Derek Paravicini

Derek Paravicini

Lesley Stahl profiles British musical savant Derek Paravicini, whose computer-like memory for music is matched by his creative abilities to play it in any style.

The Face of Gold and Silver Price Volatility

The Face of Gold and Silver Price Volatility

By: Jeff_Clark Jeff Clark, Casey Research writes: On February 29, gold dropped 4.8% and silver 6.2% (based on London fix prices). That’s quite the fall

Pols Fear ‘SOPA Backlash’

Pols Fear ‘SOPA Backlash’

By Kim Hart In the wake of the Internet blackout that led to the dramatic death of two controversial online piracy bills, a new warning

Great Things A-Happenin

Great Things A-Happenin

By Katey Culver Hello friends and family, As many of you know I have been involved in 2 lawsuits against the State of TN with

A Solar Storm Is A Bad Omen For Stocks

A Solar Storm Is A Bad Omen For Stocks

[click on the image for a larger version] By Sam Ro Continue reading the article . . . Related reading: Space Weather Alerts and Warnings

USDA to Give Speedy Approval to New GE Crops

USDA to Give Speedy Approval to New GE Crops

By Jenna Blumenfeld Lately it seems like non-GMO supporters simply can’t catch a break. In the wake of an unsuccessful lawsuit between the Organic Seed

Kucinich’s Politics Career Defined by Adversity

Kucinich’s Politics Career Defined by Adversity

By Heidi Przybyla Representative Dennis Kucinich’s exit from Congress is among many setbacks defining his 42-year political career, dating to the 1978 attempt to recall

Special Ops: Engineering the Slow Burn

Special Ops: Engineering the Slow Burn

By Steven Aftergood U.S. special operations forces are engaged in “more than 100 countries worldwide,” said Adm. William H. McRaven, commander of U.S. Special Operations

Tornadoes Kill at Least 39 in Five States

Tornadoes Kill at Least 39 in Five States

March 3, 2012, in Henryville, Ind. Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images. By Daniel Politi and Abby Ohlheiser Angel Babcock, the 15-month-old found alive in an

Windows on The iPad, and Speedy

Windows on The iPad, and Speedy

[CAF Note: Your data is in the clouds. NO PRIVACY! Good luck with this…] By David Pogue You’re probably paying something like $60 a month

Why Doctors Die Differently

Why Doctors Die Differently

By Ken Murray Years ago, Charlie, a highly respected orthopedist and a mentor of mine, found a lump in his stomach. It was diagnosed as

Wyoming House Advances Doomsday Bill

Wyoming House Advances Doomsday Bill

By Jeremy Pelzer Cheyenne — State representatives on Friday advanced legislation to launch a study into what Wyoming should do in the event of a

The ECB Has Opened Pandora’s Box

The ECB Has Opened Pandora’s Box

By Tyler Durden “…they [ECB] can exempt themselves from a “collective action clause” then they can exempt themselves from any clause, in any sovereign indenture,

Harvard Creates Mass Produced Robotic Insects

Harvard Creates Mass Produced Robotic Insects

By Staff Writers A new technique inspired by elegant pop-up books and origami will soon allow clones of robotic insects to be mass-produced by the

Girl Severely Injured at NY Private School

Girl Severely Injured at NY Private School

By Jenny Anderson More than three months after a 14-year-old girl was kicked in the head and severely injured by fellow students at the Brearley

Global Clearinghouse Ready to Shut Out Iranian Banks

Global Clearinghouse Ready to Shut Out Iranian Banks

Image Credit: Bloomberg Move would sever regime’s financial lifeline By Gulf News Brussels: A financial clearinghouse used by virtually every country and major corporation in the

Test Tube Hamburgers to be Served This Year

Test Tube Hamburgers to be Served This Year

Photo: PA The world’s first test tube hamburger will be served up this October after scientists perfected the art of growing beef in the lab.

Hacking Star Fleet Command Records

Hacking Star Fleet Command Records

From Wikipedia Gary McKinnon (born 10 February 1966) is a Scottish systems administrator and hacker who has been accused of what one U.S. prosecutor claims

Is Agriculture Sucking Fresh Water Dry?

Is Agriculture Sucking Fresh Water Dry?

By Sid Perkins The average American uses enough water each year to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool, and global agriculture consumes a whopping 92% of

National Settlement Executive Summary

National Settlement Executive Summary

My comments on settlement summary Carolyn A. Betts Click to read notes Related reading: Settlement Executive Summary (PDF) National Mortgage Settlement: Bank Forecloses Even

You are American, I am Iranian…

You are American, I am Iranian…

Related reading: Marjane Satrapi Wikipedia Marjane Satrapi – Books The Guardian Book LIst Random House

Government Benefits Map

Government Benefits Map

The share of Americans’ income that comes from government benefit programs, like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, more than doubled over the last four decades,

The Hit Worked! US Financials Gain Market Share

The Hit Worked! US Financials Gain Market Share

By Robert Friedman, William Ahearn With assistance from Elena Logutenkova in Zurich. The biggest U.S. banks captured the highest share of global trading revenue in

More Doctors ‘Fire’ Vaccine Refusers

More Doctors ‘Fire’ Vaccine Refusers

Dr. Allan LaReau in Michigan stops treating families who refuse to vaccinate their children. ‘You feel badly about losing a nice family,’ he says. By

You Do Not Know Them

You Do Not Know Them

By LJ Goes I just put my son Noah to bed. His brother and sister went into his room and showered him with kisses. Then

US Bases Surrounding Iran

US Bases Surrounding Iran

[click on the image for a larger version] Each star is a US base… Continue reading the article . . .

Whitney Houston: 1963-2012

Whitney Houston: 1963-2012

The Daily News looks back at her remarkable life and career. Here, she performs at Madison Square Garden on September 1987. Related reading: Whitney Houston

Greek Police Union Wants to Arrest EU/IMF Officials

Greek Police Union Wants to Arrest EU/IMF Officials

By Reuters Greece’s largest police union has threatened to issue arrest warrants for officials from the country’s European Union and International Monetary Fund lenders for

Why Is Gasoline Consumption Tanking?

Why Is Gasoline Consumption Tanking?

By Charles Hugh Smith Gasoline deliveries reflect recession and growth. The recent drop in retail gasoline deliveries is signalling a sharp contraction ahead. Mish recently

Looks Like Romney Banks at Bank of America

Looks Like Romney Banks at Bank of America

Personal finance profiles of recent years view here. Bank of America page 71 Willard M. Romney – 2011 Tax Return Related reading: Wall Street Investing

Treasury Backs Annuities in Retirement Plans

Treasury Backs Annuities in Retirement Plans

By Mary Beth Franklin American retirement security now ranks as a top concern of the White House, right up there with unemployment and the federal

The Insiders Are Selling Heavily

The Insiders Are Selling Heavily

By Mark Hulbert CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (MarketWatch) — Corporate insiders are now selling their companies’ stock at a rate not seen since late last July.

U.S. Sets Money-Market Plan

U.S. Sets Money-Market Plan

YouTube The SEC aims to stabilize the $2.7 trillion money-market fund industry, but critics say rules would cut returns, Andrew Ackerman reports on Markets Hub.

Woman’s Jaw Reproduced by 3D Printer

Woman’s Jaw Reproduced by 3D Printer

(Credit: LayerWise) The transplant demonstrates that precision 3D printing can be effective for both bones and organ implants. By Martin Lamonica An elderly woman has

The Baltic Dry Index

The Baltic Dry Index

[click on the image for a larger version] By Bloomberg Continue reading the article . . .

Facebook Is Using You

Facebook Is Using You

By Lori Andrews Last week, Facebook filed documents with the government that will allow it to sell shares of stock to the public. It is

A Place For Conversation

A Place For Conversation

By Diane Lorence The following photographs are of our home in the mountains of northern California. The house was designed by my husband, Michael Anthony

U.S. Indicts Wegelin Bank

U.S. Indicts Wegelin Bank

View Indictment By Lynnley Browning The United States indicted Wegelin, the oldest Swiss private bank, on charges that it enabled wealthy Americans to evade taxes

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Threatens Activism

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Threatens Activism

(photo: Advocacy for Animals – Britannica) By Will Potter, Jurist A recent undercover investigation into one of the nation’s largest egg producers, Sparboe Farms, documented

A Culture of $20 Scams

A Culture of $20 Scams

By Catherine Austin Fitts At Solari, we watch our vendor and financial accounts like a hawk. We find it is the only way to stop

Facebook Set to File For $5 Billion IPO

Facebook Set to File For $5 Billion IPO

The “lead left” bank leads the IPO underwriting process — its name in the upper-left-hand corner of the actual prospectus — and typically receives higher

CBO Report – OMG!

CBO Report – OMG!

By Bruce Krasting The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is out with its annual report. It’s a blockbuster. This 165 page monster is filled with dozens

Loans to Chilean Entrepreneurs

Loans to Chilean Entrepreneurs

Having received another repayment, I just made my next loan at to a group of entrepreneurs in Padre de las Casas a community in

Catherine in the Rogue Valley

Catherine in the Rogue Valley

Photo by M. Baraka Catherine will report on her events in Oregon on this week’s Solari Report. Related reaing: Catherine Austin Fitts In Your Neighborhood

The Coming Tech-led Boom

The Coming Tech-led Boom

Three breakthroughs are poised to transform this century as much as telephony and electricity did the last. By Mark P. Mills and Julio M. Ottino

Money From MF Global Feared Gone

Money From MF Global Feared Gone

By Scott Patterson and Aaron Lucchetti Nearly three months after MF Global Holdings Ltd. collapsed, officials hunting for an estimated $1.2 billion in missing customer

This Is Europe’s Scariest Chart

This Is Europe’s Scariest Chart

Youth Unemployment Across Europe % [click on the image for a larger version] Continue reading the article . . .

The Summers Memo

The Summers Memo

By Ryan Lizza – The New Yorker 23 Jan 12 In a piece this week on Barack Obama’s shift from idealism to pragmatism, I describe

Fed Expects to Keep Interest Rates Near Zero

Fed Expects to Keep Interest Rates Near Zero

By Don Lee The Federal Reserve announces a subdued outlook for growth in the U.S. economy, as well as its intention to keep short-term interest

Bernanke Makes Case for More Bond Buying

Bernanke Makes Case for More Bond Buying

Photographer: Zhang Yan/Xinhua/eyevine/Redux By Caroline Salas Gage and Craig Torres Ben S. Bernanke laid the groundwork for a third round of large-scale asset purchases should

All the Money on the Planet vs. MegaUpload

All the Money on the Planet vs. MegaUpload

By Simon Black With over 150 million registered users, the file sharing site is one of the most popular on the Internet. At least,

Intelligence Support to Military Operations

Intelligence Support to Military Operations

By Secrecy News From the Federation of Scientists Project on Government Secrecy The Joint Chiefs of Staff have produced updated doctrine on intelligence support to

The Caging of America

The Caging of America

Six million people are under correctional supervision in the U.S.—more than were in Stalin’s gulags. Photograph by Steve Liss. By Adam Gopnik A prison is

Mystery Fish

Mystery Fish

Illustrations by Tom Garrett Source: December 2011 Consumer Reports Magazine. Americans spent $80.2 billion on seafood last year, $5 billion more than in 2009, but