Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of October 17, 2022: Elvis

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of October 17, 2022: Elvis

Tennessee just loves Elvis Presley. Elvis was a great neighbor to Tennesseans, and he supported numerous people and institutions in the Memphis area. The fact that he did not leave the Heartland was and is

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of July 18, 2022: They Live

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of July 18, 2022: They Live

“While they live… we sleep!” Despite numerous references by Catherine to the 1988 movie classic They Live, it seems that too many Solari subscribers have not seen it. Do take this opportunity and watch it

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of July 11, 2022: Spectre

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of July 11, 2022: Spectre

For Let’s Go to the Movies, we have selected the 2015 blockbuster from the James Bond series, Spectre. SPECTRE—acronym for “Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion”—is a transnational criminal organization that carries out

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of June 13, 2022: Undoctored

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of June 13, 2022: Undoctored

For Let’s Go to the Movies this week, watch Undoctored, the eye-opening story of how the American Medical Association (AMA) actively plotted against chiropractic, labeling the practice “quackery” and attempting to destroy a whole profession.

Trust WHO

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of June 6, 2022: TrustWHO

The 2017 documentary TrustWHO was mentioned by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed during the press conference convened by the International Alliance for Justice and Democracy in Geneva on May 28, 2022 to discuss the significance of the

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of Feb. 21, 2022: Hotel Rwanda

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of Feb. 21, 2022: Hotel Rwanda

Is there a genocide happening before our very eyes? What is the cause of the unheard-of increase in all-cause mortality in Western nations? How is it possible that societies, neighborhoods, and even families are divided

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of Feb. 14, 2022: Syriana

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of Feb. 14, 2022: Syriana

Syriana (2005), starring George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Christopher Plummer, has been featured as Solari’s movie of the week before (Solari Report of March 2010) but warrants a review to understand what happens to national

Food for the Soul:  Oscar Movie Season

Food for the Soul:  Oscar Movie Season

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The Oscar season in Hollywood is like the Baltic sea after a storm, when crumbs of precious amber are churned up to the surface. Various movies that would

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of Jan. 24, 2022: Nomadland

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of Jan. 24, 2022: Nomadland

The 2020 movie Nomadland by Chloé Zhao portrays the lives of “unsettled” Americans who dared to leave a “safe and organized” life behind for nomadic lives in RVs and vans—seeking a free and inspired life closer

Let’s Go to the Movies: Nov. 29, 2021: Trading Places

Let’s Go to the Movies: Nov. 29, 2021: Trading Places

Every year in December, we celebrate the season with Christmas movies. Our first Christmas movie is this 1983 comedy from producer Aaron Russo, about how the street guys beat the oligarchs, starring Eddie Murphy and

Let’s Go to the Movies: Oct. 25, 2021: The Untouchables

Let’s Go to the Movies: Oct. 25, 2021: The Untouchables

The Untouchables (1987) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers Staying with our taxation theme, this 1987 American crime film directed by Brian De Palma and starring Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, and Robert De Niro, is

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of Oct. 16, 2021: The Pushback

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of Oct. 16, 2021: The Pushback

You can watch the documentary The Pushback here. Produced by Oracle Films—in collaboration with independent journalists in over 40 nations—the documentary was released in April 2021. If you think there is no pushback against the

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of Oct. 11, 2021: Thanatos

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of Oct. 11, 2021: Thanatos

Thanatos, meaning “death” in Greek, is a 2019 documentary directed by Pierre Barnérias and produced by his company Tprod. In 2020, Barnérias directed the courageous documentary Hold-Up, which gave early voice to many of the

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of Sept. 13, 2021: Respect

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of Sept. 13, 2021: Respect

This brand-new movie tells the true story of how Aretha Franklin, played by Jennifer Hudson, found her voice. Also starring Forest Whitaker and Marlon Wayans. More on this movie on Wikipedia and here. More on

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of July 26, 2021: Chewicide

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of July 26, 2021: Chewicide

"When food is so absolutely, deliciously decadent that it literally is “to DIE for!” – That’s Chewicide." ~ Chef Keidi This documentary by Chef Keidi explores the cultural roots of an epidemic of diet-related diseases,

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of July 12, 2021: Hacksaw Ridge

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of July 12, 2021: Hacksaw Ridge

Hacksaw Ridge, the name of a place in Okinawa (Japan) where some of the bloodiest fighting happened during World War II, is a 2016 war movie directed by Mel Gibson, based on the 2004 documentary The Conscientious Objector.

Hold-Up: A Citizen Film

Hold-Up: A Citizen Film

The French Documentary Hold-Up is finally available internationally – in English, German, Italian. and Korean. Soon available in Spanish and Portuguese! Discover the exclusive interviews of our 3 international film speakers: Catherine Austin Fitts: Commissioner

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of May 17, 2021: The Way

Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of May 17, 2021: The Way

Uplifting, inspiring, touching. Get ready for a very personal but beautiful journey on the Camino de Santiago. The Way is a 2010 American-Spanish drama directed, produced, and written by Emilio Estevez and starring Martin Sheen, Deborah Kara Unger, James Nesbitt, and Yorick van