On French and Greece Elections

On French and Greece Elections

This is not the end folks, this is only the beginning of a change that is sweeping across the World – these are stunning defeats

A New Chapter of Pension Plan Woes

A New Chapter of Pension Plan Woes

By Eleanor Laise EDITOR’S NOTE: This article was originally published in the April 2012 issue of Kiplinger’s Retirement Report. Traditional pension plans are supposed to

The High Price of Tax Breaks

The High Price of Tax Breaks

Source: The Economist Like most sins, tax breaks are easier to condemn than to resist. Politicians regularly decry the inefficiency and complexity that tax breaks

Invergordon Mutiny

Invergordon Mutiny

British Atlantic Fleet on patrol in the late 1920s From Wikipedia The Invergordon Mutiny was an industrial action by around 1,000 sailors in the British

G8 (Maryland) and G20 (California) Meetings Coming Up

G8 (Maryland) and G20 (California) Meetings Coming Up

With this goal in mind, Mexico has established the following priorities: Economic stabilization and structural reforms as foundations for growth and employment.       [CAF Translation:



“Not success.  Not growth.  Not happiness. The cradle of your love of life is death.” -Stephen Jenkinson   YouTube Continue reading the article . . .

Robot to Help Autistic Children Learn

Robot to Help Autistic Children Learn

  By Stephanie Baum A company has developed a robot to help autistic children learn social reference skills and is raising $1.25 million to produce

World War 3.0

World War 3.0

TWO FUTURES? Privacy, piracy, security, sovereignty—the divisions on these issues reflect an even deeper split between those who want tight control and those who want

New Launch from Down Under

New Launch from Down Under

(30 April 12) Snix and Fizzy is on Facebook. [Note from CAF: One of my favorite cross platform developers created Snix and Fizzy. It is

The Food Police State

The Food Police State

Joel Salatin talks to Lew about Big Agra authoritarianism, and how to emancipate yourself. Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm website Continue reading the article . .

While in Portugal….

While in Portugal….

By Catherine Austin Fitts While I was in Portugal, I received the following e-mail from my assistant in Hickory Valley: “The local energy authority stopped

Ford Pension Offers Lump Sums

Ford Pension Offers Lump Sums

By Fred Meier Ford announced today that it would offer a lump-sum payment to its 90,000 salaried retirees as well as U.S. salaried former employees

April Showers Bring May ?

April Showers Bring May ?

By Chuck Gibson The charts below provide an historical perspective of what $10,000 invested in the SP500 would have returned since 1950 during the two

The NSA Is Watching You

The NSA Is Watching You

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan Three targeted Americans: A career government intelligence official, a filmmaker and a hacker. None of these U.S. citizens was

US Opportunities to Study with Sepp Holzer

US Opportunities to Study with Sepp Holzer

Sepp Holzer is coming to the US! May 3-13 2012 Advanced Permaculture Training in Flathead Lake, MT ‘Place of Gathering’ Sepp Holzer and Michael Pilarski

10 Fastest -growing and Dying Industries

10 Fastest -growing and Dying Industries

By Chuck Gibson In our continuing effort to mine for investments that will allow our clients to participate in future growth trends, I found the

The Third Industrial Revolution

The Third Industrial Revolution

Source: The Economist The first industrial revolution began in Britain in the late 18th century, with the mechanisation of the textile industry. Tasks previously done

Village Voice on Mitt Romney

Village Voice on Mitt Romney

By Pete Kotz It was the early 1990s, and the 750 men and women at Georgetown Steel were pumping out wire rods at peak performance.

Subscribers Brunch in San Jose

Subscribers Brunch in San Jose

What a wonderful brunch we had this weekend in San Jose! Australian Tony Brigstock and his beautiful family played host. Tony is a former PGA

Number of Guns Per Capita by Country

Number of Guns Per Capita by Country

From Wikipedia This is a list of countries by gun ownership rate (number of privately owned small firearms divided by number of residents). [click on

Natural Gas Prices at 10-year Low

Natural Gas Prices at 10-year Low

By Chris Kahn, AP Energy Writer New York (AP) – A 10-month slide in natural gas prices took a breather after the government said U.S.

Ron Finley: Food Forest

Ron Finley: Food Forest

This film tells the story of a South Los Angeles edible garden planted in a surprising spot. Ron Finley, its planter, constructed the garden the

Blythe Masters Lays an Egg

Blythe Masters Lays an Egg

By Rob Kirby On April 5, 2012, JPMorganChase commodity executive Blythe Masters appeared on CNBC, and she was questioned whether the bank is manipulating metals

You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

National Debt from 1940 to Present [click on the image for a larger version]   Continue reading the article . . .   Related reading:

Shanley Goes to ‘Church’

Shanley Goes to ‘Church’

By Gordon Cox The latest play by John Patrick Shanley has a new title, “Storefront Church,” and a cast that includes Giancarlo Esposito, Tonya Pinkins

Giant Earthworm

Giant Earthworm

[click on the image for interactive version] By Cary Huang

SCOTUS Mulls Striking Down All of Obamacare

SCOTUS Mulls Striking Down All of Obamacare

By Philip Klein Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court this morning considered what to do with the rest of President Obama’s national health care law

Conservative Justices Question Insurance Mandate

Conservative Justices Question Insurance Mandate

By Jesse j. Holland Sharp questioning by the Supreme Court’s conservative justices has cast serious doubt on the survival of the individual insurance requirement at

Banks Kickback Bailout $ to FHA

Banks Kickback Bailout $ to FHA

By Bob Ivry The White House submitted a budget plan to Congress this year that would have provided the FHA as much as $688 million

Bron Suchecki: Fake Bars — The Facts

Bron Suchecki: Fake Bars — The Facts

By C. Powell Dear Friend of GATA and Gold: In an essay headlined “Fake Bars — The Facts,” Bron Suchecki of the Perth Mint today

Health Care Law Reaches High Court

Health Care Law Reaches High Court

Photo by J. Scott Applewhite, AP By Richard Wolf Health coverage for more than 30 million people. The power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce.

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication

From Wikipedia The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (“SWIFT”) operates a worldwide financial messaging network which exchanges messages between banks and other financial institutions.

Laundered Money

Laundered Money

By Joseph T. Salerno Under cover of its multiplicity of fabricated wars on drugs, terror, tax evasion, and organized crime, the US government has long

Town in Australia “Kickstarts” Grocery Story

Town in Australia “Kickstarts” Grocery Story

Dennett’s IGA supermarket in Mullumbimby is FOR SALE Could the people of Mullumbimby own their own supermarket…? Continue reading the article . . . Related reading:

President Obama Issues Executive Order Friday

President Obama Issues Executive Order Friday

Executive order issued Friday entitled “National Defense Resources Preparedness” Click image to read [Note from CAF: Yes, it is simply an update of existing Executive Orders. However,

Michigan DNR Going Hog Wild

Michigan DNR Going Hog Wild

By Pete Kennedy, Esq. In a brazen power grab threatening the livelihood of hundreds of small farmers, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!

Secret Deals, Foreclosure Settlements,Stress Tests, and Vampire Squid Whistle-Blowers By L. Randall Wray No Hollywood scriptwriter could plot a more implausible story. Here is the

Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs

Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs

[CAF Note: Goldman’s head of derivatives for Europe just happens to resign in the middle of the Greek CDS debacle and writes a big NY