Vision 2020

Vision 2020

The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. ~ Bertrand Russell In 2016, my goal continued to be to live a […]

Selected Food Graphs & Charts

Selected Food Graphs & Charts

    Employment in Agriculture*   Prevalence of Undernourishment*   Top Food Items Produced*   Live Animal Production*   Per Capita Fish Food Supply*   […]

Stocks by Food Segments & Sectors

Stocks by Food Segments & Sectors

Segment Stock Name Ticker Stock Sector Net Income $MM % Total Return YTD % Total Return 3-Year % Total Return 10-Year Agribusiness Adecoagro SA AGRO […]

Food Production

Food Production

Country Food Production $MM1 Agriculture (% GDP)1 Food Exports $MM1 Food Imports $MM1 Net Trade: Cereals $MM1 Net Trade: Fruit & Vegetables $MM1 Net Trade: […]

Food Natural Resources

Food Natural Resources

Country Total Land(sq. KM)1 Agricultural Land(sq. KM)2 Arable Land(sq. KM)2 Population(July 2016)3 Population Per Sq. KMof Agricultural Land1 AgriculturalWorkforce %4 Australia 7,741,220 4,133,811 479,956 22,992,654 […]

The Power of Food

The Power of Food

(Click on Column Titles to Sort the Data)   Country     GDP (PPP)$MM1     Food Production$MM2     Food Exports$MM2     Food […]

Motif Investing: Rising Food Prices ETF

Motif Investing: Rising Food Prices ETF

Click on the Motif Investing screenshot below to launch a full-size version: Source: Motif Investing (Prices as of Jan 25, 2017, 5:10 PM)   Disclaimer […]

Money Maps of the World

Money Maps of the World

Above all else show the data. ~ Edward R. Tufte Population Natural Resources Infrastructure Financial Military Space Programs We began publishing “money maps” in the […]

2017 Scenario #1: Popsicle Index Rising

2017 Scenario #1: Popsicle Index Rising

A commitment to human values, environmental stewardship, market economics and global cooperation are successful. Weighting = 30% Multipolar World Positive Return on Investment to Taxpayer […]

2017 Scenario #2: Global Musical Chairs

2017 Scenario #2: Global Musical Chairs

A commitment to human values, environmental stewardship, and market economics are constrained by a failure of national and global cooperation. This results in continued high […]

2017 Scenario #3: Mind Control

2017 Scenario #3: Mind Control

A commitment to command and control governance and transhuman values combined with success re-engineering government resources creates a world of “friendly fascism.” Weighting = 20% […]

2017 Scenario #4: The War Machine

2017 Scenario #4: The War Machine

A command and control world without human values and with little success at optimizing resources perpetuates a state of war. Weighting = 10% Unipolar World […]

Best Books for 2017

Best Books for 2017

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking. ~Haruki Murakami Here are my […]



You open up your mail. The first letter says your health insurance premium has been raised by 30%. The phone rings – it’s your father. […]

2016 Hero: Julian Assange

2016 Hero: Julian Assange

“It’s truly astonishing that some guy hiding in the Ecuadorean Embassy is doing more for TRUTH in this election than all the American press.” ~ […]

2016 Movie of the Year: Sully

2016 Movie of the Year: Sully

On January 15, 2009, the world witnessed the “Miracle on the Hudson” when Captain “Sully” Sullenberger glided his disabled plane onto the frigid waters of […]

2016 Documentary of the Year: Vaxxed

2016 Documentary of the Year: Vaxxed

The documentary Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe describes how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a US government agency charged with protecting the […]

Food Documentaries

Food Documentaries

The Solari Report recommends the following documentaries which explore the subject of food: A Silent Forest – The Growing Threat, Genetically Engineered Trees Are you […]

Let’s Go to the Movies

Let’s Go to the Movies

Here is a chronological list of all the movies and documentaries we’ve discussed on the Solari Report: 2016-12-15 The Ramen Girl 2016-12-08 Weiner 2016-12-01 Sherpa […]

Who’s Who in the Transition?

Who’s Who in the Transition?

“Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.” ~Sun Tzu 2017: The Transition Accelerates You open up your mail. The first […]



The precious metals market had the highest roller coaster of all during 2017. Gold and silver rose spectacularly in the first half of the year, […]



After an astonishing rise in 2013 (S&P total return of 32%), US equity markets performed well in 2014 (14%) and were nearly flat in 2015 […]

Fixed Income

Fixed Income

As we started 2016, it looked like the end of the great bond bull market had finally arrived. However, bond prices skyrocketed into the summer […]

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Home Introduction Money Maps of the World Who’s Who In the Transition? Best Books for 2017 Vision 2020 The Global Harvest (PDF) The Global Harvest […]

VI: Inspiration

VI: Inspiration

One of the things we most love about being alive at such an exciting time is the remarkable example of people inspiring us “to strive, […]

V: The Unanswered Questions

V: The Unanswered Questions

Even as we answer the questions about what is happening around us, more questions arise. There are many mysteries and uncertainties to engage our research […]

IV: Science and Technology

IV: Science and Technology

The question of integrity was front-and-center during 2016 in the area of science and technology. The number of experts, journalists and citizens concerned about “junk […]

III. Culture

III. Culture

At the heart of creating labor and human productivity will be the creation of a culture which celebrates excellence, creativity and productive behavior. Behind the […]

II. Geopolitics

II. Geopolitics

Globalization has unleashed both positive and negative forces upon our world. The corporate media has been successful at communicating the positives and covering up the […]

I. The Economy & Financial Markets

I. The Economy & Financial Markets

For many years I have predicted that the “slow burn” would continue. As we begin 2017, the heat has been turned up dramatically. The financial […]

Financial Market Round Up

Financial Market Round Up

The year ended with the US dollar index breaking through the 100 ceiling and rising strongly in response to both the Trump election and the […]

2016 News Trends & Stories

2016 News Trends & Stories

The next time you encounter a difficult obstacle or problem, you should smile and say, ‘Here’s my chance to grow.’ ~ Zig Ziglar Say farewell […]