BestEvidence Now Has a Substack

BestEvidence Now Has a Substack

By: John Titus I got this idea from a YouTube viewer. I’ve started this substack as a workaround for YouTube’s systematic failure to notify my subscribers that I’ve posted new videos on my channel, BestEvidence.

Unanswered Question: Is Canada Being Run with Mercenaries?

Unanswered Question: Is Canada Being Run with Mercenaries?

“The reappearance of private armies is a harbinger of a wider trend in international relations: the emergence of neomedievalism….The erosion of the taboo against mercenarism heralds a shift in this world order, from the state-centric

Could this Jewish ban on Covid vaccines turn the tide?

Could this Jewish ban on Covid vaccines turn the tide?

by: Karen Harradine In a major development which could have far-reaching consequences, a Hasidic rabbinical court in New York ruled on November 1 that it is ‘absolutely forbidden to administer the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine to

Report from Roberts County, Texas

Report from Roberts County, Texas

Email from a Subscriber: 96.2% Trump 529 votes 3.1% Biden 17 votes Randall County 78% Trump Potter County north part of Amarillo 66% Trump I watched a little of Fox coverage last night. Rove was

The Rappoport Series

The Rappoport Series

“A step‐op is one in which the bad guys keep going, one intrusion after another. It isn’t just West Nile, it’s West Nile, then SARS, then Bird Flu, then Swine Flu. It”s all one package,

Census 2020 – What You Need to Know

Census 2020 – What You Need to Know

By Carolyn Betts, Esq. The 2020 decennial census is upon us. Census mailers requesting online responses have been mailed throughout the United States. Don’t believe the communication you may have received saying your response is

The Nuremberg Code Exemption Statement

The Nuremberg Code Exemption Statement

Covid Injection Refusal Statement Professor of Law Francis A Boyle’s Statement for Any Person to Refuse to Submit to or to Administer the COVID Gene Therapy Injection: This injection is not a vaccine, it is

Geopolitics – 3rd Quarter 2019

Geopolitics – 3rd Quarter 2019

FBI Busts Massive Fentanyl Ring Running Out of Dept of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs in D.C. Activist Post | 30 September 2019 United Nations | 30 September 2019 No Kashmiri politician will work with or

Geopolitics – 2nd Quarter 2019

Geopolitics – 2nd Quarter 2019

Rebel HQ | 20 June 2019 Is Harvard an Embarrassment? Part II: Kyle Kashuv and David Hogg Independent Institute | 20 June 2019 Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange Medium | 26 June 2019 PACE

Geopolitics – 1st Quarter 2019

Geopolitics – 1st Quarter 2019

Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone Times of Israel | 12 February 2019 Lawsuit to Force FBI Assessment of WTC Evidence: Interview with Richard Gage, Dave Meiswinkle, and Mick Harrison

Geopolitics – 4th Quarter 2018

Geopolitics – 4th Quarter 2018

Rense Program 11/28/18 No1: Jeff and Catherine Austin Fitts – Massive Missing Money And The Great Game Jeff Rense | 28 November 2018 Mystery as NATO Auditor General is found shot dead in suspicious circumstances

Geopolitics – 3rd Quarter 2018

Geopolitics – 3rd Quarter 2018

Bourdain Confidential Popula | 15 Jul 2018 Jack Ma: Influence by trade war may last for 20 years China Global Television Network | 19 September 2018 Lavrov’s remarks at the 73rd session of the UN

Geopolitics – 2nd Quarter 2018

Geopolitics – 2nd Quarter 2018

Something Unprecedented Is Happening at Bilderberg 2018 YouTube | 08 June 2018 Truthstream Media Bilderberg and the Digital New World Order YouTube | 15 June 2018 Abolishing ICE becomes Dem litmus test The Hill |

Geopolitics – 1st Quarter 2018

Geopolitics – 1st Quarter 2018

Video: The Last Cowboy at Pine Creek Ranch WSJ | 30 March 2018 Koch Exposed PR Watch | 2018 Russia to expel diplomats and close US consulate in St Petersburg over response to Salisbury spy

Geopolitical – Week of 12.31.17

Geopolitical – Week of 12.31.17

Hillary Clinton faces fresh investigations amid renewed corruption claims UK Telegraph | 05 January 2018 Wheels Coming off Clinton Bus??? FBI launches new Clinton Foundation investigation The Hill | 04 January 2018 Is this one

Geopolitical – Week of 12.31.17

Geopolitical – Week of 12.31.17

US suspends $125mn UNRWA payment – report RT | 05 January 2018 More Hard Ball… Trump cools to idea of taking on welfare programs, seeing

Geopolitical – Week of 12.24.17

Geopolitical – Week of 12.24.17

2018 – war or no war? The Saker | 29 December 2017 War w/o End Amen Game Plan… Roy Moore Lawsuit Proves Election Fraud in AL Senate Race Info Wars | 29 December 2017 New

Geopolitical – Week of 12.24.17

Geopolitical – Week of 12.24.17

2018 – War or No War? The Saker | 29 December 2017 War w/o End Amen Game Plan… Roy Moore Lawsuit Proves Election Fraud in

Geopolitical – Week of 12.17.17

Geopolitical – Week of 12.17.17

Jimmy Dore – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly YouTube | 08 December 2017 Language. Commentary is “Priceless”… President Trump National Security Strategy Speech You Tube | 18 December 2017 More National Security Strategy…

Geopolitical – Week of 12.17.17

Geopolitical – Week of 12.17.17

Latest Bombshell: BLM Not Only Knew About The Bundy’s Water Rights But Sought To Eliminate Them! Freeom Outpost | 22 December 2017 Documentation indicates the

Geopolitical – Week of 12.10.17

Geopolitical – Week of 12.10.17

Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program NY Times | 16 December 2017 Mr. Stevens died in 2010, and Mr. Inouye in… New Ordinance Outlaws Giving Money to Panhandlers, Violators Will Be

Geopolitical – Week of 12.10.17

Geopolitical – Week of 12.10.17

Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program NY Times | 16 December 2017 Mr. Stevens died in 2010, and Mr. Inouye in…

Geopolitical – Week of 12.03.17

Geopolitical – Week of 12.03.17

Join With Me and Let’s Change the World Paul Craig Roberts | 09 December 2017 A few… David Icke Exposes George H W Bush YouTube | 04 December 2017 About their connection… Dude Where’s My

Geopolitical – Week of 12.03.17

Geopolitical – Week of 12.03.17

Join With Me and Let’s Change the World Paul Craig Roberts | 09 December 2017 A few… 2016: David Icke Exposes George H W Bush

Geopolitical – Week of 11.26.17

Geopolitical – Week of 11.26.17

The Dog That Didn’t Bark: Imprisoning and Torturing Billionaire Oligarchs UNZ | 02 December 2017 Hindrance on the way of the Kushner…. The Trump Administration Is Mulling A Pitch For A Private “Rendition” And Spy

Geopolitical – Week of 11.26.17

Geopolitical – Week of 11.26.17

The Quiet Attacks on Your Rights You Probably Haven’t Heard About Talk Poverty | 28 November 2017 Year-long assault on low… The Dog That Didn’t

Geopolitical – Week of 11.19.17

Geopolitical – Week of 11.19.17

Dan Fagan: Donna Brazile Devoted Life to Democratic Party, Until She Exposed ‘Crooked Hillary’ Advocate | 07 November 2017 By law, donors could give… Russia Confirms 6,000 Mph Hypersonic Zircon Missile Ready for War ‘as

Geopolitical – Week of 11.19.17

Geopolitical – Week of 11.19.17

Dan Fagan: Donna Brazile Devoted Life to Democratic Party, Until She Exposed ‘Crooked Hillary’ Advocate | 07 November 2017 By law, donors could give… Russia

Geopolitical – Week of 11.12.17

Geopolitical – Week of 11.12.17

Rep. Mike Kelly Confronts IRS Commissioner on “Extortion” of Small Businesses You Tube | 26 May 2016 Great IRS Roasting… Anatomy of a purge: MBS’s actions, Saudi Arabia’s crisis, and its coming collapse The Duran

Geopolitical – Week of 11.12.17

Geopolitical – Week of 11.12.17

John Kerry and Prince Charles kill the Israeli Project Veterans Today | 16 November 2017 Kerry produced another devastating attack on the Israeli… Larry Wilkerson

Geopolitical – Week of 11.05.17

Geopolitical – Week of 11.05.17

The MISSING $21 TRILLION You Tube | 06 November 2017 Don’t You Miss the November 12th Show!!! Breaking: FBI Whistleblower Exposes Special Counsel Mueller’s Conflict of Interest! You Tube | 24 October 2017 More on

Geopolitical – Week of 11.05.17

Geopolitical – Week of 11.05.17

The MISSING $21 TRILLION You Tube | 06 November 2017 Don’t You Miss the November 12th Show!!! Breaking: FBI Whistleblower Exposes Special Counsel Mueller’s Conflict

Geopolitical – Week of 10.29.17

Geopolitical – Week of 10.29.17

Catherine Austin Fitts -The Missing Trillions: A Constitutional Crisis! YouTube | 30 October 2017 The 800 lb. Gorilla in the Room!!! Fighter jets with laser weapons set to take to the skies in 2021 as

Geopolitical – Week of 10.29.17

Geopolitical – Week of 10.29.17

Corey Feldman Thinks Michael Jackson Was Innocent Of Child Molestation Zero Hedge | 31 October 2017 Nobody’s going to stop… Mueller Probe Draws in Tony

Geopolitical- Week of 10.22.17

Geopolitical- Week of 10.22.17

>Linda Moulton How LIVE 10/26/2017 – Important Information about the JKF Assassination Linda Moulton Howe | 26 October 2017 JFK Revelations by the Numbers… JFK Assassination Records Release Update: CIA Attempts to Block New Documents

Geopolitical- Week of 10.22.17

Geopolitical- Week of 10.22.17

Maryland Becomes the Latest State to Make It Illegal to Protest Israel’s Occupation of Palestine MIC | 25 October2017 Suing… Linda Moulton How LIVE 10/26/2017

Geopolitical- Week of 10.15.17

Geopolitical- Week of 10.15.17

The Shift 15 Catherine Austin Fitts The Shift | 16 October 2017 More on the Missing Money… Under Trump, Brags Mike Pompeo, CIA Will Be ‘Much More Vicious Agency’ Common Dreams | 20 October 2017

Geopolitical- Week of 10.15.17

Geopolitical- Week of 10.15.17

The Shift 15 Catherine Austin Fitts The Shift | 16 October 2017 More on the Missing Money… Under Trump, Brags Mike Pompeo, CIA Will Be

Geopolitical – Week of 10.08.17

Geopolitical – Week of 10.08.17

Former SEAL Team Commander: Vegas Appears To Be Political Operation YouTube | 04 October 2017 Heed the Warning… Another Day, Another Horror: Who benefits? – The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast YouTube | 06 October 2017

Geopolitical – Week of 10.08.17

Geopolitical – Week of 10.08.17

Up to 200 killed at North Korea’s nuclear test site: report USA Today | 31 October 2017 Secretary of Defense James Mattis Address to Association

Geopolitical – Week of 10.01.17

Geopolitical – Week of 10.01.17

Eerie Predictions in Vegas… Cui Bono? YouTube | 04 October 2017 The Question… Adam Kokesh – Vision of a New America YouTube | 05 October 2017 ​ Hurricane Nate sets record as fastest moving storm

Geopolitical – Week of 10.01.17

Geopolitical – Week of 10.01.17

Eerie Predictions in Vegas… Cui Bono? YouTube | 04 October 2017 The Question… Hurricane Nate sets record as fastest moving storm in Gulf of Mexico

Geopolitical – Week of 09.24.17

Geopolitical – Week of 09.24.17

The Cost to US Taxpayers for Accepting Immigrants is $135 BILLION Per Year! Need to Know News | 30 September 2017 The Numbers are In… Middle East and Asia Geopolitics: Shift in Military Alliances? Global Research

Geopolitical – Week of 09.24.17

Geopolitical – Week of 09.24.17

America might see a new constitutional convention in a few years The Economist | 30 September 2017 The Cost to US Taxpayers for Accepting Immigrants

Geopolitical – Week of 09.17.17

Geopolitical – Week of 09.17.17

Pentagon makes a 20-year plan, while Washington outsources its color revolution “Alex Jones Breaks Down Globalist Plan…” Info Wars | 13 September 2017 Worthy of a listen… Pentagon makes a 20-year plan, while Washington outsources

Geopolitical – Week of 09.17.17

Geopolitical – Week of 09.17.17

Pentagon makes a 20-year plan, while Washington outsources its color revolution “Alex Jones Breaks Down Globalist Plan…” Info Wars | 13 September 2017 Worthy of

Geopolitical – Week of 09.10.17

Geopolitical – Week of 09.10.17

Poland Demands $1 Trillion from Germany for WW2 Reparations Need to Know | 16 September 2017 Attempts to force… Former US President Jimmy Carter says he knows what North Korea wants The Duran | 15 September

Geopolitical – Week of 09.10.17

Geopolitical – Week of 09.10.17

Israeli Company Wins Bid to Build Prototype for Trump’s Mexico Wall Breitbart | 04 September 2017 Imagine That… Why I Did Not Commemorate 9/11 Today

Geopolitical – Week of 09.03.17

Geopolitical – Week of 09.03.17

Angela Merkel Pelted with Tomatoes by Voters During Campaign Rally (Video) The Duran | 09 September 2017 Refugee… University of Alaska Institute of Northern Engineering: WTC 7 Collapse was Not Caused by Fire University of

Geopolitical – Week of 09.03.17

Geopolitical – Week of 09.03.17

Angela Merkel Pelted with Tomatoes by Voters During Campaign Rally (Video) The Duran | 09 September 2017 Refugee… University of Alaska Institute of Northern Engineering:

Geopolitical – Week of 08.27.17

Geopolitical – Week of 08.27.17

Former FBI Assistant Director: “Hillary’s Crimes Would Land a Normal Person in Federal Prison” Duran | 02 September 2017 Even more concerning is… CIA Agent Whistleblower Kevin Schipp Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government

Geopolitical – Week of 08.27.17

Geopolitical – Week of 08.27.17

Cynthia McKinney On The Left Right Divide And The Power Cell Solution #UNRIG YouTube | 25 August 2017 Unrig… Podesta Group Subpoenaed by Mueller in

Geopolitical – Week of 08.20.17

Geopolitical – Week of 08.20.17

A Gold Bloc For Iran, Russia, And Turkey…Oh My! Forbes | 22 August 2018 2017 Secret Space Program Discussion Basiago, Salla, Tompkins, Goode, Dolan YouTube | 06 August 2017 Child, Antarctica, Third Reich, Clandestine… Pentagon’s

Geopolitical – Week of 08.20.17

Geopolitical – Week of 08.20.17

2017 Secret Space Program Discussion Basiago, Salla, Tompkins, Goode, Dolan YouTube | 06 August 2017 Child, Antarctica, Third Reich, Clandestine… A Look At US Government

Geopolitical – Week of 08.13.17

Geopolitical – Week of 08.13.17

Steve Bannon Declares ‘Trump Presidency is Over’ after Being Ousted as White House Chief Strategist Yahoo | 19 August 2017 Presidency that… may not… Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s IT Hacker Officially Indicted by a Grand Jury

Geopolitical – Week of 08.13.17

Geopolitical – Week of 08.13.17

Steve Bannon Declares ‘Trump Presidency is Over’ after Being Ousted as White House Chief Strategist Yahoo | 19 August 2017 Presidency that… may not… Debbie

Geopolitical – Week of 08.06.17

Geopolitical – Week of 08.06.17

The Saker Community Cooperative The Saker | 12 August 2017 Dear friends,today I have a major announcement… Trump Warns Xi: Trade War With China Begins Monday Zero Hedge | 12 August 2017 Investigation into China

Geopolitical – Week of 08.06.17

Geopolitical – Week of 08.06.17

The Saker Community Cooperative The Saker | 12 August 2017 Dear friends,today I have a major announcement… Trump Warns Xi: Trade War With China Begins

Geopolitical – Week of 07.30.17

Geopolitical – Week of 07.30.17

What’s Worse: Trump’s Campaign Agenda or Empowering Generals and CIA Operatives to Subvert It? Intercept | 05 August 2017 Refusal to consider cuts in entitlement… Washington Deep State w/ Dr. Cynthia McKinney YouTube | 24

Geopolitical – Week of 07.30.17

Geopolitical – Week of 07.30.17

What’s Worse: Trump’s Campaign Agenda or Empowering Generals and CIA Operatives to Subvert It? Intercept | 05 August 2017 Refusal to consider cuts in entitlement…

Geopolitical – Week of 07.23.17

Geopolitical – Week of 07.23.17

California Moves One Step Closer To Declaring Independence From US Government Zero Hedge | 29 July 2017 ways to increase… Pakistan Plunges Into Political Turmoil After Prime Minister Ousted For Corruption Zero Hedge | 28

Geopolitical – Week of 07.23.17

Geopolitical – Week of 07.23.17

California Moves One Step Closer To Declaring Independence From US Government Zero Hedge | 29 July 2017 ways to increase… Pakistan Plunges Into Political Turmoil

Geopolitical – Week of 07.16.17

Geopolitical – Week of 07.16.17

Forced To Sign Loyalty to Israel YouTube | 24 March 2014 (2014) 535 members of congress…Gus Savage…AIPAC… U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel Intercept | 19 July 2017 Criminalization

Geopolitical – Week of 07.16.17

Geopolitical – Week of 07.16.17

hilip Weiss: The role of Jewish Democrats in bill that could imprison Israel boycotters for 20 years Israel Palestine News | 22 July 2017 Forced

Geopolitical – Week of 07.09.17

Geopolitical – Week of 07.09.17

Just A Taste: Enforce the US Constitution with Dr. Cynthia McKinney YouTube | 05 July 2017 Solari Report to discuss… How to Save Our Nation & Our Lives before it’s Too Late – Catherine Austin

Geopolitical – Week of 07.09.17

Geopolitical – Week of 07.09.17

Just A Taste: Enforce the US Constitution with Dr. Cynthia McKinney YouTube | 05 July 2017 Solari Report to discuss… How to Save Our Nation

Geopolitical – Week of 07.02.17

Geopolitical – Week of 07.02.17

Latest Solari Donation Announcing “Stand Strong for the Constitution”A Utah Coalition Stand for the Constitution | 01 July 2017 Stopping the Madness of a “Con Con”… Putin’s Assessment of Trump at the G-20 Will Determine Our

Geopolitical – Week of 07.02.17

Geopolitical – Week of 07.02.17

Latest Solari Donation Announcing “Stand Strong for the Constitution”A Utah Coalition Stand for the Constitution | 01 July 2017 Stopping the Madness of a “Con Con”…

Geopolitical – Week of 06.25.17

Geopolitical – Week of 06.25.17

  McCain & Neocons up DOD budget by $100 billion + Get ready for FAMIGA – F**k America, Make Israel Great Again Catherine Austin Fitts | 29 June 2017 Paving the Way for WWIII… Van Jones:

Geopolitical – Week of 06.25.17

Geopolitical – Week of 06.25.17

  McCain & Neocons up DOD budget by $100 billion + Get ready for FAMIGA – F**k America, Make Israel Great Again Catherine Austin Fitts

Geopolitical – Week of 06.18.17

Geopolitical – Week of 06.18.17

Preparing For War? US House Wants To Create First New Military Branch Since 1947 Zero Hedge | 24 June 2017 Star Fleet’s Birth… ‘Modern-Day Slavery’: Many Southern States Have Prison Inmates Working in Governor’s Mansions and

Geopolitical – Week of 06.18.17

Geopolitical – Week of 06.18.17

Preparing For War? US House Wants To Create First New Military Branch Since 1947 Zero Hedge | 24 June 2017 Star Fleet’s Birth… ‘Modern-Day Slavery’: Many

Geopolitical – Week of 06.11.17

Geopolitical – Week of 06.11.17

Fighting Human Trafficking YouTube | 25 May 2017 Yet Another Amazing Coincidence…. The Virginia Shooting is Tied to Sex Trafficking The Hagmann Report | 16 June 2017 The War on Pedophilia Goes Hot… Donald Trump has

Geopolitical – Week of 06.11.17

Geopolitical – Week of 06.11.17

Fighting Human Trafficking YouTube | 25 May 2017 Yet Another Amazing Coincidence…. The Virginia Shooting is Tied to Sex Trafficking The Hagmann Report | 16 June

Geopolitical – Week of 06.04.17

Geopolitical – Week of 06.04.17

Socialism Strikes Back! YouTube | 09 June 2017 Gold Star Rant… US Special Forces Join Fight Against Philippines ISIS-Affiliates after 14 hr. Gun Ballte (Videos) RT | 10 June 2017 Pivot to the East has Gone

Geopolitical – Week of 06.04.17

Geopolitical – Week of 06.04.17

Socialism Strikes Back! YouTube | 09 June 2017 Gold Star Rant… US Special Forces Join Fight Against Philippines ISIS-Affiliates after 14 hr. Gun Ballte (Videos)

Geopolitical – Week of 05.28.17

Geopolitical – Week of 05.28.17

Cynthia McKinney/Sane Progressive Interview: Deep State & Uniting for REAL Alternative Movement YouTube | 02 June 2017 Cynthia McKinney Update… Bilderberg Group “NO COMMENT” Walk Of Shame YouTube | 02 June 2017 Alt Media Beards

Geopolitical – Week of 05.28.17

Geopolitical – Week of 05.28.17

JW Sues for Records about Obama Administration’s Unmasking of Trump Associates YouTube | 25 May 2017 Obama Eclipses Nixon…. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Timeline Nov 22

Geopolitical – Week of 05.21.17

Geopolitical – Week of 05.21.17

The Conspiracies that Won’t Go Away: Brother of 9/11 Victim Claim the US Orchestrated the Atrocity as New Study Shows It was Impossible that the Third Tower Collapsed from Fire Daily Mail | 08 September

Geopolitical – Week of 05.21.17

Geopolitical – Week of 05.21.17

“All White People Leave Campus OR ELSE!!” Tucker Covers INSANE Evergreen State College Story Fox News | 26 May 2017 Mao Style Purge…. Students at

Geopolitical – Week of 05.14.17

Geopolitical – Week of 05.14.17

Family’s Private Investigator: There is Evidence Seth Rich had Contact with WikiLeaks Prior to Death Fox 5 DC | 16 May 2017 (Also see Wildcards story) Laptop that confirms he was… Catherine’s Latest Donation Go

Geopolitical – Week of 05.14.17

Geopolitical – Week of 05.14.17

Family’s Private Investigator: There is Evidence Seth Rich had Contact with WikiLeaks Prior to Death Fox 5 DC | 16 May 2017 (Also see Wildcards

Geopolitical – Week of 05.07.17

Geopolitical – Week of 05.07.17

Catherine Austin Fitts-They’re Trying to Centralize Control YouTube | 09 May 2017 Latest Greatest CAF Interview… Who Was Behind the Firing of FBI Director James Comey? What Political Interests are Being Served? Who is Andrew

Geopolitical – Week of 05.07.17

Geopolitical – Week of 05.07.17

Catherine Austin Fitts-They’re Trying to Centralize Control YouTube | 09 May 2017 Latest Greatest CAF Interview… Who Was Behind the Firing of FBI Director James

Geopolitical – Week of 05.01.17

Geopolitical – Week of 05.01.17

5/3/17 Catherine Austin Fitts (1) Defense of Freedom! Alex Jones Infowars Alex Jones | 03 May 2017 Political Realities…. 5/3/17 Catherine Austin Fitts (2) Defense of Freedom! Alex Jones Infowars Alex Jones | 03 May

Geopolitical – Week of 05.01.17

Geopolitical – Week of 05.01.17

5/3/17 Catherine Austin Fitts (1) Defense of Freedom! Alex Jones Infowars Alex Jones | 03 May 2017 Political Realities…. 5/3/17 Catherine Austin Fitts (2) Defense

Geopolitical – Week of 04.23.17

Geopolitical – Week of 04.23.17

Former SEAL: Take Down The Pedophile Elite Infowars | 30 April 2017 Attempt at documentary film has… Donald Trump Blames Constitution for Chaos of His First 100 Days The Guardian UK | 30 April 2017 That

Geopolitical – Week of 04.23.17

Geopolitical – Week of 04.23.17

Former SEAL: Take Down The Pedophile Elite Infowars | 30 April 2017 Attempt at documentary film has… Donald Trump Blames Constitution for Chaos of His

Geopolitical – Week of 04.16.17

Geopolitical – Week of 04.16.17

Catherine Austin Fitts – Black Budget Wars & Central Bank Panic! Dark Journalist | 18 April 2017 Latest Greatest on Current Affairs.. How Reality Is Being Manufactured YouTube | 22 April 2017 Very Informative set

Geopolitical – Week of 04.16.17

Geopolitical – Week of 04.16.17

Catherine Austin Fitts – Black Budget Wars & Central Bank Panic! Dark Journalist | 18 April 2017 Latest Greatest on Current Affairs.. How Reality Is

Geopolitical – Week of 04.09.17

Geopolitical – Week of 04.09.17

North Korean Missile “Blows Up” During Launch; President Trump Aware, Has “No Further Comment” Zero Hedge | 15 April 2017 Unidentified missile but the test… Is Putin Incorruptible? Off Guardian | 15 April 2017 How