and I discussed the Quontron Resonance System which we both use. A number of subscribers have asked for

A Vote of Confidence for Elizabeth Warren

A Vote of Confidence for Elizabeth Warren

Question for Catherine: As a foreigner (Canadian), I am nearly as concerned about the state of American politics as those at home. I hope you

Social Security Disability on Verge of Insolvency?

Social Security Disability on Verge of Insolvency?

By Stephen Ohlemacher Washington (AP) — Laid-off workers and aging baby boomers are flooding Social Security’s disability program with benefit claims, pushing the financially strapped

Solving The Mystery of WTC 7

Solving The Mystery of WTC 7

Narrated By Ed Asner and Architect Richard Gage Continue reading the article . . . Note: The SEC has not quantified the number of active

He’s A Solar Pioneer, And Barely A Teen

He’s A Solar Pioneer, And Barely A Teen

By Pete Danko One would be excused for suspecting that Aidan Dwyer, said to be 13, is in fact a small, very young-looking, 37-year-old college-educated

Emord on Food Freedom

Emord on Food Freedom

projectcamelotlive on Broadcast Live Free

U.S. Inquiry Is Said to Focus on S.&P. Ratings

U.S. Inquiry Is Said to Focus on S.&P. Ratings

By Louise Story The Justice Department is investigating whether the nation’s largest credit ratings agency, Standard & Poor’s, improperly rated dozens of mortgage securities in

Chavez Orders $11 Billion of Gold Home

Chavez Orders $11 Billion of Gold Home

By Daniel Cancel and Nathan Crooks Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ordered the central bank to repatriate $11 billion of gold reserves held in developed nations’

Dark Crosses Everywhere

Dark Crosses Everywhere

By Cam Hui I reviewed many of the world’s stock market charts this weekend and what I found were numerous Dark Crosses where the 50-day