Food for the Soul: Guo Pei Exhibition — San Francisco

Food for the Soul: Guo Pei Exhibition — San Francisco

By Nina Heyn — Your Culture Scout Art museums sometimes showcase outstanding fashion designs, often presenting historical collections of artists who long ago earned their place in the pantheon of couture. Over the last few […]

Food for the Soul: Faces of Tuscany

Food for the Soul: Faces of Tuscany

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout In Florentine museums and churches, there is an endless parade of Madonnas and altar compositions of the Holy Family, which have somewhat lost their religious impact after so […]

Nina’s Euro Blog

Nina’s Euro Blog

Polish Palaces and Art in Naples This post is inspired by the location of a very romantic wedding I recently attended in the center of Poland. Both the wedding ceremony and the party afterwards were […]

Food for the Soul: Lviv National Gallery of Art

Food for the Soul: Lviv National Gallery of Art

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The world is watching bad—and then worse—news coming out of Ukraine every day. Millions of people, even those who last month were not sure where Ukraine actually is, […]

Food for the Soul: A Dash to Freedom – Movies

Food for the Soul: A Dash to Freedom – Movies

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout We have selected some good movies and interesting documentaries that explore different aspects of freedom. You could, if you wish, also make your own list of cinematic examples. […]

Food for the Soul: Gideon’s River Test

Food for the Soul: Gideon’s River Test

Gideon. Sketch for a fresco. Franz Anton Maulbertsch (1796). Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. Photo: By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout There is a longstanding intellectual debate about whether an individual can change […]

Food for the Soul: How Do You Show Freedom?

Food for the Soul: How Do You Show Freedom?

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout “For we fight not for glory, nor riches, nor honors, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life.” ~ Declaration of Arbroath, […]

Food for the Soul: Global Trade Part 2  – Out of Africa

Food for the Soul: Global Trade Part 2  – Out of Africa

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout For 15th-century Europeans, sub-Saharan Africa was to a great extent terra incognita until Portuguese explorers started venturing further and further south along the continent’s western coast. These expeditions […]

Food for the Soul: Global Trade in Art – Part 1

Food for the Soul: Global Trade in Art – Part 1

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout There are bigger world problems than this, but you may have noticed that your favorite sheets are not in stock at Ikea—it is the global trade disruption, compliments […]

Food for the Soul:  Oscar movie season

Food for the Soul:  Oscar movie season

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The Oscar season in Hollywood is like the Baltic sea after a storm, when crumbs of precious amber are churned up to the surface. Various movies that would […]

Food for the Soul: Art and Cautionary Tales

Food for the Soul: Art and Cautionary Tales

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Art serves many social purposes, such as creating a magic ritual, preserving memories, announcing praise or condemnation, revising history, and (obviously) providing esthetic enjoyment. It’s no wonder, then, […]

Food for the Soul: Good Versus Evil in Art

Food for the Soul: Good Versus Evil in Art

The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.” ~ Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes (1911) By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The struggle […]

Protest in Art

Protest in Art

Poster for the Suffragette movement. Mary Lowndes (1909). Published by Brighton and Hove Women’s Franchise. Artists’ Suffrage League. Photo: Public Domain Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout If an individual stands up […]

Food for the Soul: Academy Museum of Motion Pictures

Food for the Soul: Academy Museum of Motion Pictures

Aerial shot of the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures. ©Academy Museum Foundation By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout It took years of false starts, changes of leadership, delayed construction, and other birthing pains, but […]

Food for the Soul: Dune

Food for the Soul: Dune

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Frank Herbert’s novel Dune was published in 1965, and ever since, entire generations of people all over the world have read the book even if they were not […]

Food for the Soul – Georgia O’Keeffe: Women & Art Series 12

Food for the Soul – Georgia O’Keeffe: Women & Art Series 12

Georgia O’Keeffe. Pelvis with the distance (1943). Indianapolis Museum of Art, Newfields, IN. © Indianapolis Museum of Art/Gift of Anne Marmon Greenleaf in memory of Caroline M. Fesler. Photo: Bridgeman Images © Georgia O’Keeffe Museum/Adagp, […]

Food for the Soul: A Postcard from Paris

Food for the Soul: A Postcard from Paris

Damian Hirst. The Triumph of Death Blossom (2018). Private collection© Damien Hirst and Science Ltd. All rights reserved, DACS 2021. Photographed by Prudence Cuming Associates. Photo: Courtesy Fondation Cartier By Nina Heyn – Your Culture […]

Food for the Soul – Discreet Charm of Kitchen Gardens

Food for the Soul – Discreet Charm of Kitchen Gardens

Gardeners (Les Jardiniers). Gustave Caillebotte. 1875-1877. Private collection. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Public Domain. By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Until about the end of WWII, if you lived in a house or at least […]

Food for the Soul: Artists and the Moneychangers

Food for the Soul: Artists and the Moneychangers

Christ Driving Moneylenders from the Temple. Church of St. Aignan (1899). Chartres, France. Photo: Reinhardhauke Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout If you need to impart important messages to people who cannot […]

Food for the Soul: Cerca Trova in Florence

Food for the Soul: Cerca Trova in Florence

Florence cathedral. Photo: Nina Heyn By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout In 1504, when Leonardo da Vinci was mostly done with living in Florence, he accepted an important commission to decorate Palazzo Vecchio (which […]

Food for the Soul: Kraków, the City of Art

Food for the Soul: Kraków, the City of Art

Rembrandt. Landscape with the Good Samaritan (1638). The Princes Czartoryski Collection, National Museum, Kraków. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Europe has many places that are a perfect combination of art […]

Food for the Soul: Rosa Bonheur – Women & Art Series 10

Food for the Soul: Rosa Bonheur – Women & Art Series 10

Édouard Louis Dubufe. Portrait of Rosa Bonheur (the bull was painted by Bonheur) (1857). Versailles Palace. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout There is a reason why the traditionally dressed Victorian […]

Food for the Soul – New York Big Five – MoMA

Food for the Soul – New York Big Five – MoMA

Marc Chagall. I and the Village (1911). MoMA. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, the world’s largest contemporary and modern art assemblage, […]

Food for the Soul: New York Big Five – The Frick

Food for the Soul: New York Big Five – The Frick

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres – Portrait de Comtesse D’Haussonville (1845). The Frick Collection, New York. Photo: ©The Frick Collection, Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout So many people love the experience of visiting New […]

Food for the Soul: Calder-Picasso. Back to Museums Series 1

Food for the Soul: Calder-Picasso. Back to Museums Series 1

In the center: Alexander Calder. Untitled (mobile-1956) and Untitled (painting-1967). Calder Foundation New York. Photo: Installation view of “Calder-Picasso” at the de Young Museum, photography by Gary Sexton. © 2021 Calder Foundation New York/Artists Rights […]

Food for the Soul: Olga Boznańska – Women Artists Series 6

Food for the Soul: Olga Boznańska – Women Artists Series 6

Olga Boznańska – Self-Portrait (1908). National Museum, Warsaw. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Even casual museumgoers are familiar with such female artists as Georgia O’Keeffe or Mary Cassatt—celebrated painters whose […]

Food for the Soul: Awards Season – Documentaries

Food for the Soul: Awards Season – Documentaries

Photo credit: jovaughn-stephens/Unsplash photo By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout It’s a sign of the times that documentaries now seem to be more interesting than features. While some feature movies this year focus on […]

Food for the Soul: New Movies…Not in Cinemas…

Food for the Soul: New Movies…Not in Cinemas…

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The 2021 Academy Awards have been moved two months later than usual to April 25, extending the entire awards season to eight long months. Movies are eligible for […]

Food for the Soul: The Magi at the National Gallery

Food for the Soul: The Magi at the National Gallery

The Adoration of the Kings. Jan Gossaert (1510-15). Photo © The National Gallery, London. By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout One of the most artistically alluring Christmas themes is the one known as the […]

Food for the Soul: Women at Work- IV – The Toil

Food for the Soul: Women at Work- IV – The Toil

Jewish Woman with Oranges. Alexander Gierymski (1881). National Museum Warsaw. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout There is nothing attractive about toil—this mind-numbing effort of farming or doing some menial, repetitive […]

Food for the Soul: Women at Work Part II – At Home

Food for the Soul: Women at Work Part II – At Home

Part A Young Woman Sewing. Nicolaes Maes (1655). Harold Samuel Collection, © City of London Corporation, London. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout This is the second part in our series […]

Food for the Soul – Women at Work Part I – Masterpieces

Food for the Soul – Women at Work Part I – Masterpieces

Birth of the Virgin. Domenico Ghirlandaio (1479-85). Santa Maria Novella, Florence. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Public Domain By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The majority of figures in paintings, especially those created before the 20th […]

Food for the Soul: Good and Bad Government

Food for the Soul: Good and Bad Government

Effects of Good Government in the City. Ambrogio Lorenzetti (1339). Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, Italy. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Public Domain By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The United States is preparing for the November 3rd […]

Fool for the Soul:  Tenet

Fool for the Soul: Tenet

What we did with Inception for the heist genre is what Tenet attempts to bring to the spy movie genre – director Christopher Nolan By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Tenet was supposed to […]

Food For the Soul: Artists Gardens

Food For the Soul: Artists Gardens

Strange Garden (Dziwny Ogród). Józef Mehoffer (1903). National Museum, Warsaw. Photo: Public Domain Wikimedia Commons. By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout There are very few advantages of a global lockdown other than decreased pollution, […]

Food for the Soul: Lost Masterpieces. Part 2: Missing

Food for the Soul: Lost Masterpieces. Part 2: Missing

The Storm on the Sea of Galilee. Rembrandt van Rijn (1633). Stolen in 1990 from Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Boston. Photo: Public Domain Wikimedia Commons. By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Since antiquity, artworks […]

Food for the Soul: Lost Masterpieces. Part 1: Destroyed

Food for the Soul: Lost Masterpieces. Part 1: Destroyed

The Stonebreakers. Gustave Courbet (1849). Dresden Gemäldegallerie. Destroyed in 1945 during an air raid. Photo: Public Domain Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Art gets lost, stolen, or destroyed all the time. […]

Food for the Soul: Loving Beethoven

Food for the Soul: Loving Beethoven

Gustav Klimt. Beethoven Frieze (detail). Vienna. Photo: Public Domain Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Ludwig van Beethoven’s birth date is unknown but his baptism, that most likely took place no later […]

Food for the Soul – Dog Stories

Food for the Soul – Dog Stories

By the well. Hot day. Martiros Saryan. 1909. Martiros Saryan Museum,Yerevan, Armenia. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Public Domain “Man’s best friend” has been a friend of artists throughout centuries and esthetic styles. By Nina Heyn – […]

Food for the Soul –  Cat Stories

Food for the Soul – Cat Stories

Couturier Cat. Tsuguharu Foujita. 1927. Photo: Public Domain Before there were videos of funny cats on the Internet, for about 4000 years there were simply fun cat paintings. By Nina Heyn – Your Culture […]

Food for the Soul: 500 years of Raphael in Rome

Food for the Soul: 500 years of Raphael in Rome

Raphael. Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione. (1513) The Louvre. Courtesy of Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome April 6, 2020 markes a 500 year anniversary of passing of one the most beloved artists. A huge Raphael exhibition at […]

Food for the Soul: at home

Food for the Soul: at home

Food for the Soul will now be adding a dedicated mini-site to bring you all the culture stories in one place By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The world has just hunkered down to […]



About Nina Heyn is Your Culture Scout – the author of the Food for the Soul column and the creator of the Food for the Soul podcast. Apart from being an art and entertainment writer, […]




Women & Art

Women & Art

Olga Boznańska. Japanese self-portrait. 1892. Photo: Public domain Wikimedia Commons. National Museum Wrocław, Poland In ages past, women have always had a hard path towards even becoming an artist, much less being recognized as one. […]



Audios (click on any title to download)

Food for the Soul: Adventures of the Ghent Altar

Food for the Soul: Adventures of the Ghent Altar

The Ghent Altar or An Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. Inside panels. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons, Public domain. The most stolen artwork ever has been restored to its original glory By Nina Heyn – Your […]

Food for the Soul – Money on Canvas

Food for the Soul – Money on Canvas

The Payment of Dues. Georges de la Tour, 1630-35. Lviv Art Gallery, Ukraine (until 1940 – Lwów Art Gallery, Poland), ex Lubomirski collection. Photo: Public domain via Wikimedia Commons. By Nina Heyn – Your Culture […]

Food for the Soul: Streaming Late at Night

Food for the Soul: Streaming Late at Night

Streaming gems you possibly missed Winter usually does not offer many exciting movies other than the awards heavyweights (where your choices are between equally soul-dampening entries of 1917 or maybe Marriage Story). So… long dark […]

Food for the Soul:  Parasite and Farewell

Food for the Soul: Parasite and Farewell

"In today's capitalistic society there are ranks and castes that are invisible to the eye. We keep them disguised and out of sight and superficially look down on class hierarchies as a relic of the […]

Food for the Soul – da Vinci’s Horse

Food for the Soul – da Vinci’s Horse

Leonardo da Vinci. Ca.1491. Study for the Sforza monument. Image source: Wikimedia Commons, public domain By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout It was a classic moment of serendipity. Catherine, Robert and I have been […]

Food for the Soul:  Podcasting about da Vinci

Food for the Soul: Podcasting about da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci – the Louvre Exhibit with Nina Heyn and Ulrike Granögger. By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout To conclude our series on da Vinci – Solari’s “Hero of the Year” – we […]

Food for the Soul: Bombshell

Food for the Soul: Bombshell

“Lawyer: Ready to go to war?” Gretchen Carlson: Oh, yeah” – lines from the movie Bombshell By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout Charlize Theron is not only a film star (Oscar for her portrayal of […]

Food for the Soul: Knives Out!

Food for the Soul: Knives Out!

“Ransom Drysdale: What is this? CSI: KFC?” A line from Knives Out! By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout Our streaming devices are groaning under the weight of choices – movies, seasons of shows, mini-series, documentaries […]

Food for the Soul: Women at Prado – Women Artists Series 2

Food for the Soul: Women at Prado – Women Artists Series 2

Sofonisba Anguissola. Self-Portrait at the Easel. 1556-57. Muzeum-Zamek. Łańcut, Poland. Photo credit: Courtesy of the © Prado National Museum, Madrid, Spain. “Her paintings were celebrated for their calm and gentle style, and for the particularity […]

Food for the Soul: Museum Gardens

Food for the Soul: Museum Gardens

“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need”. Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) By Nina Heyn, Your Culture Scout A typical museum of fine art is a depository of paintings, […]

Food for the Soul: da Vinci, Paris – Part 3

Food for the Soul: da Vinci, Paris – Part 3

A good painter has two things to represent: the man and the intention of his soul. The former is easy, the latter hard.” — Leonardo da Vinci By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout It is […]

Food For The Soul: The Laundromat

Food For The Soul: The Laundromat

“Think of this as a fairytale that actually happened.” A line from the movie The Laundromat By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout How do you turn a dense literary account of financial (mal)practices into a […]

Food for the Soul: From Downton to Wall Street

Food for the Soul: From Downton to Wall Street

King George V: “Were you effected by the strikes?” The Dowager Countess: “My maid was rather curt with me. She’s a communist at heart.” From the movie Downton Abbey By Nina Heyn – Your Culture […]

Food for the Soul: “Tel Aviv on Fire”

Food for the Soul: “Tel Aviv on Fire”

“-David, we have a celebrity here! This Arab writes “Tel Aviv on Fire.” Do you watch it? -Once. It’s anti-Semitic. -With a name like that, did you expect a Zionist show?” Dialogue from the comedy […]

Food for the Soul: Blinded By the Light

Food for the Soul: Blinded By the Light

“Everybody’s got a hunger, a hunger they can’t resist; There’s so much that you want, you deserve much more than this.” Bruce Springsteen “Prove It All Night” By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout It is […]

Food for the Soul: Digital Art in Paris

Food for the Soul: Digital Art in Paris

“Our goal is to invite the public to walk to the heart of the artwork.” Gianfranco Iannuzzi, artistic director and co-director of the exhibition “Van Gogh, Starry Night” By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout Crowded […]

Food for the Soul: Caravaggio in Rome

Food for the Soul: Caravaggio in Rome

Caravaggio. Narcissus. Ca. 1599. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica di Palazzo Barbierini. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain. “There was art before him and art after him, and they were not the same.” Robert Hughes, late […]

Food for the Soul – Royal Dazzlers

Food for the Soul – Royal Dazzlers

“I have seen so many gems I did not expect to see in one place. No Venetian or papal collection can compare“- a papal envoy praising in 1560 a treasury collection of the Polish king […]

Food for the Soul – Museum Night in Europe

Food for the Soul – Museum Night in Europe

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout If you are a city school kid in Europe, no matter if attending an elementary or a high school, your class will be going to museums a lot. […]

Food for the Soul – The Inventor

Food for the Soul – The Inventor

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Living in the past, for instance […]

Leonardo da Vinci: Books and Exhibitions

Leonardo da Vinci: Books and Exhibitions

Solari Hero of the Year Leonardo da Vinci is the Solari Hero of the Year for 2019. On May 2, 2019, we celebrate the 500th anniversary of his passing. From Wikipedia: Leonardo di ser Piero […]

Food for the Soul: Da Vinci – 500th Anniversary

Food for the Soul: Da Vinci – 500th Anniversary

“How many emperors and how many princes have lived and died and no record of them remains, and they only sought to gain dominions and riches in order that their fame might be ever-lasting.” Leonardo […]