Locking Up Profits

Locking Up Profits

Private prison companies strive to keep millions behind bars to keep their profits up. (photo: Gallo/Getty images) rsn editors comment:   “Despite a falling crime

Tripwires to a Market Crash

Tripwires to a Market Crash

By Cam Hui The title, which refers to a possible “market crash”, may seem untimely on an occasion when ES futures are deeply in the

The Economist on the Euro: Is this the end?

The Economist on the Euro: Is this the end?

Unless Germany and the ECB move quickly, the single currency’s collapse is looming EVEN as the euro zone hurtles towards a crash, most people are

Secret Fed Loans Helped Banks Net $13B

Secret Fed Loans Helped Banks Net $13B

By Bob Ivry, Bradley Keoun and Phil Kuntz The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep details of

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

By Richard K Moore This article is Part 1 of a series.  Was first published in New Dawn Magazine When the Industrial Revolution began in Britain,

Scare Tactics in Greece

Scare Tactics in Greece

By Gretchen Morgenson AS the debt mess in Europe deepens, bankers are pressing Greece’s bond holders to swallow big losses. Leading the charge is BNP

Occupy Wall Street’s Message For Lawyers

Occupy Wall Street’s Message For Lawyers

Behind every credit default swap or short of subprime mortgage-backed assets sit legal counsel sanctioning these practices; their hands are no cleaner than those of

More Moral Hazard on The Way

More Moral Hazard on The Way

By cleg Brought to us courtesy of senators Kay Hagan of North Carolina and one of the banking lobby’s most obedient lap dogs, Bob Corker

Deja Vu All Over Again?

Deja Vu All Over Again?

By Chuck Gibson Almost a year ago I said that the current tussle in the market was an epic battle.  Back then we had an

MF Global Bonds Class Action

MF Global Bonds Class Action

View IBEW Local 90 Pension Fund v Corzine (PDF) complaint for violation of the Federal Securities Laws filed November 18, 2011 at the United Sates

Cell Phone Radiation

Cell Phone Radiation

Lecture By Dr. Franz Adlkofer On Nov. 3, Dr. Franz Adlkofer, former executive director of the VERUM Foundation for Behavior and Environment, spoke to a

Central Bank Gold Purchases Soar

Central Bank Gold Purchases Soar

By Rhiannon Hoyle Total central-bank gold purchases in the third quarter more than doubled from the second quarter and were almost seven times higher than

Occupy Wall Street Declares Goldman Sachs Guilty

Occupy Wall Street Declares Goldman Sachs Guilty

General Assembly holds mock trial and journalist Chris Hedges reads indictment accusing Goldman Sachs of financial crimes against humanity. buzzflash Collected from youtube.com

NANO Chemtrails

NANO Chemtrails

By William Thomas  If you did not enjoy “traditional” chemtrails raining down on you, you are not going to like the new version, which the

Future Wars May be Fought by Synapses

Future Wars May be Fought by Synapses

By Laura Sanders Instead of the indiscriminate destruction of the atom bomb or napalm, the signature weapon of future wars may be precise, unprecedented control

Concern Rises for Federal Housing Administration

Concern Rises for Federal Housing Administration

By Wall Street Journal Concerns are rising that the Federal Housing Administration could run out money if the economy doesn’t recover soon, raising the risk

Is This A Pedophile Sex Ring?

Is This A Pedophile Sex Ring?

By Jon Rappoport Mark Madden, a Pennsylvania radio host, wrote a piece about Jerry Sandusky, the accused Penn State pedophile, back in April, while a

Thank You Nissan Motors

Thank You Nissan Motors

[View larger image] By Catherine Austin Fitts Something special happened this week. I finished paying off Nissan Motors. In 2000, I leased or purchased three

Sarkozy Tells Obama Netanyahu is a “Liar”

Sarkozy Tells Obama Netanyahu is a “Liar”

France President Nicolas Sarkozy and President Obama By Yann Le Guernigou “I cannot bear Netanyahu, he’s a liar,” Sarkozy told Obama, unaware that the microphones

The Real Genius of Steve Jobs

The Real Genius of Steve Jobs

By Malcolm Gladwell One of the great puzzles of the industrial revolution is why it began in England. Why not France, or Germany? Many reasons

Bye, Bye BAC

Bye, Bye BAC

By Chuck Gibson Just in time for “Bank Transfer Day“, my mortgage refinance completed Friday and I ran (not walked) as fast as I could

Annuity vs. Dividend Portfolio

Annuity vs. Dividend Portfolio

By Intelligent Speculator at Seeking Alpha I recently spent an entire evening talking to a good friend of mine about annuities. Why? Because his father

Corzine Hires Criminal Defense Attorney

Corzine Hires Criminal Defense Attorney

By Daniel Wagner and Bernard Condon He set out to create a mini-Goldman Sachs. In the end, he built a mini-Lehman Brothers. Former New Jersey

Evans-Pritchard is Bullish on USA

Evans-Pritchard is Bullish on USA

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard The American phoenix is slowly rising again. Within five years or so, the US will be well on its way to self-sufficiency

CME Investigating MF Global

CME Investigating MF Global

The New York Times (1 Nov 11) The investigation into hundreds of millions of dollars in missing money at MF Global has widened, as the

Farm Bill Goes Behind Closed Doors

Farm Bill Goes Behind Closed Doors

By Marc Heller – Waterton Daily Times (30 Oct 11) WASHINGTON — For three New York lawmakers, serving on the Agriculture Committee is a badge

Nevada Makes Illegal Foreclosures Felony

Nevada Makes Illegal Foreclosures Felony

By Mike Colpitts – Housing Predictor (31 Oct 11) Responding to homeowner complaints, Nevada has become the first state in the nation to make illegally

99 Percent Bulls**t

99 Percent Bulls**t

Here is the WORST idea yet – allowing the NWO to destroy the U.S. Constitution by making it look like a neetsy keen grassroots movement.

Perspectives Blog 10-31-11

Perspectives Blog 10-31-11

By Melanie Pelayo The announcement of cost of living adjustments by the federal government a week ago not only heralded the first increase to Social

MERS Subpoenaed by New York, Sued by Delaware

MERS Subpoenaed by New York, Sued by Delaware

(Reuters) – MERS, the electronic mortgage registry used by the banking industry, was sued by Delaware on Thursday and accused of deceptive practices that led

Farm-to-Fork Dinner Fiasco

Farm-to-Fork Dinner Fiasco

By Laura Bledsoe (24 Oct 11) When an over-zealous regulator shows up at a farm dinner demanding that food be destroyed as hungry guests await,

Stunning Charts of Manufacturing Complexity

Stunning Charts of Manufacturing Complexity

The products we use everyday are complex combinations of specialized knowledge. Harvard and MIT released a report, “The Atlas of Economic Complexity,” visually mapping the

Urge FDA to Waive Fees for Small Businesses

Urge FDA to Waive Fees for Small Businesses

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) directed FDA to collect fees on businesses that have to be re-inspected because of some noncompliance. This new requirement

COLA Increase on Social Security

COLA Increase on Social Security

By Chuck Gibson Good news was announced for retirees this week as the first time since 2009 Social Security benefits will be increased starting next

Holy Roman Empire – Part II

Holy Roman Empire – Part II

By: Reuters The Vatican called on Monday for the establishment of a “global public authority” and a “central world bank” to rule over financial institutions

B of A: US Debt Downgrade Coming

B of A: US Debt Downgrade Coming

[Note from CAF: Given that the FDIC just picked up the BofA/Merrill derivatives position, you would think BofA would be a bit more sensitive to

Qaddafi Is Killed as Libyan Forces Take Surt

Qaddafi Is Killed as Libyan Forces Take Surt

By Kareem Fahim and Rick Gladstone MISURATA, Libya — Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the former Libyan strongman who fled into hiding after an armed uprising toppled

Say No to Fiddling with the Constitution

Say No to Fiddling with the Constitution

By Catherine Austin Fitts I just got a message from a reader for the third time today. It proposes that we support Warren Buffet’s proposals

Ron Paul – Plan To Restore America

Ron Paul – Plan To Restore America

SYNOPSIS: America is the greatest nation in human history. Our respect for individual liberty, free markets, and limited constitutional government produced the strongest, most prosperous

Lead Attorney on the RAWESOME

Lead Attorney on the RAWESOME

YouTube Solari Report Blog Commentaries Update: More on Rawsome Foods Bust Visions Green (5 Aug 11) UnAnswered Questions About Rawesome Food (4 Aug 11) The

US to Support European Bailouts

US to Support European Bailouts

By: Jeff Cox The U.S. plans on being an active partner as efforts intensify to get Europe get back on its feet financially, Treasury Secretary

Obama and Congress Agree: Send More Jobs Abroad

Obama and Congress Agree: Send More Jobs Abroad

By Deirdre Walsh Congress voted Wednesday on a bipartisan basis to pass free-trade bills with Colombia, Panama and South Korea. President Barack Obama, who dined

Funding Wall St. Protest

Funding Wall St. Protest

Kaltura Video By Matthew DeLuca They’re protesting big banks and corporations, so which start-ups are Occupy Wall Street looking to for collecting donations and financing

FDA Approves Genetically Modified Fish

FDA Approves Genetically Modified Fish

By SN Staff In a controversial and potentially groundbreaking decision, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has submitted a document supporting the commercial production of

Retirement Heist

Retirement Heist

How Firms Trimmed Pensions As companies have been moving away from traditional pension plans, they have been shifting employees to new retirement plans, such as

Stetzerizers Discount for Solari Report Subscribers

Stetzerizers Discount for Solari Report Subscribers

In response to Dr. Milham’s recommendations of Stetzer products, one of their distributors Stetzerizer-US.com has offered a 7% discount for Solari Report subscribers. Solari Report

Back to the Land, Reluctantly

Back to the Land, Reluctantly

By Susan Gregory Thomas Susan Gregory Thomas is the author of “In Spite of Everything: A Memoir.” ’I’M not interested in being hip or a

On Outing CIA Agents

On Outing CIA Agents

By Catherine Austin Fitts I have had several people try to persuade me that it is ok to identify CIA agents by name in the

Parks and Demonstration

Parks and Demonstration

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart America cannot expect a bunch of disenfranchised park-dwellers to come up with a solution to its economic woes —

The Decline of The Dollar

The Decline of The Dollar

In 1910, some of the Nation’s most powerful bankers met secretly off the coast of Georgia to draft a proposal for a private central banking

Finland Funds Lifetime Care After Swine Flu Vaccine

Finland Funds Lifetime Care After Swine Flu Vaccine

Via: AFP The Finnish government and major insurance companies announced Wednesday they will pay for lifetime medical care for children diagnosed with narcolepsy after receiving

Thank You, Steve Jobs!

Thank You, Steve Jobs!

“”No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the

Declared Natural Disasters thru Sep. 2011

Declared Natural Disasters thru Sep. 2011

Out of America’s 3,141 counties, almost 90% have declared at least 1 natural disaster so far this year and there’s still three months to go…

Dick Cheney’s Fluffernutter

Dick Cheney’s Fluffernutter

By Catherine Austin Fitts Sinclair Lewis once said “When fascism comes to American it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” Dick

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street

Where: Liberty Square (How to get there) Help & Directions: +1 (877) 881-3020 General Inquiries: general@occupywallst.org Press Inquiries: press@occupywallst.org Watch: This 10-Min Documentary Read: Latest



The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse By Al Jazerra Meltdown Part 1: “The Men Who Crashed The World” Zero Hedge (29 Sep 11)

Perspectives Blog 10-03-2011

Perspectives Blog 10-03-2011

By Melanie Pelayo Although Halloween is still a few weeks away, there were plenty of scary moments during the third quarter. Over the last few