2017 Scenario #1: Popsicle Index Rising

2017 Scenario #1: Popsicle Index Rising

A commitment to human values, environmental stewardship, market economics and global cooperation are successful. Weighting = 30% Multipolar World Positive Return on Investment to Taxpayer […]

2017 Scenario #2: Global Musical Chairs

2017 Scenario #2: Global Musical Chairs

A commitment to human values, environmental stewardship, and market economics are constrained by a failure of national and global cooperation. This results in continued high […]

2017 Scenario #3: Mind Control

2017 Scenario #3: Mind Control

A commitment to command and control governance and transhuman values combined with success re-engineering government resources creates a world of “friendly fascism.” Weighting = 20% […]

2017 Scenario #4: The War Machine

2017 Scenario #4: The War Machine

A command and control world without human values and with little success at optimizing resources perpetuates a state of war. Weighting = 10% Unipolar World […]