The Touch

The Touch

“Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” ~A Course in Miracles By Catherine Austin Fitts I tense up

Anatomy of the Deep State

Anatomy of the Deep State

**CAF Note: The spinners of limited modified hangouts are out in force. This is the best of the best, useful for giving an overall framework

Quantum Physics: The Physics Of Dreaming

Quantum Physics: The Physics Of Dreaming

by Paul Levy For the last few months, all I’ve wanted to do is to read about quantum physics. I’ve been studying quantum physics off

Railroads Fall on Mexican Bill

Railroads Fall on Mexican Bill

By Thomas Black Kansas City Southern (KSU), the U.S. railroad that gets almost half its revenue from Mexico, fell the most in the Standard &

Obamacare’s Latest Surprise for Taxpayers?

Obamacare’s Latest Surprise for Taxpayers?

By Megan McArdle Industry sources tell the Washington Examiner’s Susan Ferrechio that the Barack Obama administration is thinking of extending the Affordable Care Act’s “risk

US-EU Divide & Conquer

US-EU Divide & Conquer

By Catherine Austin Fitts Whoever who has spent the last year making sure that a US-EU trade agreement never happens is certainly bucking for a

Ray Dalio on the Economy

Ray Dalio on the Economy

“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.” ~ Buddha By Catherine

Predatory Violence at a State University

Predatory Violence at a State University

**Note from CAF: The following was written in dialogue between two members of my network in Montana. The author is positive, very intelligent, thorough, highly

Did Dick Cheney Double Dip?

Did Dick Cheney Double Dip?

By Catherine Austin Fitts R. J. Cutler’s documentary, The World According to Dick Cheney, is worth watching. Along with Ferguson’s No End in Sight this

Financial Perspectives – Feb 17, 2014

Financial Perspectives – Feb 17, 2014

By Chuck Gibson Part 2 in this series, this week I wanted to dig into price reversal patterns that typically appear during market tops. Rising

Unbundling the Nation State

Unbundling the Nation State

By The Economist Nigerian pineapple for breakfast, Peruvian quinoa for lunch and Japanese sushi for dinner. Two centuries ago, when David Ricardo advocated specialisation and

Pension Trusts and Municipal Bankruptcy

Pension Trusts and Municipal Bankruptcy

By Pension Dialog As anticipation mounts that Detroit will file a plan to adjust its debt with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court next week and with

The UnAnswered Questions of Weird Weather

The UnAnswered Questions of Weird Weather

By Catherine Austin Fitts The Church of England has now announced that they are pulling their endowment investments from companies that do not “play ball”

The Era We Fight Back

The Era We Fight Back

‘Cos its true what they say It’s better the devil you know” ~ Kylie Minogue By Catherine Austin Fitts As you can see from the

Financial Perspectives – Feb 10, 2014

Financial Perspectives – Feb 10, 2014

By Chuck Gibson The stock market dropped 5.2% over the past two weeks, the first such correction in almost 4 months. It appears as if

The NSA’s Secret Role in the U.S. Assassination Program

The NSA’s Secret Role in the U.S. Assassination Program

Credit: Kirsty Wigglesworth/Associated Press. By Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald The National Security Agency is using complex analysis of electronic surveillance, rather than human intelligence,

Letter to the Mayor of Syracuse

Letter to the Mayor of Syracuse

From: Catherine Austin Fitts Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at 10:57 PM To:”” Subject: Letter to Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner Dear Mayor Miner: I am writing to request

Press Release for Cell Spy Stealth

Press Release for Cell Spy Stealth

***CAF Note: Now you know why I leave my cell phone in the car when I get home!*** By PRWeb has announced the launch

Changing Faces at Microsoft

Changing Faces at Microsoft

By Catherine Austin Fitts The recent Snowden revelations have reminded us yet again how deeply invasive the US software system is: “The National Security Agency

Stem Cell ‘Major Discovery’ Claimed

Stem Cell ‘Major Discovery’ Claimed

By James Gallagher Stem cell researchers are heralding a “major scientific discovery”, with the potential to start a new age of personalised medicine. Scientists in

GMOs & Nano-Technology

GMOs & Nano-Technology

**CAF Note: I asked one of our subscribers if I could republish his comment on GMOs and Nano-Technology engineering of the food supply. This guy

Suggestions for President Obama

Suggestions for President Obama

By Catherine Austin Fitts President Obama has the challenging task of trying to persuade us that the US government should have a hand in softening

Suburban Chicken Coops

Suburban Chicken Coops

By Catherine Austin Fitts A subscriber sent me a picture of chicken coops for sale at a Costco in Silicon Valley, in the suburbs south

Hugo Barra on Chinese Internet Growth

Hugo Barra on Chinese Internet Growth

By LeWeb Founders Hugo…updates us on his new role at Xiaomi, running their product portfolio and operations in all markets outside Mainland China. He shares

State of Power 2014

State of Power 2014

By The Transnational Institute The Transnational Institute is proud to launch its third annual ‘State of Power’ report as the World Economic Forum meets in



Photo Credit: Daein Ballard/Wikipedia By Wikipedia Terraforming (literally, “Earth-shaping”) of a planet, moon, or other body is the theoretical process of deliberately modifying its atmosphere,

Whither Bank Profits?

Whither Bank Profits?

By Catherine Austin Fitts The latest round of bank profit announcements is worth contemplating, as is the chart above which shows the stock history of

Tech Startups: A Cambrian Moment

Tech Startups: A Cambrian Moment

By The Economist About 540m years ago something amazing happened on planet Earth: life forms began to multiply, leading to what is known as the

Did the NSA Kill Hugo Chavez?

Did the NSA Kill Hugo Chavez?

(Rough Translation, original article can be found here) By Eva Golinger 3-1-14 – . During 2013, Venezuela experienced one of the most difficult times in

World Economic Forum 2014 Risk Report

World Economic Forum 2014 Risk Report

By World Economic Forum First launched in 2005 by the World Economic Forum, the Global Risks report is widely recognized as one of the world’s

Virtual Currency vs the Stock Market

Virtual Currency vs the Stock Market

By Catherine Austin Fitts Mobile marketing company Jana just published a new survey of 1,000+ mobile users in Asia, Africa and South America. What they

The Big Shift

The Big Shift

By Catherine Austin Fitts If you follow market commentators, one of the themes you are hearing a great deal about is the question of what,

Privatisation: The $9 trillion sale

Privatisation: The $9 trillion sale

By The Economist Imagine you were heavily in debt, owned a large portfolio of equities and under-used property and were having trouble cutting your spending—much

Welcome to the Texas Theatre!

Welcome to the Texas Theatre!

By Catherine Austin Fitts I am always on the look out for gems. There is a new one in West Texas, in a small town

Reflections on a Medical Career

Reflections on a Medical Career

By Robert S. Dotson, M.D. Avoid contact with the existing health care system as far as possible. Yes, emergencies arise that require the help of

American Humpty Dumpty

American Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together

The Startling Size of US Special Forces

The Startling Size of US Special Forces

By Nick Turse “Dude, I don’t need to play these stupid games. I know what you’re trying to do.” With that, Major Matthew Robert Bockholt

Failure is an Option

Failure is an Option

“Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.” ~ Elon Musk By Catherine Austin Fitts In the year-end

The Fed Is Hiring: Lots Of Cops

The Fed Is Hiring: Lots Of Cops

By Tyler Durden Some may have forgotten, or not be aware, that the Federal Reserve system has its own police force. Well, it does: “The

Petrodollar vs Petrogold

Petrodollar vs Petrogold

By Tyler Durden It was in October 2012 when we explained how Iran evades the Western blockade (ostensibly with the implicit nod of none other

2013: The Best Energy Stories of the Year

2013: The Best Energy Stories of the Year

By Kevin Bullis Clean energy technology made progress in 2013, but low-carbon energy isn’t growing fast enough to meet goals for limiting climate change. That

New Hazards in GMOs from Synonymous Mutations

New Hazards in GMOs from Synonymous Mutations

By Institute of Science in Society Single nucleotide mutations form the majority of genetic polymorphisms (single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs) in populations. When found in gene

Musk vs Bezos vs the Big Boys in Space

Musk vs Bezos vs the Big Boys in Space

Continue Related Reading: Spaceport Blue Origin SpaceX Planetary Resources Virgin Galactic Space policy of the Barack Obama administration

Report from Iron Mountain, 1967

Report from Iron Mountain, 1967

On Space Programs: Another economic surrogate that has been proposed is a series of giant “space research” programs. These have already demonstrated their utility in

Gaia (Spacecraft)

Gaia (Spacecraft)

**CAF Note: GAIA is the Grand Award Winner in the Aerospace category for Popular Science’s Best of What’s New 2013** By Wikipedia Gaia is an

IPO Investors Score Best Year Since Tech Boom

IPO Investors Score Best Year Since Tech Boom

By Matt Krantz Investors’ appetite for IPOs is reaching levels not seen since the rip-roaring stock market during the dot-com boom in 2000. Thanks to

Museums: Temples of Delight

Museums: Temples of Delight

By The Economist In 2012 American museums received 850m visitors, says the American Alliance of Museums. That is more than all the big-league sporting events

We are Celebrating Christmas!

We are Celebrating Christmas!

Dearest Friends and Allies: We are celebrating from December 24 – January 1. Our office will be closed. We will post the next Jon Rappoport