Sontag on the Slow Burn

Sontag on the Slow Burn

Susan Sontag was someone who had astonishing insights into our collective situations. Here is one that I read recently.

Two Sides to Every Venezuela Story

Two Sides to Every Venezuela Story

Read the first story, published by CounterPunch: CIA Venezuela Destabilization Memo Surfaces By James Petras – CounterPunch (28 Nov 2007) Then read this story from

Peace Talks or Money Talks?

Peace Talks or Money Talks?

Just as the United Arab Emirates are bailing out Citigroup, Sony and Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.: Dubai Fund Appoints Sony ex-CEO to Advisory Board By

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Talkin’ to America ”Talkin’ to America” is a weekly series of provocative, hard-hitting interviews that is posted in MP3 format on our website each week.

Quote du Jour

Quote du Jour

One . . . with courage makes a majority. ~ Andrew Jackson

Navigate the Falling Dollar ~ Continued

Navigate the Falling Dollar ~ Continued

An excellent strategic overview of the global drain engineered via a falling dollar… Dollar’s Fall is Now a Bigger Political Issue Than an Economic One

Top Picks ~ Week of November 26, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of November 26, 2007

Money & Markets E*Trade Gets Help From Citadel [Must subscribe to read full article.] By Susanne Craig, et al – Wall Street Journal (29 Nov

Fresh Food: Take Action

Fresh Food: Take Action

I just installed a freezer, bought my first lamb and quarter calf from two local farmers, and joined the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund

Report Lists Major War Profiteers

Report Lists Major War Profiteers

PROJECT ON GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT – The nonprofit watchdog journalism organization the Center for Public Integrity published “Windfalls of War II.” Here are some of the

Study on Financial Returns of Angel Investors

Study on Financial Returns of Angel Investors

Largest study on angel investing is released by the Kauffman Foundation and Angel Capital Education Foundation. From the Press Release: The largest study on the

Top Picks ~ Week of November 19, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of November 19, 2007

Money & Markets Dollar to Fade, Not Fly, From Scene as Gulf Reforms By Daliah Merzaban – Reuters (21 Nov 2007) The Currency Manipulation Follies,

More Documentaries

More Documentaries

I have just added Micheal Moore’s documentary Sicko to my list of favorite recent documentaries.Sicko is a home run. Thanks, Mike.

Falling Dollar vs Liberty Dollar

Falling Dollar vs Liberty Dollar

“In any event Bill King, editor of The King Report, may have had the most telling observation on the controversy: that the government would have

In From One of My Favorite People

In From One of My Favorite People

Sh** Happens in World Religions: Taoism Sh** happens Confucianism Confucius say, “Sh** happens.” Buddhism If sh** happens, it’s not really sh**. Zen-Buddhism What is the

Top Picks ~ Week of November 12, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of November 12, 2007

Money & Markets Belgian Treasury Promises No Default By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (16 Nov 2007) Fund Managers Hold Nerve Despite Fears By Ambrose

Access to Drinking Water

Access to Drinking Water

Globally human populations are growing, trade is increasing, and living standards are rising for many. But, according to the UN’s latest Global Environment Outlook report,

Pete McCormack on Financial Coup d’Etat

Pete McCormack on Financial Coup d’Etat

Pete McCormack has taken my Financial Sense Newshour Interview and provided detailed links and documentation to help the reader understand the relationship between finances and

News & Commentary

News & Commentary

Well, they left out the part about creating 10 mortgages on one home and using dirty tricks to stop the market (such as Hamilton Securities

Top Picks ~ Week of November 5, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of November 5, 2007

Shock Doctrine’s Shocking Short Shrift By Carolyn Baker – Speaking Truth to Power New York’s $25,000 Dessert Sets Guinness Record By Vivianne Rodrigues – Reuters

Top Picks ~ Week of October 29, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of October 29, 2007

Compelled Iraq Duty Angers US Envoys From Associated Press (1 Nov 2007) My Nobel Moment By John R. Christy – Wall Street Journal (1 Nov

What’s Your Exposure?

What’s Your Exposure?

There is much talk about the impact on Wall Street and the banking system of the dramatic drop in the price of mortgage backed securities.

Recent Webstats

Recent Webstats

I just returned from Anchorage, Alaska. What a wonderful place filled with wonderful people. The following enterprises in Alaska/relevant to Alaska government and investment flows

Top Picks ~ Week of October 22, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of October 22, 2007

Consumers Face Record Heating-Oil Bills By Ana Campoy – Wall Street Journal (24 Oct 2007) Russia To Control Food Prices [Register to View Full Article]

Catherine in Alaska ~ Oct 2007

Catherine in Alaska ~ Oct 2007

Catherine was interviewed on the Talk of Alaska radio show on Tuesday, October 16. You can listen to, or download this great interview by navigating

Not Nobel Winners

Not Nobel Winners

I am someone who is critical of the Wall Street Journal. That means, it is important to say something when they hit a home run.

Top Picks ~ Week of October 15, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of October 15, 2007

Scenes From the Fringe By Russ Alan Prince – Private Wealth (5 Aug 2007) New VNR Catches Prove the Fake TV News Problem Continues Press

The Chattanooga Declaration ~ 4 Oct 2007

The Chattanooga Declaration ~ 4 Oct 2007

The Chattanooga Declaration was drafted and approved by delegates to the Second North American Secessionist Convention on 4 October 2007. The deepest questions of human

Top Picks ~ Week of October 8, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of October 8, 2007

Carney, Former Goldman Banker, To Head Bank of Canada By Greg Quinn & Theophilos Argitis – (4 Oct 2007) Francis Ford Coppola’s Laptop Stolen

Gifting Opportunity

Gifting Opportunity

I am occasionally asked where my donations go. One of the things I have done for many decades is to gift directly to individuals. Indeed,

How Does Your Money Work?

How Does Your Money Work?

By Catherine Austin Fitts In 1998, I took a first-year Bible class. My teacher was a woman of fearless intelligence who, after spending her work day

Catherine Writes: “How Does Your Money Work?”

Catherine Writes: “How Does Your Money Work?”

Catherine has written a new article — “How Does Your Money Work?” published in Common Ground magazine, Western Canada’s “biggest and best-loved monthly magazine dedicated

Top Picks ~ Week of October 1, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of October 1, 2007

Treasury Department Simulating Bank Runs By Martin Crustinger – Associated Press (4 Oct 2007) The Martyrdom of Burma’s Marching Monks By Rev. John Dear –

Top Picks ~ Week of September 24, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of September 24, 2007

Gallup: Trust in Federal Government, On Nearly All Issues, Hits New Low — Even Less Than in Watergate Era From Editor & Publisher (27 Sep

Sustainability ~ The Next Fraud?

Sustainability ~ The Next Fraud?

Barrick Gold Named to Dow Jones Sustainability Index Marketwire – Barrick Gold Corporation Peak Gold! – A Primer on True Hedging, Part Four By A.E.



Ladies and Gentlemen: I am an enthusiastic user of your services and appreciate what you do. I was dismayed to open my latest netflix and

Green Party’s New Campaign

Green Party’s New Campaign

The Green Party has launched a new campaign, Moving the Money to Main Street. We hope to do all that we can to support their

Top Picks ~ Week of September 17, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of September 17, 2007

Paulson: US to Hit Debt Limit October 1 By Martin Crutsiinger – AP Economics Writer (19 Sep 2007) Mud City Press – Securing Global Food

It’s an Ill Wind That Blows No Good

It’s an Ill Wind That Blows No Good

I was reminded tonight that I met a very dear friend as a result of 911. I have been thinking about how many wonderful people

Top Picks ~ Week of September 10, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of September 10, 2007

Central Bank Split Over Credit Squeeze By Chris Giles & Gillian Tett – Financial Times, London (12 Sep 2007) Fed Believed To Be Considering Unconventional

Thanks Once Again, Solari Network

Thanks Once Again, Solari Network

Thanks to a very special member of the Solari Action Network, we have been able to post the documentation at the Solari – The Missing

Top Picks ~ Week of September 3, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of September 3, 2007

OECD Calls for US Rate Cut To Ward Off Crisis By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (6 Sep 2007) Compendium on Subprime Crisis London Telegraph

Top Picks ~ Week of August 27, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of August 27, 2007

Schwab Sells Majority of His Position on Aug 15, 2007 At Yahoo Finance (28 Aug 2007) Judge Allows Saddam Link in Wyatt Oil Trial By

REAL High WASP Chutzpah

REAL High WASP Chutzpah

Well the fool (or morals tutor as he prefers) over at has done it again. For some reason, he thinks philanthropy is supposed to

Letter to the USDA and Congress

Letter to the USDA and Congress

RE: Federal Mandate for “Pasteurization” of Almonds To: Secretary Mike Johanns United States Department of Agriculture 1400 Independence Ave SW Whitten Building Suite 200A Washington,

Top Picks ~ Week of August 20, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of August 20, 2007

Highly Recommended ~ How the White House Drowned New Orleans By Greg Palast (23 Aug 2007) Now Russia’s Banks May Be in Trouble By Catherine

Top Picks ~ Week of August 13, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of August 13, 2007

In Withdrawal Line, Countrywide Customer Muses About Buying Gold By Alexandria Sage – Reuters (17 Aug 2007) Fed Lectures Financial Houses: Borrow Quick at Our

A Small Point on an Important Point

A Small Point on an Important Point

We face real challenges in maintaining liquidity in the mortgage market by “dropping” money out of central banking “helicopters.” It is one thing to keep

From the Joe Mysak Transcript

From the Joe Mysak Transcript

Catherine: I’ve dealt with state and local government in many different – you know, just as a citizen or dealing in business or – and

Sub-Prime Mortgage Woes Are No Accident

Sub-Prime Mortgage Woes Are No Accident

By Catherine Austin Fitts In 1995, a senior Clinton Administration official shared with me the Administration’s targets for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage volumes

Top Picks ~ Week of August 6, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of August 6, 2007

Will Paulson Ever Consent to Answer the Right Questions? By John Crudele – NY Post (9 Aug 2007) Outsourcing Intelligence: How Bush Gets His National

John J. Renton — The Nature of Earth

John J. Renton — The Nature of Earth

I have been developing a methodology for Solari to determine the total economic return (impact on both investor and living ecosystem) of a mining operation.

Deeper Intelligence, Deeper Power

Deeper Intelligence, Deeper Power

Thanks to wonderful allies Nan Garrett (Georgia Green Party) and Katey Culver and Howard Switzer  (Green Party of Tennessee) I had the opportunity to speak

Family Wealth & the Greater Good

Family Wealth & the Greater Good

I highly value recommendations from Phil Cubeta at He recently recommended Family Wealth: Keeping It in the Family – How Family Members and Their

Fiction is Fact, Fact is Fiction

Fiction is Fact, Fact is Fiction

I have a habit of trolling through discounted DVD bins at truck stops and out of the way local video stores. Such bins are great

Top Picks ~ Week of July 30, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of July 30, 2007

California 2007 Drought Photos US Housing is Among ‘Biggest Bubbles,’ Rogers Says By Chen Shiyin & Pimm Fox – (3 Aug 2007) New York

Top Picks ~ Week of July 23, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of July 23, 2007

Organic Industry Structure – A Chart By Phil Howard – Michigan State University (Jul 2007) New Zealanders Decry Ban on Political Satire AngusReid Global Monitor

Top Picks ~ Week of July 16, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of July 16, 2007

Organics for Everyone By Anna Cynar – (Jul 19, 2007) New Road to Serfdom By Michael Hudson – On iTulip (Jun 2006) Ron Paul

Top Picks ~ Week of July 9, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of July 9, 2007

BIS Warns of Great Depression Dangers From Credit Spree By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – (Jun 25, 2007) Libby a Long-Time Mossad Agent By Wayne Madsen

Top Picks ~ Week of July 2, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of July 2, 2007

Credit Crunch Will Shred Investment Portfolios to Ribbons Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – GATA / (Jul 4, 2007) New Drug Deletes Bad Memories Bill Christensen –



Several people have asked me for names of documentaries I enjoyed/found useful recently. Here are some of my favorites (in no particular order) from the

Top Picks ~ Week of June 25, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of June 25, 2007

Will BAE Scandal of Century Bring Down Dick Cheney? By Jeffrey Steinberg – Executive Intelligence Review (Jun 29, 2007 Issue) Putin’s Arctic Invasion: Russia Lays

Top Picks ~ Week of June 18, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of June 18, 2007

Vivoleum, Solves Global Warming and Peak Oil The Yes Men – (Jun 14, 2007) Regional Economic Measurement Division Interactive Map Bureau of Economic Analysis New

Scoop’s New Scoop: American Coup

Scoop’s New Scoop: American Coup

Scoop Media is my top source for news on current U.S. government and political events. Yes, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal

Top Picks ~ Week of June 11, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of June 11, 2007

Bush Shafts Enron Victims By Robert L. Borosage – TomPaine.commonsense (Jun 14, 2007) Swiss Sales Dash Hopes of Gold Recovery By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard –

Diogenes Does It Again

Diogenes Does It Again

Our favorite Fool at one of our favorite blogs, Gift Hub: Blogging Philanthrophy has done it again. Check out “Why Laundering Drug Money through Philanthropy

Trust Me, Anti-Trust = Pro-Trust

Trust Me, Anti-Trust = Pro-Trust

The Federal Trade Commission is opposing Whole Food’s acquisition of Wild Oats on anti-trust grounds? I don’t think so. I am sitting here in the

Spying is a Fast Growing Private Industry

Spying is a Fast Growing Private Industry

Thanks to Progressive Review for bringing the following to our attention. If you are looking to understand what is holding up the stock market, here

In From Secrecy News

In From Secrecy News

The following in today from Secrecy News: a Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy – as described in a recent posting, provides insight

Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready!

Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready!

I am in the middle of Ray Kurzweil’s The Singularity is Near I am not sure what I think of it yet. The gist of

The Yes Men

The Yes Men

I just had one of my most favorite activists tell me that he never heard of the Yes Men. Goodness! This is one team and

Material Omissions, Part II

Material Omissions, Part II

The other night, someone sent me a link in an e-mail entitled “Greg Palast discredits 911 Truth.” Clicking on the link, I found myself at

Top Picks ~ Week of June 4, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of June 4, 2007

Judge Halts Award of Iraq Contract By Alec Klein & Steve Fainaru – Washington Post (Jun 4, 207) Gold Joins the Mainstream By James Grant

The Disappearing Honey Bees: Cui Bono?

The Disappearing Honey Bees: Cui Bono?

This week James Altucher published a column, Profit From the Plight of the Honeybees, on how to profit in the stock market from the disappearing

Material Omissions, Part I

Material Omissions, Part I

Several years ago, I went to California to do a speaking tour and to raise money to help me through the most difficult part of

Top Picks ~ Week of May 28, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of May 28, 2007

US Buy-out Groups in Record $82bn Bids [Sign in to read Full Article] By Francesco Guerrera – Financial (May 28, 2007) Feds Lost $1.3Trillion

Top Picks ~ Week of May 21, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of May 21, 2007

The Era of China Sprott Asset Management (Apr 2007) Welcome to Speed Trap Exchange List of Top Ten Speed Traps in the US Goldman Puts

Top Picks ~ Week of May 14, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of May 14, 2007

Cox Confirms Possibility of Sea Change in SEC Regulation of Foreign BDs, Exchanges By Rachel McTague – Bureau of National Affairs (May 14, 2007) Profit

Top Picks ~ Week of May 7, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of May 7, 2007

Doug Casey: GATA is Right By Doug Casey – Casey Research (May 2007) The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt By Erik Hedegaard – Rolling

Top Picks ~ Week of April 30, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of April 30, 2007

9/11 and the Evidence By Paul Craig Roberts – Information Clearing House (Mar 27, 2007) The Growth Consensus Unravels By Jonathan Rowe – dollars&sense (Jul-Aug

Gravel Has Me Eating Crow

Gravel Has Me Eating Crow

I have said all along that reading or watching anything to do with Presidential politics is not an effective use of time. Senator Mike Gravel’s

Top Picks ~ Week of April 23, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of April 23, 2007

John Kerry: Building 7 Was Deliberately Demolished By Paul Joseph Watson & Aaron Dykes – Prison Planet (Apr 23, 2007) BBC Reported Building 7 Had

Top Picks ~ Week of April 16, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of April 16, 2007

DHA Demand for DNS Master Key Alarms Nations By Deep Harm – Daily Kos (Mar 31, 2007) Are Mobile Phones Wiping Out Our Bees? By

Top Picks ~ Week of April 9, 2007

Top Picks ~ Week of April 9, 2007

Sustainable Route ~ Documenting the continuing exploration of the ‘sustainable movement. EatWild – The #1 Site for Grass-Fed Food & Facts China’s Foreign Reserves Rise

Naked Short Selling

Naked Short Selling

Whether your goal is to transform our world, end corruption or protect your assets from the Tapeworm, the time has come to consider taking physical

It’s a Hit! — Money as Debt

It’s a Hit! — Money as Debt

In the last week, five of the most talented and lively members of the Solari Action Network have strongly recommended a new DVD called “Money