Virgin Galactic Gateway Spaceport Officially Launched Posted

Virgin Galactic Gateway Spaceport Officially Launched Posted

By Mark V The world’s first commercial space launch pad, the Virgin Galactic Gateway Spaceport, was recently opened in the southern part of New Mexico, attracting around 800 guests at the opening ceremony. Designed by



By Lesta Frank Our thanks to artist and friend, Lesta Frank, for this lovely print. Related Readings: Sunflowers Transcendent Poinsettias

Som Sabadell Flashmob

Som Sabadell Flashmob

On the 130th anniversary of the founding of Banco Sabadell we wanted to pay homage to our city by means of the campaign “Som Sabadell” (We are Sabadell) . This is the flashmob that we

Ecuador Grants Julian Assange Asylum

Ecuador Grants Julian Assange Asylum

Julian Assange’s Wikileaks website published leaked diplomatic cables Source: BBC News UK Ecuador has granted asylum to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange two months after he took refuge in its London embassy while fighting extradition from

Bank of America Tells Gun Company Goodbye

Bank of America Tells Gun Company Goodbye

From Kelly D. McMillan Director of Operations McMillan Group International, LLC McMillan Fiberglass Stocks, McMillan Firearms Manufacturing, McMillan Group International have been collectively banking with Bank of America for 12 years Today Mr. Ray Fox,

Gold Report 2012 – In GOLD we TRUST

Gold Report 2012 – In GOLD we TRUST

From the Erste Group Research The foundation for new all-time-highs is in place. As far as sentiment is concerned, we definitely see no euphoria with respect to gold. Skepticism, fear, and panic are never the

Here’s Catherine’s Latest Kickstarter Pledge

Here’s Catherine’s Latest Kickstarter Pledge

In a landscape as dramatic as its stories, Alaska Native people face staggering suicide rates, yet remain determined to heal & thrive! Historically Alaska Native peoples lived solely from the lands and waters of the

The Man vs. The State

The Man vs. The State

By Chuck Gibson Congratulations – You just bought a new home. Only you didn’t get the house – just the debt. In July 1971, the population of the US was 207.6 million and Treasury funded

On Data Dollars

On Data Dollars

“In a digital world, data about money is worth more than money.” – Nicholas Negroponte

How We Can Eat Our Landscapes

How We Can Eat Our Landscapes

By Pam Warhurst What should a community do with its unused land? Plant food, of course. With energy and humor, Pam Warhurst tells at the TEDSalon the story of how she and a growing team

Germany Considers Holding EU Referendum

Germany Considers Holding EU Referendum

By Florian Gathmann and Philipp Wittrock Chancellor Angela Merkel wants Europe to move toward an ever closer union in a bid to solve the euro crisis. But she is already pushing at the limits of

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter for Beginners

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter for Beginners

From a Solari Report Subscriber The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program is the most expensive weapons program in US Defense Department history, costing almost 1.5 trillion dollars for around 2500 aircraft. The details I

Paul Moore on Financial Holocaust

Paul Moore on Financial Holocaust

[CAF Note: Actually, if you estimate for the full financial coup d’etat following the GATT adoption of the Uruguay Round and the creation of the WTO combined with the “strong dollar policy,” the number of

Mars Rover Curiosity: Images From the Red Planet

Mars Rover Curiosity: Images From the Red Planet

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech The rim of Gale Crater can be seen in the distance beyond the pebbly ground. The topography of the rim is very mountainous due to erosion. The ground seen in the middle shows

They Say

They Say

By The Thinking Moms’ Revolution They say high-pitched screams, fevers and swelling at the injection site are all common, harmless, insignificant side-effects of responsible, preventative medical care. Don’t listen. They say kids get sick all

Please Join Me in Support of Congresswoman Kaptur

Please Join Me in Support of Congresswoman Kaptur

By Catherine Austin Fitts One of the most important things we can each do is to support excellent leaders. I have made a campaign contribution to Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur’s (D-Ohio) campaign this election season and

Brutal July Heat A New U.S. Record

Brutal July Heat A New U.S. Record

By The CNN Wire Staff The July heat wave that wilted crops, shriveled rivers and fueled wildfires officially went into the books Wednesday as the hottest single month on record for the continental United States.

NYSE in Talks with SEC to Settle Data Probe

NYSE in Talks with SEC to Settle Data Probe

[Note from CAF: What are the private contractors who manage information and payments systems for the SEC and NYSE? It is not clear to me that any agreement between the two will solve the leakage,

Talk to Me, One Machine Said to the Other

Talk to Me, One Machine Said to the Other

By Kevin J. O’Brien Ocado, an online grocery store in England, prides itself on its delivery of refrigerated foods: When the company says the goods will arrive at a certain temperature, they mean it. The

Rover Curiosity Lands Safely: ‘Wheels down on Mars’

Rover Curiosity Lands Safely: ‘Wheels down on Mars’

By Scott Gold Curiosity, the largest and most advanced spacecraft ever sent to another planet, stuck its extraordinary landing Sunday night in triumphant and flawless fashion, and is poised to begin its pioneering, two-year hunt

HNC’s Military-Industrial Context

HNC’s Military-Industrial Context

By Phyllis D. James of Synthetic Thinking James Eagen Holmes’ interest in synthetic thinking, more commonly known as artificial intelligence, was handed down to him by his father, Robert Milton Holmes, Jr., who worked for

Insight from Europe

Insight from Europe

By an American Traveler So my family and I recently traveled to Germany and Switzerland during the last five weeks. It gave me a really different perspective, as I expected, but not in the direction

Lesta Frank Workshop: Painting Faces in Watercolor

Lesta Frank Workshop: Painting Faces in Watercolor

By Lesta Frank When: Saturday, August 11 , 10:00- 4:00 and Sunday, August 13, 11:00-5:00 Sign up for one or both days. Where: Lesta’s studio, 135 Evans Ave, San Antonio, TX Bring: 1. Your own

Economic Resurrection for My Neighbors at Easter Time

Economic Resurrection for My Neighbors at Easter Time

[CAF Note: I originally published this is April 2003. I am republishing as we explore ideas to rebuild income and employment.] “Arise, shine: for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is

IRS Missing Billions in ID Theft

IRS Missing Billions in ID Theft

By Josh Lederman Washington – The Internal Revenue Service may have delivered more than $5 billion in refund checks to identity thieves who filed fraudulent tax returns for 2011, Treasury Department investigators said Thursday. They

Nick Bryant on Pedophilia & Politics

Nick Bryant on Pedophilia & Politics

By Catherine Austin Fitts This Thursday on the Solari Report, I will be talking with Nick Bryant, author of The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal  Two stories have brought the

Cybercrime: Black Hat Edition

Cybercrime: Black Hat Edition

By Willie Jones How secure do you feel about the wireless router you use at home? Maybe more than you should. Researchers at AppSec Consulting Inc., in San Jose, Calif., reported new vulnerabilities at the

Transformations & Renewals – October 12-14 in Tennessee

Transformations & Renewals – October 12-14 in Tennessee

Every day Franklin Sanders and I meet and work with great people—people who are hard working and industrious, people who take time to care for others—their family, their communities, their colleagues. Yet too often, many

Control Files

Control Files

By Catherine Austin Fitts A “control file” is a private record that contains secret information or pictures that are the basis of threatening and blackmailing a person. Perhaps the most famous historical example of control

EU may criminalize commodities price distortion

EU may criminalize commodities price distortion

Reuters 26 July 2012 By Barbara Lewis Manipulating international commodity benchmarks such as Brent crude oil would be a criminal offence, punishable by jail, under a set of reforms the EU Commission has proposed in

The Greater Good Movie

The Greater Good Movie

THE GREATER GOOD looks behind the fear, hype and politics that have polarized the vaccine debate in America today. The film re-frames the emotionally charged issue and offers, for the first time, the opportunity for

Letters from Fleurette: December 2011

Letters from Fleurette: December 2011

Dear Catherine, You have been very much in my thoughts and prayer as I anticipate writing to celebrate your birthday. I am deeply aware that this is your first birthday since Georgie’s death. This time

Travel Changes You

Travel Changes You

“I beg young people to travel. If you don’t have a passport, get one. Take a summer, get a backpack and go to Delhi, go to Saigon, go to Bangkok, go to Kenya. Have your

The Man Nobody Knew

The Man Nobody Knew

[Note from Catherine Austin Fitts: I disagree with the conclusion of this new documentary. IMO, Bill Colby was most certainly assassinated. Whatever, the truth of his death, this new documentary on his life provides some

Living History

Living History

       ~originally published in 2006~ By Catherine Austin Fitts I resisted learning real history for many years. Instead I satisfied my curiosity about the past with the socially acceptable version of history that

Stockton Reveals Bondholder Offers From Mediation

Stockton Reveals Bondholder Offers From Mediation

By Stephen Church Stockton, one of a growing number of California cities in financial collapse, said it asked bondholders and other lenders owed more than $300 million to take less than full repayment as part

A Sneaky Way to Control Guns

A Sneaky Way to Control Guns

Travelers Today 20 July 2012 By John Bolton, July 18th Gun-control advocates and the Obama administration are rushing to complete negotiations in New York on a proposed international agreement called the United Nations Arms Trade

Some Sideways Thinking About Cyberwarfare

Some Sideways Thinking About Cyberwarfare

By Tim O’Reilly When we hear the term “cyberwarfare” we think of government-backed hackers stealing data, or releasing viruses or other software exploits to disrupt another country’s capabilities, communications, or operations. We imagine terrorists or

Where the Money Went

Where the Money Went

Source: tax justice network Revealed: global super-rich has at least $21 trillion hidden in secret tax havens. At least $21 trillion of unreported private wealth was owned by wealthy individuals via tax havens at the

A Conversation about the Popsicle Index

A Conversation about the Popsicle Index

[CAF Note: I first published this in 1999. I thought I would update it and republish.] By Catherine Austin Fitts When I was a child, the way our neighborhood would figure things out was by

Catherine’s Latest Kiva Loan

Catherine’s Latest Kiva Loan

Nazih is a 55-year-old married man and father of four children. He has more than 35 years of unique experience in agriculture with a deep knowledge in the growing of various products and plant rooting.

Consciousness Beyond  Chemtrails

Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails

The Largest Stand Ever Against Chemtrails August 17th – 19th , 2012Live Conference in LA & Global WebcastEbell Theatre743 S Lucerne BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90010323-931-1277 15 Experts in Chemtrails and Metaphysics Permier of “Why in

Libor Rigging:  The Tip of the Iceberg

Libor Rigging: The Tip of the Iceberg

By Rob Kirby GATA was born in the late 1990’s – primarily on the back of fundamental research by Frank Veneroso regarding Central Bank Gold Leasing. Veneroso’s intellectual curiosity was aroused after being fed detailed

U.S. Drought Worst Since Mid-’50s

U.S. Drought Worst Since Mid-’50s

The Seattle Times 17 July 2012 By Jim Suhr and Steve Karnowski The Associated Press The nation’s widest drought in decades is spreading, with more than half of the continental United States in some stage

The Singapore Dollar

The Singapore Dollar

Our favorite substitute for the euro while we ride out the storm in the Eurozone is the Singapore dollar. While commodity currencies might be prime beneficiaries of the increased trigger friendliness at major central banks,

Insights From Ingo Swann

Insights From Ingo Swann

Ingo Swan “It’s unkind to point out the Obvious To those who don’t want to see it. But it’s worse to point out the Invisible To those convinced it doesn’t exist.” “What, When, and Who

Letters from Fleurette: Mary’s Mosaic

Letters from Fleurette: Mary’s Mosaic

[ CAF Note: I have asked Fleurette to allow me to publish her letters to me for subscribers.Fleurette is a dear friend, subscribe and force of nature from Vancouver, British Columbia.] Dear Catherine, As you

The Real Deal on Outsourcing

The Real Deal on Outsourcing

By Peter Morici No issue is more misunderstood, or been more purposefully confused by the Romney and Obama campaigns, than outsourcing. Outsourcing is merely the importing side of international trade — purchasing abroad goods and

If You Have Guns, Who Needs Banks?

If You Have Guns, Who Needs Banks?

By Staff Writers The European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS) is considering launching its own bank to better manage its accounts, the new chief of subsidiary Airbus said in an interview. Continue reading the

Branson’s Virgin Galactic ‘Spaceship’ in UK Debut

Branson’s Virgin Galactic ‘Spaceship’ in UK Debut

By Graham Ruddick Speaking at the Farnborough Airshow, Sir Richard said Virgin Galactic wants to “revolutionise the way we get to space” and that he and his children will be the first passengers when the

Seeds of Freedom

Seeds of Freedom

The story of seed has become one of loss, control, dependence and debt. It’s been written by those who want to make vast profit from our food system, no matter what the true cost.  It’s

“Frightening Factoid”

“Frightening Factoid”

Wal-Mart now sells to the citizens of the United States more than one-fifth of their food, which is more than the combined sales of its three largest competitors. Related reading: Walmart From Wikipedia GMO From

UFOs Over The UK

UFOs Over The UK

(CAF Note: Is the LIBOR scandal sufficiently frustrating that the UK Defense establishment thought we needed some light reading for the weekend?) By Ed Krayewski The United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense released 6,700 pages worth

Mandelman Matters, with Catherine Austin Fitts: LBO AMERICA

Mandelman Matters, with Catherine Austin Fitts: LBO AMERICA

“Catherine Austin Fitts has perspective on the housing and mortgage meltdown like no other. Under President George Herbert Walker Bush, she was Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at HUD, where she basically

The Post-Employee Economy

The Post-Employee Economy

[click on the image for a larger version] By Conor Sen Robots have come to destroy our way of life, just as we saw in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, though not as we expected. They’re

Oil: The Next Revolution

Oil: The Next Revolution

Published by Harvard University Whatever the future, the analysis reported in this paper reveals some important points:  • Oil is not in short supply. From a purely physical point of view, there are huge volumes

Andy Griffith, 6/1/1926 – 7/3/2012

Andy Griffith, 6/1/1926 – 7/3/2012

Andy Griffith, who made homespun Southern wisdom his trademark as the wise sheriff in “The Andy Griffith Show” and the rumpled defense lawyer in “Matlock,” died Tuesday. He was 86. Continue reading the article .

Solving Mortgage Fraud With Fraud

Solving Mortgage Fraud With Fraud

[ CAF Note: We created a mortgage bubble by fraudulent means. When the bubble burst, we solved the banks problem with fraudulent means at taxpayers expense. Now the question is if and how will we

NAFTA on Steroids

NAFTA on Steroids

Farmers from Miyagi prefecture raise their fists along with other farmers from across Japan during a rally against Japan participating in rule-making negotiations for the U.S.-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in Tokyo October 26, 2011. REUTERS/Yuriko

Denmark Financing at Negative Interest Rates

Denmark Financing at Negative Interest Rates

By John Acher and Ole Mikkelsen * Central bank cuts main policy rate by 25 bps to 0.20 pct * Cuts CD rate by 25 bps to negative 0.20 pct * Keeps current account rate

What is the Higgs Boson?

What is the Higgs Boson?

By Soren Dreier Scientists at Cern, the Geneva-based European laboratory for particle physics, are revealing their latest findings in their search for the Higgs boson. Video the guardian (3 July 12) Continue reading the article

Collaborative Consumption

Collaborative Consumption

A social and economic system driven by network technologies that enable the sharing and exchange of all kinds of assets from spaces to skills to cars in ways and on a scale never possible before

Right to Know Label GMO Foods

Right to Know Label GMO Foods

Stand Up For Your Right To Know The California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act of 2012 We All Have a Right to Know What’s in Our Food Consumers have a right to know

Glencore Whac-a-mole

Glencore Whac-a-mole

Anyone notice a pattern? By Ben Deighton A Belgian court convicted a subsidiary of commodities trader Glencore (GLEN.L) and others on Wednesday of bribing a European Union official in return for market-sensitive information. Glencore Grain

Is This The Next Bubble?

Is This The Next Bubble?

By Chuck Gibson Buried underneath last week’s news about the Supreme Court’s ruling on “Obamacare”, the House of Representatives passed a transportation bill that included an extension of the low interest rate on government-subsidized student

DOJ:  Eliminating Marijuana Competition In California

DOJ: Eliminating Marijuana Competition In California

[CAF Note: When John Gotti, Jr. was asked by the press whether or not the Gotti crime family was trafficking in narcotics, he denied the allegation saying “who can compete with the government?” My research

Federal Court Affirms Significant New Powers for EPA

Federal Court Affirms Significant New Powers for EPA

[CAF Note: I’m a skeptic. Get ready for this to be seriously misused] A federal court decision on Tuesday upholding the Environmental Protection Agency’s landmark rulings to control greenhouse gases was a decisive victory for

Regulators to Classify Gold as Zero-Risk Asset?

Regulators to Classify Gold as Zero-Risk Asset?

Image: Stuart Niles / * By John Butler In what might be the most underreported financial story of the year, US banking regulators recently circulated a memorandum for comment, including proposed adjustments to current

Medical Terrorism’s on the Prowl

Medical Terrorism’s on the Prowl

[Note from CAF: Here it comes again. A new effort to push pandemics and vaccines. If ever there is a sign of real weakness in the global economy, medical terrorism is it. For more on swine

Radical Openness

Radical Openness

Photo: James Duncan Davidson Source: TED In pictures, quotes and more. As the world becomes interconnected, the ways we relate and learn about one another (and the rules about what we share) are changing. That’s

Pentagon Lists 110 Potential Drone Bases in U.S.

Pentagon Lists 110 Potential Drone Bases in U.S.

[click on the image for a larger version By Steven Aftergood The Department of Defense has identified 110 sites in the United States that could serve as bases for military unmanned aerial systems (UAS), or

The World at War, $20 at a Time

The World at War, $20 at a Time

by Catherine Austin Fitts In April, I dropped into the Verizon Store in Corte Madera, California. I was headed to Portugal. My iPhone did not work globally. On my last few trips to Europe, Verizon

Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership

Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership

From Wikipedia The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), also known as the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement, is a multilateral free trade agreement that aims to further liberalize the economies of the Asia-Pacific region; specifically, Article 1.1.3

Million Dollar Blocks

Million Dollar Blocks

[CAF Note: Like Curtis Mayfield sang, “It’s like one way in and no way out.”] By Spatial Information Design Labs The United States currently has more than 2 million people locked up in jails and

All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace

All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace

By Adam Curtis All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace is a series about how humans have been colonised by the machines they have built — “Although we don’t realise it, the way we

GMO Myths and Truths

GMO Myths and Truths

Genetically modified (GM) crops are promoted on the basis of a range of far-reaching claims from the GM crop industry and its supporters. They say that GM crops: Are an extension of natural breeding and

Family Net Worth Plummets Nearly 40%

Family Net Worth Plummets Nearly 40%

By Charles Riley The average American family’s net worth dropped almost 40% between 2007 and 2010, according to a triennial study released Monday by the Federal Reserve. [click on the image for a larger version

Centralization Has Failed

Centralization Has Failed

By Charles Hugh Smith of two The Master Narrative Nobody Dares Admit All centralized systems, open and shadow alike, act as heavy taxes on the society and economy. This is why they cannot compete

Bank Investors Dismiss Moody’s Cuts as Years Too Late

Bank Investors Dismiss Moody’s Cuts as Years Too Late

By Dakin Campbell and Michael J. Moore Moody’s Investors Service suffered a downgrade of its own as markets responded to the company’s rating cuts yesterday of 15 of the world’s largest banks by bidding up

Lesta Frank’s New Classes in San Antonio

Lesta Frank’s New Classes in San Antonio

Workshop– Saturday June 23 and Sunday, June 24, 2012 Hours: Each day-10:00-4:00 Place: Lesta’s Studio, 135 Evans Ave.,San Antonio., 78209 Fee: One day $50, both days $85 plus supply fee $10 a day Lunch: Bring your