Free & Inspired in Mississippi

Free & Inspired in Mississippi

ANNOUNCEMENT: I have just learned that Dr. Perry and his wife Kim were killed in a plane crash this past weekend {August 14, 2016) with two other couples as they returned from a dental conference

Free & Inspired in Mississippi

Free & Inspired in Mississippi

ANNOUNCEMENT: I have just learned that Dr. Perry and his wife Kim were killed in a plane crash this past weekend {August 14, 2016) with

Lockheed Cuts & Runs

Lockheed Cuts & Runs

“They are burying the corpse in advance.” ~ Franklin Sanders The latest Department of Defense (DOD) audit now indicates that DOD is missing $6.5 Trillion for fiscal 2015. This means that for the 20th year

What’s Up This Fall 2016?

What’s Up This Fall 2016?

“A study of economics usually reveals that the best time to buy something is last year.” ~Marty Allen By Catherine Austin Fitts Last fall was so intense we did a special calendar and write up

Book Review: The New Grand Strategy

Book Review: The New Grand Strategy

“What role do we want to play in the world?” ~ From The New Grand Strategy By Catherine Austin Fitts Lawrence Wilkerson recommended that I read The New Grand Strategy: Restoring America’s Prosperity, Security and

Subscribe Now & Receive Your Solari Wrap Up Book!

Subscribe Now & Receive Your Solari Wrap Up Book!

Purchase a yearly subscription to the Solari Report and receive printed , soft cover book: 3rd Quarter Wrapup- Investment Screening – Can we filter for Productive Companies? Offer Ends October 28, 2016 Place image here

Book Review: Rotten to the Common Core (or Why You Must Homeschool)

Book Review: Rotten to the Common Core (or Why You Must Homeschool)

Rotten to the (Common) Core: Public Schooling, Standardized Tests, and the Surveillance State Purchase your book here. Joseph P. Farrell, well known for his widely-discussed investigations on contemporary banks and ruling structures, co-writes this fascinating

Meditations on the Falling US Homeownership Rate

Meditations on the Falling US Homeownership Rate

510 Weed Street, New Canaan, CT “Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need.” ~Sarah Ban Breathnach By Catherine Austin Fitts The  Census Bureau

Response to 50 GOP National Security Officials Opposing Donald Trump

Response to 50 GOP National Security Officials Opposing Donald Trump

Ladies & Gentlemen: Your statement regarding Donald Trump’s character, values and experience leaves me deeply concerned. Clearly, the Presidency of the United States is not an entry-level position. However, the disassociation of the Republican establishment

Please Support Our Vets & Police

Please Support Our Vets & Police

By Catherine Austin Fitts Two groups of people who are uniquely qualified to help protect American citizens from the lawlessness of the powerful and wealthy,

Please Support Our Vets & Police

Please Support Our Vets & Police

By Catherine Austin Fitts Two groups of people who are uniquely qualified to help protect American citizens from the lawlessness of the powerful and wealthy,

Theranos & the Road to Mandalay

Theranos & the Road to Mandalay

“Something is happening here but you don’t know what it is – do you, Mr. Jones?” ~ Bob Dylan By Catherine Austin Fitts There is

Commentary Collection: Promoting Women

Commentary Collection: Promoting Women

We are releasing the entire collection of Catherine’s Promoting Women series to all Solari readers! If you’d like to get greater insight into what is driving some of the politics this election season be sure

Coming Clean Beyond the Fiscal Cliff

Coming Clean Beyond the Fiscal Cliff

[CAF Note: Budget issues are in the news as a result of the US Presidential primaries. In response to numerous questions, I am republishing my

Malcom on the Media

Malcom on the Media

“If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

The Chicken Heart That Ate Up NYC

The Chicken Heart That Ate Up NYC

YouTube | November 22 2015 By Catherine Austin Fitts Over the last ten days, I have sat at my computer as the threat of terrorism exploded from engulfing Europe, to coming across the US border,

Promoting Women, Part VII

Promoting Women, Part VII

“What the f*** did we come here for? There’s no money here.’’~ Hillary Clinton to her staff upon arriving at a 4H Club in Upstate New York By Catherine Austin Fitts America has been on

Free & Inspired in Mississippi

Free & Inspired in Mississippi

“Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too.” ~Yogi Berra By Catherine Austin Fitts It is remarkable what

Book Review: The Modern Mercenary

Book Review: The Modern Mercenary

“The unraveling of the state’s monopoly of force has begun, not over centuries but over decades. The market for force’s trajectory is uncertain; it could

Book Review: Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control

Book Review: Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control

Government Mind Control Tech InfoWars | Aug 19 2018 “Make no mistake; this is an intentional attempt at mainstreaming a form of technology that will have grave consequences on society. If you have any doubt, ask

Dressing Fascism in Skirts

Dressing Fascism in Skirts

“Trust is central to an economy that works.” ~ Stephen Covey By Catherine Austin Fitts In the late 1990’s, I conducted a deep analysis of control techniques in the United States. From my analysis I was

Why I Love Barbàra Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Why I Love Barbàra Extra Virgin Olive Oil

“If my cuisine were to be defined by just one taste, it would be that of subtle, aromatic, extra-virgin olive oil.” ~ Alain Ducasse By

Anne Williamson on the Ukraine: Europe’s Expansion East

Anne Williamson on the Ukraine: Europe’s Expansion East

“There are many lies, but barely one truth.” — Ukraine proverb by Catherine Austin Fitts I often refer to the central banking / warfare model, a methodology which allows anyone who can create debt in

The State of Europe with John Laughland

The State of Europe with John Laughland

“It is certainly desirable that all societies have systems by which to guard their core values, and that justice and peace be preserved…But the values needed to ensure these things lie beyond the realm of

Holiday Magic Coast Style

Holiday Magic Coast Style

By Catherine Austin Fitts Who ever thought I would do a Christmas album with Pat Boone and Whitley Streiber? Only the team from Coast to

Turtle Forth

Turtle Forth

By Catherine Austin Fitts My use of the word turtle as a verb began in 1998 during a period of extraordinary stress. Almost all of my 1,001 best friends and colleagues decided to go with

Cotton Candy Land

Cotton Candy Land

By Catherine Austin Fitts I have been reading the autobiographies of political and business leaders reaching the apex of their careers. I have downloaded more

Russia and the Ukraine Backstory with Anne Williamson

Russia and the Ukraine Backstory with Anne Williamson

“The aid program delivered best it could what was in reality a flimsy contrivance, which – in turn – was really only an exotic venue through which to pass public funds to selected Russians of

Looking for a Great Movie or Documentary?

Looking for a Great Movie or Documentary?

By Catherine Austin Fitts Occasionally subscribers want to review a complete list of movies we have recommended in the “Let’s Go to the Movies” segment

Promoting Women, Part VI

Promoting Women, Part VI

(Photo Credit: Red Visual Group) “Men should help women become more powerful and women should help men become more powerful.” ~ Catherine Austin Fitts By Catherine Austin Fitts One of the great insights at the

Promoting Women, Part V

Promoting Women, Part V

“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen By Catherine Austin Fitts One of the logical uses of the “promoting women” meme would be to engineer a Democratic

Respite for Bonds

Respite for Bonds

By Catherine Austin Fitts This morning’s headline in the WSJ is “Nervous Investors Pile Into Bonds.” The old adage is “Sell in May and Go

Promoting Women, Part IV

Promoting Women, Part IV

By Catherine Austin Fitts I received a survey from the ACLU recently. They wanted to know if I was concerned about my rights. Wow, I thought. Wouldn’t it be great if the ACLU really wanted

Chuck Lands the Big One!

Chuck Lands the Big One!

By Catherine Austin Fitts Last weekend I had the pleasure of joining that wonderful crew at Rambus Chartology at Gastons in the Ozarks for fishing

Promoting Women, Part III

Promoting Women, Part III

“Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it.” ~ George Carlin By Catherine Austin Fitts In 1991, after leaving the Bush I Administration, I founded the Hamilton Securities Group, an investment bank

Promoting Women Part II

Promoting Women Part II

(Click here to read Part 1!) By Catherine Austin Fitts In the 1970’s I had the honor of being promoted from the only female bartender to bar manager at a lovely French restaurant near the

Promoting Women Part I

Promoting Women Part I

(Photo Credit: Norman Jean Roy) By Catherine Austin Fitts “Let me tell you what’s going to happen this year….” was the way the chairman of the firm opened the partners January strategic planning meeting at

What Percentage of My Assets Should I Hold in Precious Metals?

What Percentage of My Assets Should I Hold in Precious Metals?

*Solari Note: We are now republishing Catherine’s commentary so it can be viewed by all Solari Readers, original publishing date was November 11, 2013* By Catherine Austin Fitts I am often asked what percentage of

Walking By Sees

Walking By Sees

By Catherine Austin Fitts As a child I spent my summers in a farm high in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Each summer, we

The Popsicle Index

The Popsicle Index

YouTube | October 2013 By Catherine Austin Fitts I first came up with the notion of the The Popsicle Index in the first Bush Administration. After a month or so of being lobbied by various

Coming Clean Beyond the Fiscal Cliff

Coming Clean Beyond the Fiscal Cliff

[CAF Note: We originally published this article in January 2013. I wrote it over the Christmas holidays in 2012 because it was obvious that, despite enormous noise throughout the media, most people had not looked

Say Yes to 37: Label GMOs

Say Yes to 37: Label GMOs

Whether you live in California, in North America or around the globe, this is a critical issue. If states can achieve labeling of GMO, we improve the chances of making this a global standard.  Labeling

Where The Deficit Comes From

Where The Deficit Comes From

[Note from CAF: Not to mention the money disappearing through the black budget, $4 trillion missing from federal accounts and on and on….] Related Viewing:

Local Food & Wine at Transformations & Renewals this October

Local Food & Wine at Transformations & Renewals this October

Throughout the Transformations & Renewals weekend this October, we will enjoy fresh, healthy food and a wonderful selection of wines grown and prepared in Middle Tennessee. On our first dinner on Friday night, October 12th,

Are We Living The Story of Joseph?

Are We Living The Story of Joseph?

By Wikipedia Pharaoh acknowledged that Joseph’s proposal to store grain during the abundant period was very wise. So before Joseph was even 30 years old, Pharaoh released him from prison and put him in charge

Genetic Roulette

Genetic Roulette

Source: YouTube This seminal documentary provides compelling evidence to help explain the deteriorating health of Americans, especially among children, and offers a recipe for protecting ourselves and our future. Buy the DVD: Genetic Roulette – Seeds

The Pacific Free Trade Deal That’s Anything But Free

The Pacific Free Trade Deal That’s Anything But Free

By Dean Baker “Free trade” is a sacred mantra in Washington. If anything is labeled as being “free trade”, then everyone in the Washington establishment is required to bow down and support it. Otherwise, they

The Role of the CPA in a Crowdfunding Future

The Role of the CPA in a Crowdfunding Future

By Michael Ramos In 2010, many sectors of the U.S. economy began to improve from the Great Recession—however, small businesses lagged behind, largely as a result of having trouble raising the capital they needed in

US Health Care Spending: Who Pays?

US Health Care Spending: Who Pays?

By Josh Cothran, Georgia Institute of Technology [CAF Note: Ever notice that the more private insurers and the government get involved, the worse and more expensive things get?] In 1960, almost 100% of the spending

What Happens when the Music Stops?

What Happens when the Music Stops?

By Chuck Gibson A report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York suggests that the bulk of equity returns for more than a decade are due to actions by the US central bank. The

Nanosized Pollutants Pose Crop Risks

Nanosized Pollutants Pose Crop Risks

By Janet Raloff Nanoscale pollutants can enter crop roots, triggering a host of changes to plants’ growth and health, two studies find. These tiny particles can stunt plant growth, boost the plants’ absorption of pollutants,

My Paleo Media Diet

My Paleo Media Diet

By Jim Stogdill What would happen if we turned off, opted out, and completely disconnected ourselves from the technology that runs our lives? For Jim Stogdill, tuning out brought greater productivity, less stress, and improved

Victory for GMO-Free Movement: Plantings Halted in Oregon

Victory for GMO-Free Movement: Plantings Halted in Oregon

By Nicholas Tomasi The ongoing food fight between massive biotech companies and grassroots activists has continued on the west coast, with a monumental vote on the mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods looming in California

New Wave of Adept Robots is Changing Global Industry

New Wave of Adept Robots is Changing Global Industry

By John Markoff At the Philips Electronics factory on the coast of China, hundreds of workers use their hands and specialized tools to assemble electric shavers. That is the old way. Robot arms like those

Enemy of the State Director Tony Scott Dies

Enemy of the State Director Tony Scott Dies

By Andrew Blankstein “Top Gun” director Tony Scott fatally jumped off the Vincent Thomas Bridge in San Pedro on Sunday afternoon, according to Los Angeles police sources. His body was pulled out of the water

“Why in the World are They Spraying?”

“Why in the World are They Spraying?”

[Note from CAF: You think there is a drought? Think again. The push to force GMO seed, consolidate farmland and control global agriculture is underway. It threatens our lives and those of future generations.]

NPR Reports on Open Source 3D Printing

NPR Reports on Open Source 3D Printing

By Bryan Behrenshausen I first encountered 3-D printing in Cory Doctorow’s Makers, a science fiction novel set in the wake of economic armageddon. In Doctorow’s imagined near-future world, hulking industrial bulwarks are doomed. Malls are

A Belt and Suspenders for Your Cloud Storage

A Belt and Suspenders for Your Cloud Storage

From I, Cringely Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak this week warned of the perils of depending too much on cloud storage and the general press reacted like this was: A) news, and; B) evidence of some

Virgin Galactic Gateway Spaceport Officially Launched Posted

Virgin Galactic Gateway Spaceport Officially Launched Posted

By Mark V The world’s first commercial space launch pad, the Virgin Galactic Gateway Spaceport, was recently opened in the southern part of New Mexico, attracting around 800 guests at the opening ceremony. Designed by



By Lesta Frank Our thanks to artist and friend, Lesta Frank, for this lovely print. Related Readings: Sunflowers Transcendent Poinsettias

Som Sabadell Flashmob

Som Sabadell Flashmob

On the 130th anniversary of the founding of Banco Sabadell we wanted to pay homage to our city by means of the campaign “Som Sabadell” (We are Sabadell) . This is the flashmob that we

Ecuador Grants Julian Assange Asylum

Ecuador Grants Julian Assange Asylum

Julian Assange’s Wikileaks website published leaked diplomatic cables Source: BBC News UK Ecuador has granted asylum to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange two months after he took refuge in its London embassy while fighting extradition from

Bank of America Tells Gun Company Goodbye

Bank of America Tells Gun Company Goodbye

From Kelly D. McMillan Director of Operations McMillan Group International, LLC McMillan Fiberglass Stocks, McMillan Firearms Manufacturing, McMillan Group International have been collectively banking with Bank of America for 12 years Today Mr. Ray Fox,

Gold Report 2012 – In GOLD we TRUST

Gold Report 2012 – In GOLD we TRUST

From the Erste Group Research The foundation for new all-time-highs is in place. As far as sentiment is concerned, we definitely see no euphoria with respect to gold. Skepticism, fear, and panic are never the

Here’s Catherine’s Latest Kickstarter Pledge

Here’s Catherine’s Latest Kickstarter Pledge

In a landscape as dramatic as its stories, Alaska Native people face staggering suicide rates, yet remain determined to heal & thrive! Historically Alaska Native peoples lived solely from the lands and waters of the

The Man vs. The State

The Man vs. The State

By Chuck Gibson Congratulations – You just bought a new home. Only you didn’t get the house – just the debt. In July 1971, the population of the US was 207.6 million and Treasury funded

On Data Dollars

On Data Dollars

“In a digital world, data about money is worth more than money.” – Nicholas Negroponte

How We Can Eat Our Landscapes

How We Can Eat Our Landscapes

By Pam Warhurst What should a community do with its unused land? Plant food, of course. With energy and humor, Pam Warhurst tells at the TEDSalon the story of how she and a growing team

Germany Considers Holding EU Referendum

Germany Considers Holding EU Referendum

By Florian Gathmann and Philipp Wittrock Chancellor Angela Merkel wants Europe to move toward an ever closer union in a bid to solve the euro crisis. But she is already pushing at the limits of

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter for Beginners

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter for Beginners

From a Solari Report Subscriber The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program is the most expensive weapons program in US Defense Department history, costing almost 1.5 trillion dollars for around 2500 aircraft. The details I

Paul Moore on Financial Holocaust

Paul Moore on Financial Holocaust

[CAF Note: Actually, if you estimate for the full financial coup d’etat following the GATT adoption of the Uruguay Round and the creation of the WTO combined with the “strong dollar policy,” the number of

Mars Rover Curiosity: Images From the Red Planet

Mars Rover Curiosity: Images From the Red Planet

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech The rim of Gale Crater can be seen in the distance beyond the pebbly ground. The topography of the rim is very mountainous due to erosion. The ground seen in the middle shows

They Say

They Say

By The Thinking Moms’ Revolution They say high-pitched screams, fevers and swelling at the injection site are all common, harmless, insignificant side-effects of responsible, preventative medical care. Don’t listen. They say kids get sick all