Volvo Truck Sales Down 99.7%

Volvo Truck Sales Down 99.7%

I just saw an excellent presentation by James Turk, founder of He had just returned from Europe and was commenting on the severe economic



While acknowledging the turmoil in global financial markets — and in many individuals’ personal investments — it would be a mistake to lose sight of

401K's and IRA's: Shilling for a New World Order

401K's and IRA's: Shilling for a New World Order

In light of the recent proposals to turn 401K’s and IRA’s over to the Social Security Administration (see Dems Target Private Retirement Accounts), I recommend

In Memorium: Dr. Charles Thomas Fitts

In Memorium: Dr. Charles Thomas Fitts

Charles Thomas Fitts, M.D., 76, entered into eternal rest on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. He was born in Jackson, TN, on July 4, 1932. He

Going to the Polls

Going to the Polls

I do my best to always vote. I particularly feel that local elections are important and each of us can make a big difference if

Obama Won – What is Next?

Obama Won – What is Next?

President-elect Obama and his transition team now have 77 days to assemble a staff and Cabinet, determine the chief policies and goals for their first

Follow the Money

Follow the Money

The bailout bill resulted in $700 billion of taxpayer funds, much of it going to Wall Street firms who will pay out an estimated $70

Financial Permaculture Chautaqua?

Financial Permaculture Chautaqua?

Tonight, Liora Adler, Andy Langford and Albert Bates gave a presentation on Transition Towns. Andy reviewed his estimates of what happens to the local economy

Financial Permaculture Reaches Oceania!

Financial Permaculture Reaches Oceania!

Here’s a live wire coming through the global information grapevine – Last night I blogged here about Eric Wagoner’s incredible, a stunningly simple software



The ethanol team at the Financial Permaculture conference is amazing. I was in their session last night led by Pat Therrien who manages to combine

Financial Ecosystems

Financial Ecosystems

View Catherine’s slide show on Financial Ecosystems here. Also review Catherine’s handout: Starting and Financing a Business Checklist (1). Here is the Ethanol Project Development

Financial Permaculture – Natural Homebuilding

Financial Permaculture – Natural Homebuilding

Great News! Howard Switzer and Katey Culver are going to present the history of natural homebuilding on Saturday evening during the open space presentations. Howard

Financial Permaculture – Got a Comment?

Financial Permaculture – Got a Comment?

If you have a comment about Financial Permaculture or the Financial Permaculture workshop in Hohenwald, Tennessee October 24-28, 2008, and are not sure where to

Principles of Financial Permaculture

Principles of Financial Permaculture

Principles of Financial Permaculture By Jennifer Dauksha-English View or download this document as a PDF Financial Permaculture has been a part of the overall concept

The Health of Our Water

The Health of Our Water

I can’t think of any issue more important to the health and well-being of a community than the health of its water. Here is a

Blogging Financial Permaculture

Blogging Financial Permaculture

From Phil Cubeta at The Prospects of Financial Permaculture Greg Landau at Gaia Emerging responds…

We Welcome Your Help…

We Welcome Your Help…

Overview of Legal Structures for Small Businesses Financial Permaculture Conference We wrote up a list of enterprise legal forms for the recommended reading list for

Andrew Jackson and the Central Bank

Andrew Jackson and the Central Bank

“The Bank is trying to kill me, but I will kill it.” — President Andrew Jackson President Andrew Jackson of Tennessee was the 7th President

Defense Contractors & Your Investments

Defense Contractors & Your Investments

Did you realize that many of the stocks and bonds you and your community invest in are highly dependent on government contracts and purchases? Check

In from the Solari Network

In from the Solari Network

This came in from the Solari network today. It turns out that the common folk do indeed understand mortgage backed securities! Forrest Gump Explains Mortgage

John Rappoport on The Money Game

John Rappoport on The Money Game

The Money Game and the New World by Jon Rappoport The people on this planet who run the money game at high levels have managed

Conscious Parallelism?

Conscious Parallelism?

Thank you to the audience member of Bill Bowsher’s show on SciZone in Cincinnati who wanted to know if the bailout was an example of

Did the U.S. Government Snoop on Americans' Phone Calls?

Did the U.S. Government Snoop on Americans' Phone Calls?

Jonathan S. Landay, McClatchy Newspapers: “The Senate Intelligence Committee is examining allegations by two former U.S. military linguists that the super-secret National Security Agency routinely

Who's Zooming Whom?

Who's Zooming Whom?

During the Clinton Administration, four trillion dollars disappeared through the back door. Rather, than get it back, the Bush Administration has decided to simply hand

Bailout Bumper Stickers

Bailout Bumper Stickers

The bumper sticker brainstorm continues with more than 300 posts. Today’s favorite is: NO BANKER LEFT BEHIND Thanks, Lizanne!

The Silent Financial Coup d’état

The Silent Financial Coup d’état

An Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts by Jorge Nascimento Rodrigues, editor of QUESTION: Which are the roots of the ongoing financial crisis? A group

AIG Spa Trip Fuels Fury on Capitol Hill

AIG Spa Trip Fuels Fury on Capitol Hill

This piece about lavish spending by AIG executives after the $85 billion federal bailout is worth reading. It points out the impossibility of reviving a

Scoop Election Integrity Campaign – How To Help

Scoop Election Integrity Campaign – How To Help

About the Scoop US Electronic Election Integrity Campaign 2008 What is it? A Pro-Bono (Free) advertising campaign to support the US Election Protection movement and

Ten Reasons NOT To Bail Out Wall Street

Ten Reasons NOT To Bail Out Wall Street

by Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts, Esq. (1) Crime that pays is crime that stays. There is reason to believe that Wall Street and

Introducing Lesta Frank

Introducing Lesta Frank

I love Lesta Frank’s watercolors. You can learn more about Lesta and how to purchase watercolors, prints and cards at her website and blog. She

Goldman Sachs Goes Net Long Gold on TOCOM

Goldman Sachs Goes Net Long Gold on TOCOM

By Adrian Douglas In the September 29 session on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) Goldman Sachs COVERED 13 short contracts and bought 495 long contracts

Avalon Acres – Financial Permaculture

Avalon Acres – Financial Permaculture

Another reason to come to Financial Permaculture is to hook up with one of the fastest growing CSAs in Tennessee, Avalon Acres Farm in Hohenwald,

Treasury Conference Call

Treasury Conference Call

Please seed and spread around! This is an audio recording of the conference call with the US Treasury Department, giving information for financial analysts

Paul Newman: 1925 – 2008

Paul Newman: 1925 – 2008

A great man died today—he left us with a family, movies, businesses and gifts that will bring joy for centuries to come. Let’s take a

Wall Street to Main Street: Who Needs You?

Wall Street to Main Street: Who Needs You?

Fed Pumps Further $630 Billion Into Financial System By Scott Laman & Craig Torres – (29 Sep 2008) Adjusted Monetary Base – 25 Sep

Main Street to Wall Street: Drop Dead

Main Street to Wall Street: Drop Dead

U.S. House Rejects $700 Billion Financial-Rescue Plan By Allison Vekshin & Laura Litvan – (29 Sep 2008)

Bumper Sticker Brainstorm

Bumper Sticker Brainstorm

One of our network members is keen on producing a bumper sticker to express our opposition to bailouts and the institutions engineering them. We could

Rumi and Bates

Rumi and Bates

Sit down and be quiet. You are drunk, and this is the edge of the roof. ~ Rumi This wonderful quote from Rumi was brought

Sorghum Festival, October 4th

Sorghum Festival, October 4th

I went down to Burton’s Sugar Farm in Northern Mississippi outside of Memphis this weekend. This is my third visit to the Sugar Farm and

Ode To Big Bankers

Ode To Big Bankers

A network member requests that we offer up a place to post limericks and songs to lift our spirits in a dire hour. Here is

Radio New Zealand Interviews Alastair Thompson

Radio New Zealand Interviews Alastair Thompson

Alastair Thompson: Politics and Pilgrimage Scoop Independent News (20 Sep 2008) For more on Scoop’s Campaign >>> For more on Alastair’s recent Pilgrimage >>>

Final Bailout White Paper

Final Bailout White Paper

Proposed $700 Billion Bailout Is Too Little, Too Late to End the Debt Crisis; Too Much, Too Soon for the U.S. Bond Market By Martin

A Comment on the Bailout Bill

A Comment on the Bailout Bill

By Carolyn Betts, Esq. I agree with every point in Bernie Sanders’ proposal but have a suggestion. I worked with lead counsel to the RTC

Total U.S. Debt

Total U.S. Debt

John: You asked, what is the size of the total consolidated national debt? The President of the Dallas Fed says $99.2 trillion. I would add

Project Censored Top 25 Stories for 2009

Project Censored Top 25 Stories for 2009

# 1 Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation # 2 Security and Prosperity Partnership: Militarized NAFTA # 3 InfraGard: The FBI Deputizes

How to Find a Local Bank

How to Find a Local Bank

In response to questions from listeners about how to find a local bank, we are reproducing below Catherine’s article on this topic. The full article

Slow Burn Capital Controls

Slow Burn Capital Controls

A broker reported to me today that their clearing agent is requiring them to mark purchases of AAA sovereign bonds denominated in foreign currencies as

The Bank Index

The Bank Index

A network member points out that Don Coxe of BMO Financial Group, one of our favorite market analysts, has commented that we have now deleveraged

An Anniversary Prayer — September 11, 2008

An Anniversary Prayer — September 11, 2008

An Anniversary Prayer — September 11, 2008 Lord, we gather in prayer on the seventh anniversary of 9-11; We thank you for the many blessings

Comments to Catherine on Coast-to-Coast

Comments to Catherine on Coast-to-Coast

Dear Readers: If you have comments to Catherine’s talk on Coast-to-Coast radio last night, please place them as a comment to this post. Thanks! Anais

Orwellian Markets

Orwellian Markets

Doug Casey’s newsletter reports that the Dow Jones Index companies had consolidated losses in the second quarter. However, the Dow Jones is holding and gold

The Farm Blog Up

The Farm Blog Up News and views from The Farm in Summertown, Tennessee

Event – October 2008: "Financial Permaculture"

Event – October 2008: "Financial Permaculture"

Financial Permaculture: Greening a Rural American Community October 24-28, 2008 Hohenwald, Tennessee Attend this 5-day regenerative business and community development course and design simulation with

Erie, Pennsylvania Sues JP Morgan Chase

Erie, Pennsylvania Sues JP Morgan Chase

Facing Federal Probe, JPMorgan Exits Municipal Swaps Business Standard (5 Sep 2008) “JPMorgan Chase & Co will stop selling interest-rate swaps to government borrowers in

A Comment On Our Election Coverage

A Comment On Our Election Coverage

My focus during the presidential elections — as it has been for the last three elections — is on helping you understand what you can

A List of the 20 Funniest Movies – Help!

A List of the 20 Funniest Movies – Help!

I have a terrific friend who is coming home from the hospital tomorrow to recuperate from heart surgery. Her doctors say that this kind of

Going Green First Class

Going Green First Class

“Eco-Iconic” At Bahrain World Trade Center Dubai Wave Tower

The 10 Most Affordable Housing Markets

The 10 Most Affordable Housing Markets

Affordable Housing Exists, If You Know Where to Look By Prashant Gopal – BusinessWeek (4 Sep 2008) 1. Indianapolis-Carmel, Ind. Median home price: $108,000 Median

September Slow Burn

September Slow Burn

If it is bothering you that the price of everything that is losing value is up and the price of everything that is increasing in

Thank Heavens For Honest Judges

Thank Heavens For Honest Judges

Fighting Foreclosure: Subprime Borrowers Battle (and Beat) Lenders in Court By Amanda Stutt – Village Voice (3 Sep 2008) Excerpt: “If the paperwork is garbage

Deja Vu View

Deja Vu View

“Deja Vu View” is our title to revive things we have written in the past that are worth revisiting given current events. The federal government

Simmons International

Simmons International

In our discussion on “Recommended,” there were several comments on Matt Simmons’ role in promoting the Peak Oil scenario. I thought it would be useful

Deja Vu View 2

Deja Vu View 2

Only Convenient Caring Please A YouTube video by Catherine Austin Fitts



I just finished James Norman’s new book: The Oil Card: Global Economic Warfare in the 21st Century. Norman makes the case that a suppressed oil

September 16-18 in Portland

September 16-18 in Portland

Our very special ally Paul Levy is sponsoring his very special teachers, Tibetan Buddhist masters Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche, to

The Financial Permaculture Blog Launches

The Financial Permaculture Blog Launches

Financial Permaculture Blog: a resource for gathering information and conversations about financial permaculture Also see: The Farm Blog

From Sam Smith at

From Sam Smith at

DRINKING AGES IN SOME EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Albania—No minimum age Austria—14 Denmark—No minimum drinking age Finland—No minimum drinking age France—16 (beer, wine) Germany—16 (beer, wine) Hungary—No

A New Word From Franklin Sanders

A New Word From Franklin Sanders

LUNATICKLE – noun. The thrill of fear, laughter, and incredulity that convulses your body when you read the financial news in the morning and realize

Financial Permaculture

Financial Permaculture

In 1989, I was serving as Assistant Secretary of Housing. The housing bubble of the 1980’s had burst, and foreclosures were rising. The mortgage insurance

Gold and Deflation

Gold and Deflation

Now is a time when there is much discussion regarding the performance of gold in periods of deflation. A fine piece addressing some of these

Pebble Mine

Pebble Mine

The financial permaculture conversation continues . . . Pebble Mine At Gaiapoiesis – 19 Aug 2008) Pebble Mine – at Wikipedia

Fannie and Freddie 1-Year Chart

Fannie and Freddie 1-Year Chart

This weekend, Barrons published a piece on Fannie and Freddie indicating the chances for nationalization were rising. Today, the stocks dropped like a stone. Bailout