Thank you, Prince Charles

Thank you, Prince Charles

Charles Warns GM Farming Will End in Ecological Disaster By Robert Booth – The Guardian (13 Aug 2008)

In Memorium: Stephen Mackendrick Thompson

In Memorium: Stephen Mackendrick Thompson

Stephen Mackendrick Thompson – 1939 – 2008 Alastair Thompson, of New Zealand’s Scoop Independent News, writes of the passing of his father, Stephen, on 27

Another Remarkable Coincidence

Another Remarkable Coincidence

Bohemian Grove 2008 – July 11-27 Wikileaks: Bohemian Grove 2008 Guest List Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 was passed by the United States

Silver & Gold Payment Calculator

Silver & Gold Payment Calculator

Place comments about Solari and the Moneychanger’s beta version of the Silver & Gold Payment Calculator here. View previous comments here >>>

There Must Be a Story Here

There Must Be a Story Here

On August 12, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times that Hillary Clinton is planning on staging a commotion at the Democratic convention at

Oh Boy, More on the Bear

Oh Boy, More on the Bear

Even Bloomberg is saying something stinks on the Bear Stearns option trading: Bringing Down Bear Began as $1.7 Million of Options By Gary Matsumoto –

Housing Bill, Part IX

Housing Bill, Part IX

In the Destruction of the Old, Let There Be the Creation of the New The Peter G. Peterson Foundation is now marketing a new documentary

Housing Bill, Part VIII

Housing Bill, Part VIII

The Two Great Financial Mysteries of Our Time: Missing Money and Collateral Fraud There are two great financial mysteries in America: where is all the

Tapeworm Keeps Billions in Missing Money

Tapeworm Keeps Billions in Missing Money

Excerpt: U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth … later was removed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which said he

Housing Bill, Part VII

Housing Bill, Part VII

Andrew Cuomo Owes Us $5 Trillion It is not easy to engineer the bankrupting of the American middle class and the U.S. government. Alan Greenspan

Housing Bill, Part VI

Housing Bill, Part VI

The Tapeworm Corporation Comes Out of the Closet (Comparison Chart: Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and the DOW, 1989-2008) Eisenhower warned us about a military industrial



When my dog Forest died earlier this year, I was faced with the prospect of raising a new dog while traveling. I discussed my challenge

The Real Skinner on Puppy Linux

The Real Skinner on Puppy Linux

Computing For Everyone Who Can’t Afford Their Own Personal IT Department By Court Skinner Computers are a necessity for success in our modern era, but

Deeper Money

Deeper Money

$4 trillion missing from the federal government, collateral fraud and 9-11. . . Dead and Buried, But Not Forgotten by Rob Kirby

Withholding Taxes

Withholding Taxes

Withholding Taxes Chart – Current through the Daily Treasury Statement dated August 4, 2008 From Matt Trivisonno’s Blog ~ Thanks to The King Report for

A New Word

A New Word

Triskaidekaphobia – A phobia of number 13

Alexander Solzhenitsyn – In Memorium

Alexander Solzhenitsyn – In Memorium

Russian novelist, dramatist and historian, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn died of heart failure near Moscow on August 3, 2008 at, at the age of 89. Putin Says

What's In a Number?

What's In a Number?

It looks like Royal Dutch Shell will end up paying about $600 million in connection with global class action lawsuits and enforcement that were triggered

Housing Bill, Part I

Housing Bill, Part I

Overview I have had several requests to comment on the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. This afternoon I read hundreds of pages of

Housing Bill, Part II

Housing Bill, Part II

Nation State or Investment Syndicate? One of the instructive features of the housing bill is the nature of creditor politics that is a subtext on

Housing Bill, Part III

Housing Bill, Part III

Your House Is Bigger than My House When I was Assistant Secretary of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner, then Secretary of HUD Jack Kemp asked

Housing Bill, Part IV

Housing Bill, Part IV

The Profits of Playing Ball The housing bill brings up a number of important questions about the risks and rewards that result from government subsidy

Housing Bill, Part V

Housing Bill, Part V

Where Is the Collateral? Any government official asked to come up with a workout plan for troubled financial institutions, large portfolios of financial assets and

Financial Permaculture: Business Models

Financial Permaculture: Business Models

What will be the successful business models of the future? This is an important conversation and our ally at Gaia Emerging has some thoughts. This

Message to KPFA Listeners

Message to KPFA Listeners

My being censored (1) (2) (3) is your financial opportunity. KPFA was going to provide our 2-CD audio seminar Positioning Your Assets for Growth in

Falling Real Estate Values

Falling Real Estate Values

Let me repeat something I said many times when I was Assistant Secretary of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner during Bush I, lead financial advisor

Denial Bliss

Denial Bliss

Sometimes it pays to NOT understand what is going on. Can you imagine being the person who had to write the current announcement on the



Reading the Solari webstats is always a fascinating prospect. Ever since the sub-prime meltdown last August, the big mystery when I fire up my systems

KPFA's Small Business Blacklist

KPFA's Small Business Blacklist

For those of you following the censorship of Community Business on Flashpoints by KPFA and the finances of KPFA and Pacifica Foundation including their tax-exempt

The Military Holds the Dollar Up

The Military Holds the Dollar Up

John: My assessment is that 90% of the value of the U.S. dollar comes from the U.S. military. After we had our satellite systems in

Eclipse This Friday

Eclipse This Friday

This Friday, we will experience a solar eclipse. Here are links to learn more: NASA Eclipse Web Site Solari Eclipse of August 1, 2008 –

Susan Johann

Susan Johann

When I was wealthy, I would occasionally commission artwork. While I am rebuilding my wealth, I am going to post the people I intend to

Positioning Your Assets

Positioning Your Assets

In our new audio seminar, Positioning Your Assets for Growth in Uncertain Times, among the many issues we address are one of the risks of

National Australian Bank Mortgage Loss

National Australian Bank Mortgage Loss

NAB Will Shock Wall Street By Robert Gottliebsen – Business Spectator, Australia (25 Jul 2008) To the Business Speculator, Australia: Good piece. Thanks. You stated

Who Needs the Lottery?

Who Needs the Lottery?

Imagine if hundreds of student associations globally formed syndicates. Two hundred student associations at $5,000 each would create a $1MM in winnings. AUSA Offers $5000



Sasha Lilley Interim Program Director Lemlem Rijio Interim General Manager for KPFA Dear Lemlem and Sasha: I learned from e-mail which was cc:ed

Predatory Gentrification

Predatory Gentrification

I just got a call this morning from another tenant in a HUD affordable building that a large developer would like to control and tear

Financial Orwell Unpacked

Financial Orwell Unpacked

Spin #1: The problem has been unregulated markets. Real Deal: The problem was a debt bubble engineered by the Federal Reserve and the U.S. government

Solar Cycle Variations

Solar Cycle Variations

For a number of years I have been interested in the impact of the solar cycle on weather, mood and other aspects of our lives

Financial Stock Shorts

Financial Stock Shorts

SEC Short-Sale Rule Gets Negative Reviews By Kara Scannell – Wall Street Journal (19 Jul 2008)

The Fitts Plan

The Fitts Plan

The Backbone Campaign has asked Cabinet nominees to record recommendations for candidate positions. Here’s mine as nominee for U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Listen here

Jim Sinclair on Share Certificates

Jim Sinclair on Share Certificates

Posted On: Monday, July 14, 2008, 9:33:00 PM EST “Receiving Share Certificates For Stocks In An IRA Without Being Penalized” Author: Jim Sinclair Dear CIGAs,

John Templeton Dies – July 8, 2008

John Templeton Dies – July 8, 2008

“Sir John Templeton was an investor and mutual fund pioneer who dedicated much of his fortune to religion and science. Templeton was born in the

Jim Rouse

Jim Rouse

One of my favorite stories about community development was told to me by Jim Rouse and his colleagues about what happened at the charrette sponsored

More on Financial Permaculture

More on Financial Permaculture

If we look at a community as a financial ecosystem with financial sustainability as one of our goals in achieving overall sustainability, one of the

Mortgage Market Musing

Mortgage Market Musing

Sometimes, it helps to step back and see the big picture. Let’s say that I serve as the depository for a large government and I

Mortgage Market Basics

Mortgage Market Basics

Fannie and Freddie are down again this morning… Fed’s Discount Window Said Open to Fannie and Freddie By Romain Bostick – Bloomberg News (11 Jul

Deja Vu View – No Accident

Deja Vu View – No Accident

Our evaporating mortgage bubble represents the culmination of a long evolution of systemic mortgage fraud in the United States. If you want to understand the

The Mortgage Bear Growls

The Mortgage Bear Growls

Fannie and Freddie are down this morning: One consensus is emerging on line that the Fed is to blame for mortgage market woes: Who Killed

Community Waste

Community Waste

I am quite inspired these days by the folks I am working with on sustainability issues here in Tennessee. (Example: see Financial Permaculture ) I



Here is the heartwarming story of two British activists, Helen Steel and David Morris, achieving the impossible by rewarding McDonald’s lawsuit against them with a

The Bell Tolls for the Bubble

The Bell Tolls for the Bubble

The inflation of the U.S. financial and mortgage finance stocks that began in the mid-1990’s with institution of the strong dollar policy, the suppression of

Community Wizards

Community Wizards

I grew up in a community where all the kids freely used the “F” word. Then I went to work on Wall Street, where the

History's Actors

History's Actors

“In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in Esquire that the White House didn’t like about Bush’s former communications director, Karen

Fourth of July Mystery

Fourth of July Mystery

We had our July 4th Parade this morning. We had our three fire trucks, lots of ATVs brimming with kids and flags and a procession

Jessie Helms Dies – July 4, 2008

Jessie Helms Dies – July 4, 2008

Jesse Alexander Helms, Jr. (October 18, 1921 – July 4, 2008) was a five-term United States Senator from North Carolina, and a member of the

Y'All Are Welcome

Y'All Are Welcome

I don’t know which is more nourishing – getting to know my cousin Jane or getting some of the Powell Farm’s sweet corn grown by

Vanity Fair on Bear Stearns

Vanity Fair on Bear Stearns

Bringing Down Bear Stearns By Bryan Burrough – Vanity Fair (Aug 2008) On Monday, March 10, the rumor started: Bear Stearns was having liquidity problems.

Ohio Does Sex and Mortgage Fraud

Ohio Does Sex and Mortgage Fraud

Mark Dann was the attorney general of Ohio. In January, Ohio Attorney General Mark Dann sued Freddie Mac and the members of its board: Ohio

Oklahoma Asserts Sovereignty

Oklahoma Asserts Sovereignty

View the vote tally in the Oklahoma House of Representatives – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

In From a Network Member

In From a Network Member

A Letter to My Stockbroker February 2008 Dear John: I sent you the article on Bill Gross of PIMCO because I was interested in someone

The National Security Business

The National Security Business

Charlie Black, in an interview with Fortune, said “a fresh terrorist attack ‘certainly would be a big advantage to him [John McCain].’” Black also “said

Request for Prayer and Financial Action

Request for Prayer and Financial Action

In response to the Supreme Court’s decision on Valdez, I would like to ask for prayers for all the people and living things harmed by

From Barnes Capital Insight

From Barnes Capital Insight

Here is the year-to-date price change in commodities and stocks: Crude oil up 43% Ethanol up 21% Heating oil up 44% Natural gas up 77%

How McCain's Money Works

How McCain's Money Works

For those of you who do not typically use financial filings, I thought I would make it easy for you to access information on how

Is Your Safety Deposit Box a Crime Scene?

Is Your Safety Deposit Box a Crime Scene?

Money High Street By Mark Nestmann For many years, I’ve advocated keeping valuable items in private vaults, rather than safety deposit boxes. A raid June

Financial Truffles

Financial Truffles

I just love reporters who take the time to dig into financial statements and come up with the truffles to be found there. I posted

Book Review: Shock Doctrine

Book Review: Shock Doctrine

I finally finished The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein. What a fine piece of investigative journalism. Klein nails Milton Friedman,

Sam Smith on Hillary Clinton

Sam Smith on Hillary Clinton

Most Recent Hillary Clinton Stories: The Clinton Scandals What You Won’t Find in The Clinton Museum and Library The Real Divide on Hillary Clinton Hillary

Jason Defense Advisory Group on Wind Farms

Jason Defense Advisory Group on Wind Farms

Wind farms that use spinning blades and turbines to generate electricity have the undesirable side effect of disrupting the operation of radar systems. The JASON

Court Skinner Hot Tip

Court Skinner Hot Tip

The coolest techie we know, Court Skinner of Computers for Everyone, in Palo Alto says Puppy Linux is going to resurrect antique computers (that is,

Derivatives Shoot the Moon

Derivatives Shoot the Moon

A new report from the Bank of International Settlements indicates that global outstanding derivatives just keep growing in amount. Highlights of International Banking and Financial

Another Unanswered Question

Another Unanswered Question

When Jim Johnson announced his resignation, the first uncensored thought that came to mind was “I wonder if Andrew Cuomo and Jack Kemp where in

How Obama's Money Works

How Obama's Money Works

For those of you who do not typically use financial filings, I thought I would make it easy for you to access information on how

The Smell of Our Money

The Smell of Our Money

I first met Jim Johnson in the early 1990’s. I was a great admirer of his predecessor at Fannie Mae, David Maxwell. David had recruited

Alcohol Can Be a Gas

Alcohol Can Be a Gas

I just saw a fascinating presentation. David Blume explained ethanol and its economics in the context of reviving communities at the Sonnenschien Festival in Hohenwald,

A Must Read

A Must Read

The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination Harvard University Commencement Address By J.K. Rowling – Harvard University Gazette Online (Jun 2008) View

Money Supply (MZM)

Money Supply (MZM)

Money Supply at 5 Jun 2008 St. Louis Federal Reserve Report ~ Previous blog posts on MZM: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) – –

Adjusted Monetary Base

Adjusted Monetary Base

Adjusted Monetary Base St. Louis Federal Reserve Report – – – – – – – –

Water In The Stock Market

Water In The Stock Market

Water Crisis to be Biggest World Risk By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (6 Jun 2008) – – – – – –

In Memorium

In Memorium

Let’s take a moment and give thanks for the life and work of one excellent man. Utah Phillips passed away on May 23rd. Described as

American Wisdom

American Wisdom

Just 17% Say Federal Government Represents Will of the People Rasmussen Reports (3 Jun 2008) Just 17% of voters say that the federal government represents

Let's Help the New President

Let's Help the New President

I have been asked to start a list of things that the President could do to improve the economy. I thought I would start this

Most Americans Agree

Most Americans Agree

Neither Honest Nor Trustworthy: The 10 Worst Corporations of 2007 By Russell Mokhiber & Robert Weissman – Multinational (Nov/Dec 2007) “A November 2007 Harris

Comment on Bishop Jake's Blog

Comment on Bishop Jake's Blog

Bishop: Thank you so much for your words on this topic Negative Press Distracts Church from Mission and for offering us the opportunity to access

Two New Morsels from

Two New Morsels from

From Phil Cubeta – At Getting Your Philanthropy Advice from a Loan Shark? (31 May 2008) Mr. Repo Man as Philanthropic Advisor (31 May

FRED Graph

FRED Graph

Total Borrowings of Depository Institutions from the Fed – 1910 to present: