Mortgage Markets
Bank of England to Take on Banks’ Loans to Help Mortgage Market By Andrew Porter – London Telegraph (17 Apr 2008)

The Responsibility Project From Liberty Mutual (16 Apr 2008) The Triumph of the Big D By Alexandra Anderson-Spivy – artnet.com (Apr 2008)

Catherine on BlogTalkRadio
Catherine was interviewed on BlogTalkRadio on April 12 at 2PM CST. Get the details >>

New Weekly Radio Segment
Also, An Open Letter to the KPFA Community from the Flashpoints Team

Wildcards – Week of 04.02.08
Another Chimpanzee Escape At Bastrop Facility Monkey Day | 02 April 2008 Keeling Center for Comparative Medicine and Research in…

Event: Catherine on Flashpoints Tonight
Catherine and Dennis Bernstein continue their conversation about financial markets and current events on Flashpoints Radio tonight: Wednesday, March 26, at 7:30pm US Central Time

Event: Catherine on TruNews Radio
Click here to navigate to the TruNews website and view their event calendar.