Trust WHO

W.H.O. Do You Think You Are?

by UK Column On Friday, 19 May 2023, the UK Column and Children’s Health Defense Europe hosted a joint symposium on the World Health Organisation.

Dr. Bhakdi’s Legal Case

Dr. Bhakdi’s Legal Case

by D4CE “Since 2020, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a distinguished medical microbiologist, has informed the German and international public about the true nature of COVID-19

Retraction Update for the Public

Retraction Update for the Public

by: Dr. Mark Skidmore April 4, 2023The editorial board of BMC Infectious Diseases recently made a decision to retract the following article:Skidmore, M. The role

Trust WHO

Stop the WHO

by: James Roguski The WHO is attempting to negotiate away the sovereignty of the 194 member nations along two separate, but parallel tracks. Everyone on earth needs to pay attention RIGHT NOW, before it is

mRNA a Serious Threat to Mankind

mRNA a Serious Threat to Mankind

Introduction: SYMPOSIUM IV – WATCH THE REPLAY Freedom is the Cure: Unpacking and Defeating the Medical Tactics of a World Takeover Below is an email that was sent out to Doctors for Covid Ethics subscribers and

C-19 / Riots by State / Fed Banks

C-19 / Riots by State / Fed Banks

~ Sort on “Percentage of Deaths by State” . ~ Close your Browser Tab to Return to Solari. Click Here to View Table