Robins Can See Earth's Magnetic Field

Robins Can See Earth's Magnetic Field

The information, relayed to a specialized light-processing region of the brain called ”cluster N”, helps the robin find its way on migration flights. Experts know

Our Hero – Kathryn Bolkovac

Our Hero – Kathryn Bolkovac

Oh, boy! A movie about Kathryn Bolkovac is on the way. I can’t wait! Here is the description: Kathryn Bolkovac is a Nebraska cop who

The Next Financial Crisis Hits Wall Street

The Next Financial Crisis Hits Wall Street

By Pam Martens The financial tsunami unleashed by Wall Street’s esurient alchemy of spinning toxic home mortgages into triple-A bonds, a process known as securitization,

NYS Halts Mandatory Vaccines

NYS Halts Mandatory Vaccines

Albany, NY – Oct 23, 2009. NYS State Health Commisioner Dr. Richard Daines has suspended the controversial mandatory influenza immunization requirement for New York health

Family Wealth – Keeping It In the Family

Family Wealth – Keeping It In the Family

James E. (Jay) Hughes, Jr.  is the author of Family Wealth—Keeping It in the Family: How Family Members and Their Advisers Preserve Human, Intellectual and Financial Assets as

Money & Markets – Week of 11.01.09

Money & Markets – Week of 11.01.09

World’s Central Banks Signal End to Policy ‘Largesse’ (6 Nov 09) U.S. Stocks Erase Gain as House Votes to Limit Card Rates (4

Precious Metals – Week of 11.01.09

Precious Metals – Week of 11.01.09

Chinese Gold Cheaper Than IMF’s – ex-PBOC Adviser Reuters India (5 Nov 09) How Can You Tell When Gold is in a Bubble? Jesse’s Cafe

Geopolitical –  Week of  11.01.09

Geopolitical – Week of 11.01.09

Vets Sue CIA Over Mid Control Tests Wired (7 Jan 09) Hillary Clinton Only Winner in Honduran Mess The Australian (2 Nov 09) EU Lisbon

Technology – Week of 11.01.09

Technology – Week of 11.01.09

NSA Supercenters to Store Americans’ Private Data Permanently New American (28 Oct 09) Sec and Homeland Security Need Web Backup, GAO Says The Flu Case

Life – Week of 11.01.09

Life – Week of 11.01.09

Honey in the Whitehouse New York Times 12 Personal Travel Websites That Will Make You Quit Your Day Job MatadorNetwork (18 Nov 06) Uprooting A

Food & Health – Week of  11.01.09

Food & Health – Week of 11.01.09

WHO ‘Assumes’ Ukraine Gripped By Swine Flu Associated Press (3 Nov 09) What’s So Scary About Michael Pollan? Why Corporate Agriculture Tried to Censor His

The Living Matrix

The Living Matrix

The Living Matrix – The Science of Healing uncovers new ideas about the intricate web of factors that determine our health. You will meet a

We're Governed by Callous Children

We're Governed by Callous Children

By Peggy Noonan The new economic statistics put growth at a healthy 3.5% for the third quarter. We should be dancing in the streets. No

Dangerous Side Effects of Ultra-Easy Money

Dangerous Side Effects of Ultra-Easy Money

By Gary Dorsch Operating under the elixir of ultra-low interest rates, and flush with trillions of fiat currency at their disposal, courtesy of the world’s

Money & Markets ~ Charts 10.29.09

Money & Markets ~ Charts 10.29.09

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The



Mission managers watch as NASA’s Ares I-X rocket launches from Launch Pad 39B at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., Wednesday, Oct. 28,

JP Morgan Chase Takes Over the 'Hood

JP Morgan Chase Takes Over the 'Hood

Dear Ms. Fitts: I listen to you on Coast to Coast AM. I have noticed the number of Chase Banks that have popped up all

Russia Delays Gold Sales

Russia Delays Gold Sales

By Polina Devitt The Russian government said on Tuesday it had postponed its plans to sell up to 50 tonnes of gold this year, after

UK: Is Your Safe Deposit Box Safe?

UK: Is Your Safe Deposit Box Safe?

By Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark The Finchley Road is one of the busiest thoroughfares heading out of London. It leads traffi\u001fc north past Lord’s

Saudis Drops WTI

Saudis Drops WTI

By Javier Blas Saudi Arabia on Wednesday decided to drop the widely used West Texas Intermediate oil contract as the benchmark for pricing its oil,

Derivatives Drain Municipal Governments

Derivatives Drain Municipal Governments

By Peter Robison, Pat Wechsler and Martin Z. Braun Salvatore Calvanese, the treasurer of Springfield, Massachusetts, for four years, had a ready defense for why

Collateral Damage

Collateral Damage

By Tyler Durden “Although the main interests of the Federal Reserve are macroeconomic in nature, well-functioning financial markets are ancillary to good economic performance. Conversely,

Farmer Found Guilty

Farmer Found Guilty

It appears that local governments are getting serious about enforcing Wisconsin’s livestock premises registration law. Last week, Patrick Monchilovich of Cumberland became the first person

Why Boys Are Turning Into Girls

Why Boys Are Turning Into Girls

Here’s something rather rotten from the State of Denmark. Its government yesterday unveiled official research showing that two-year-old children are at risk from a bewildering

The Consequence of a Bull Market in Fraud

The Consequence of a Bull Market in Fraud

“By Jesse” The theory of a short squeeze in Eurodollars which we had first put forward last year “The Dollar Rally and Deflationary Imbalances in

Food Will Never Be So Cheap Again

Food Will Never Be So Cheap Again

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Biofuel refineries in the US have set fresh records for grain use every month since May. Almost a third of the US

Food Safety Debate Continues . . .

Food Safety Debate Continues . . .

[Information originally from Weston Price.] The debate on food safety is heating up in Congress. Last Thursday, October 22, the Senate Committee on Health, Education,

Giant Atom-smasher Jinxed

Giant Atom-smasher Jinxed

Scientists claim the giant atom-smashing Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is being jinxed from the future to save the world. In a bizarre sci-fi theory, Danish

Health Bill May Cut Employer Mandate

Health Bill May Cut Employer Mandate

By David Espo Businesses would not be required to provide health insurance under legislation being readied for Senate debate, but large firms would owe significant

Mass Media Pimping For The White House

Mass Media Pimping For The White House

By Sam Smith If you see and hear a lot in the media about volunteerism and community service in the coming days, it’s no accident.

A True Picture of the US Dollar

A True Picture of the US Dollar

View Larger Chart By James Turk Because people generally calculate the price of goods and services only in terms of the national currency of the

The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex

The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex

This talk by Larry Wilkerson was the keynote speech given at an event sponsored by the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence, American University

Quote du jour

Quote du jour

“There is at least one elegant solution for every real problem.” ~ Harvey Jackins

The Real Deal on US Housing Policy

The Real Deal on US Housing Policy

The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing by E. Michael Jones is a remarkable history of the application of private foundation and federal

US Residential Borrowers Underwater

US Residential Borrowers Underwater

By Diana Golobay The majority — 60% — of remaining performing borrowers within ‘06- and ‘07-vintage residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) bear negative home equity, meaning

When the Crooks Run the Show

When the Crooks Run the Show

By Paul Craig Roberts One conclusive hallmark of a failed state is that the crooks are inside the government, using government to protect and to

Madoff Associate Drowns; Trail Grows Cold?

Madoff Associate Drowns; Trail Grows Cold?

By Brian Skoloff, A man accused of making more than $7 billion off the investment schemes of jailed financial manager Bernard Madoff drowned after having

Greening the Desert

Greening the Desert

Related articles: Permaculture Research Institute of Australia Geoff Lawton

Money & Markets – Week of 10.25.09

Money & Markets – Week of 10.25.09

Shell Profit Plunges Reuters (29 Oct 09) Einhorn’s Next Call Won’t Be as Easy as Lehman: William Pesek (29 Oct 09) Unemployed Tap Their

Mortgage Markets – Week of 10.25.09

Mortgage Markets – Week of 10.25.09

In Detroit, A Housing Auction Of Last Resort MSNBC Business (25 Oct 09) Home-buyer Tax-credit Refunds Delayed For Months Fox Business (26 Oct 09) Guess

Geopolitical –  Week of  10.25.09

Geopolitical – Week of 10.25.09

Flotsam & Jetsam: Time For A Little Moderation Undernews (27 Oct 09) North America’s Largest Industrial union And World’s Largest Cooperative Join Forces (27

Technology – Week of 10.25.09

Technology – Week of 10.25.09

Ares I-X Rocket Chalks Up Successful Test Flight (28 Oct 09) Asteroid Blast Reveals Holes in Earth’s Defences New Scientist (26 Oct 09) Disclosure:

Life – Week of 10.25.09

Life – Week of 10.25.09

In San Francisco, Nightmare Traffic Expected After Bay Bridge Rod Snaps; No Injuries Reported (28 Oct 09) Kids Spend More Than 32 Hours in

Food & Health – Week of  10.25.09

Food & Health – Week of 10.25.09

North Carolina Pandermic Response Project Vaccine Rights (27 Oct 09) Low Milk Prices Have Dairy Farmers Killing Cows CNS (27 Oct 09) Is There

Business Continuity Exercises

Business Continuity Exercises

Business continuity exercises at the big clearing houses and banks this weekend have rumors flying. Combined with the White House declaring a swine flu emergency

Evans-Pritchard's Dollar Defense

Evans-Pritchard's Dollar Defense

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Let me stick my neck out. The dollar will still be the world’s dominant reserve currency in 2030, sharing a degree of

Russia To Sell Gold

Russia To Sell Gold

By Polina Devitt Russia plans to sell as much as 50 tonnes of gold this year to help plug a budget deficit in the first

Piano Stairs

Piano Stairs

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White House Tries to Ban Fox from  Press Pool

White House Tries to Ban Fox from Press Pool

Today the White House stepped up its attack on Fox News, announcing that the network would no longer be able to conduct interviews with officials

Uh-Oh – Food "Safety" Bill

Uh-Oh – Food "Safety" Bill

By Andrew Zajac Legislation granting the Food and Drug Administration new powers to oversee the nation’s food supply has elbowed its way onto Congress’ crammed

Hyperinflation Watch

Hyperinflation Watch

View Larger Chart By James Turk Evidence continues to emerge that the US dollar is headed for hyperinflation. For example, consider why US stock markets

Money & Markets ~ Charts 10.22.09

Money & Markets ~ Charts 10.22.09

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The

The Global Chessboard

The Global Chessboard

On this week’s Solari Report, we will be talking about the economics and geopolitics of food and energy with F. William Engdahl from his office

News From The Get Mint Trading Company

News From The Get Mint Trading Company

The farm may be deserted for now, but the Get Mint Trading Company is up and running! Linette and Peppermint Jim Crosby together with the

The New Roth Rollover Rules Explained

The New Roth Rollover Rules Explained

By Kimberly Lankford I’ve been getting a ton of questions from readers about the new Roth IRA rollover rules that take effect in 2010, when

Round 'Em Up, Stock Goes Up

Round 'Em Up, Stock Goes Up

By Eric Martin William Ackman said he bought shares of Corrections Corp. of America, giving his Pershing Square Capital Management LP hedge fund a 9.5

Goldman + Treasury = Still Clueless

Goldman + Treasury = Still Clueless

Continue reading Bush TARP Head: Obama Picking Up Where We Left Off, “Actions Are Very Consistent” (VIDEO)

'Goldman Sachs says 'Tolerate The Inequality'

'Goldman Sachs says 'Tolerate The Inequality'

By Kathryn Hopkins One of the City’s leading figures has suggested that inequality created by bankers’ huge salaries is a price worth paying for greater

Our Hero – E. Adam Webb

Our Hero – E. Adam Webb

By R. Robin McDonald An Atlanta attorney has sued one of the nation’s largest credit card distributors on behalf of a potential class of credit

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By Sam Smith Adam Storch, vice president of Goldman Sachs’ Business Intelligence Group has become head of the SEC’s enforcement division. It doesn’t get much

LA's Wall Project

LA's Wall Project

The Wall Project, the largest commemoration in the US of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, will be staged in Los

Social Media Next On CIA List

Social Media Next On CIA List

By Noah Shachtman America’s spy agencies want to read your blog posts, keep track of your Twitter updates — even check out your book reviews

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Five-year S&P 500 Price/Earnings Ratio

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Futures in Talks with Options

Futures in Talks with Options

By Emre Peker CME Group Inc. and the Chicago Board Options Exchange are in informal talks for a takeover, Crain’s said, citing people familiar with

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ALERT: Special Swine Flu Update

By Dr. Mercola: Urgent and vital information you need to know about the massive amount of disinformation that the media has recently escalated as best

General Xu Caihou To Visit US

General Xu Caihou To Visit US

China’s second-ranking military officer will travel to Washington later this month on a week-long visit designed to promote trust and avoid “misunderstandings,” the Pentagon said

Is the Media really Stupid?

Is the Media really Stupid?

By “A Reader” This morning I received the following link, from a friend, regarding Jon Stewart skewering CNN for fact-checking a SNL skit while not

Goldman Sachs Bonus Pot Breaks Record

Goldman Sachs Bonus Pot Breaks Record

By Andrew Clark Put the bottles of Krug on ice. Golden days are here again for elite investment banks. Goldman Sachs is gearing up to

Latin America Plans US Dollar Replacement

Latin America Plans US Dollar Replacement

Latin American leaders have agreed on using a new intra- regional trading currency, dubbed as Sucre, instead of the US dollar. Bolivian President Evo Morales,

Quote du Jour

Quote du Jour

“We will bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security” ~ Dwight David Eisenhower

Linda Minor at Minor, Minor, Minor,

Linda Minor at Minor, Minor, Minor,

I am often asked what sources of information that I most trust. Hands down, one of my most valuable sources over the last two decades

World Air Traffic

World Air Traffic

The yellow dots are airplanes in the sky during a 24 hour period. Stay with the picture. You will see the light of the day

Money & Markets – Week of 10.18.09

Money & Markets – Week of 10.18.09

Goldman Sachs Still Paid for Swaps on Redeemed Bonds (Update2) (23 Oct 09) Companies Played Key Role in Getting Salaries Cut The Slatest (22

Precious Metals – Week of 10.18.09

Precious Metals – Week of 10.18.09

Roubini: A Big Crash Is Coming, But I Don’t Believe In Gold The Money Game (23 Oct 09) CME To Allow Gold As Collateral For

Mortgage Markets – Week of 10.18.09

Mortgage Markets – Week of 10.18.09

A Million Frozen Out Of Mortgage Market The Independent (20 Oct 09) FDIC Failed to Limit Commercial Real-Estate Loans, Reports Show (20 Oct 09)

Geopolitical –  Week of  10.18.09

Geopolitical – Week of 10.18.09

China Expands Cyberspying in U.S., Report Says The Wall Street Journal (23 Oct 09) Roberts Speaks Out on DWI Case AOL News (20 Oct 09)

Technology – Week of 10.18.09

Technology – Week of 10.18.09

High-speed Chase Ends When OnStar Halts Stolen SUV Yahoo News (19 Oct 09) Rats Can Save Human Lives Ode (Sept/ Oct 09) How To Make

Life – Week of 10.18.09

Life – Week of 10.18.09

Foreclosures Force Ex-Homeowners to Turn to Shelters The New York Times (19 Oct 09)

Food & Health – Week of  10.18.09

Food & Health – Week of 10.18.09

Keeping The Customer Satisfied (Oct 2009) New York Suspends Mandatory Flu Shots For Health Workers CNN (22 Oct 09) Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?

Ten Days in Space = $35 Million

Ten Days in Space = $35 Million

By Mansur Mirovalev Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte said Tuesday his mission was accomplished after a 10-day trip to the International Space Station where

Ruling Could Undo Thousands of Foreclosure

Ruling Could Undo Thousands of Foreclosure

By Jerry Kronenberg A real estate judge is refusing to reverse a landmark ruling that opens the door to voiding tens of thousands of Bay

United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009

United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009

The United Nations Climate Change Conference will take place at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, between December 7 and December 18, 2009. The conference

Freeze in Social Security Benefits

Freeze in Social Security Benefits

By Robert Pear, For the first time in more than three decades, Social Security recipients will not get any increase in their benefits next year,

What's Up With Gold?

What's Up With Gold?

By: Rob Kirby Earlier this week, I wrote about possible “incongruities” in the gold bar registry of GLD [SPDR Gold Shares (GLD)]. Specifically, here is

Does the Vaccine Matter?

Does the Vaccine Matter?

By Shannon Brownlee and Jeanne Lenzer The term influenza, which dates back to the Middle Ages, is taken from the Italian word for occult or

It Begins – The No Vaccine Campaign

It Begins – The No Vaccine Campaign

While watching football over at my daughter’s home, I got a call from Channel 15 asking if I could explain the motivation behind the “Support