Why Are We Funding Felons?

Why Are We Funding Felons?

“The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses.” ~Utah Phillips By Catherine Austin Fitts

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

By Wikipedia Saint Valentine’s Day, also known as Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is observed on February 14 each year. It is

Why Congress is Gridlocked

Why Congress is Gridlocked

By Catherine Austin Fitts I am publishing an oldie but goodie to help you understand why Congress is having trouble moving forward on health care

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day

Photo Credit: Dazzlejunction.com By Wikipedia Groundhog Day is a day celebrated on February 2. According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges

Coming Clean Beyond the Fiscal Cliff

Coming Clean Beyond the Fiscal Cliff

[CAF Note: We originally published this article in January 2013. I wrote it over the Christmas holidays in 2012 because it was obvious that, despite

Privatization at the Root

Privatization at the Root

By Catherine Austin Fitts Governments cost of capital is rising. Corporations cost of capital is falling. Watch the charts as the elections roll on through

Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Day

Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee. Related reading: Martin Luther King, Jr. Wikipedia Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Money & Markets – January 6, 2017

Money & Markets – January 6, 2017

Falco: I have been told of a certain sea snake which has a very unusual method of attracting its prey. It will lie at the



Post your comments and questions for January, 2018. Click here to see previous comments and questions.

Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year 2017

“Ring out the false, ring in the true.” ~Alfred, Lord Tennyson Related Reading: New Year – Wikipedia Save Save Save

“Ring Out, Wild Bells”

“Ring Out, Wild Bells”

by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind, For those that here we

"Ring Out, Wild Bells"

"Ring Out, Wild Bells"

by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind, For those that here we

The Magic of Stavoren

The Magic of Stavoren

“Nothing is black or white, nothing’s ‘us or them.’ But then there are magical, beautiful things in the world. There’s incredible acts of kindness and

All You Can Know

All You Can Know

Related reading: Steve McDonald (Celtic music) on Wikipedia Steve McDonald Fan Club

A Brilliant Comment on the Election

A Brilliant Comment on the Election

[CAF Note: A subscriber sent the following comment from a friend. I publish it in the hopes it helps you understand and exercise your power

Honoring Veterans

Honoring Veterans

“In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.” -Jose Narosky Related Reading: History of Veterans Day Veterans Day

How Can I Make America Great?

How Can I Make America Great?

“In the destruction of the old, let there be the creation of the new.” ~ Chris Peterson By Catherine Austin Fitts We now have a

Campaign Whac-A-Mole

Campaign Whac-A-Mole

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not

All Saints Day in Lindau

All Saints Day in Lindau

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” ~ Confucius Today is All Saints Day in Lindau, a town on a small island near the

The Fall Colors of Trento

The Fall Colors of Trento

  “You may have the universe if I may have Italy.” ~Giuseppe Verdi By Catherine Austin Fitts It is sweater weather in Trento. The leaves

A Morning in Venice

A Morning in Venice

By Catherine Austin Fitts It is a misty morning in Venice, Italy. The air smells of the ocean – of sea lanes and trade routes

LA Times & MSM Destroying Themselves

LA Times & MSM Destroying Themselves

To the owners of the Los Angeles Times: The front-page story in your Sunday paper, “Blame Trump For Dividing Nation,” was the last straw. It’s

It's Fiction, Folks!

It's Fiction, Folks!

“Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of psychological abuse in which a victim is manipulated into doubting their own memory, perception, and sanity. Instances may

The Rise of the Deplorables

The Rise of the Deplorables

By Jon Rappoport Something is happening in America. Against all odds, people are seeing a coming dawn. In the darkness, new hope. And this hope

Trump Bests the Machine

Trump Bests the Machine

William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law! Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through

F&Q:  Australian Outback  May 2018

F&Q: Australian Outback May 2018

FAQs (PDF) Terms and Conditions Please Post any questions you may have that is not addressed in the listed links. You can also e-mail customerservice@solari.com.

Flower Duet

Flower Duet

Related reading Anna Netrebko on Wikipedia Elina Garanca on Wikipedia Opera Lakmé on Wikipedia Léo Delibes on Wikipedia Flower Duet on Wikipedia

Unanswered Questions about Wells Fargo

Unanswered Questions about Wells Fargo

“Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement.” ~Ronald Reagan By Catherine Austin Fitts Wells Fargo has admitted to creating 1.5

Recommended: OTEPIC Kenya Project

Recommended: OTEPIC Kenya Project

[CAF Note: I try to support entrepreneurs who are making a difference in their communities. Philip Munyasia is one of them. This was originally posted

Helping Your Local Community

Helping Your Local Community

CAF: Local action is often where we have real opportunity to make a difference. This article by Pete Heckman was originally published on March 8,

Keep Calm and Do the Math

Keep Calm and Do the Math

By Catherine Austin Fitts It’s time to take a deep breath and listen to the American people. Our concerns have been smothered over by the

September Equinox 2016

September Equinox 2016

“Of autumn’s wine, now drink your fill; the frost’s on the pumpkin, and snow’s on the hill.” ~The Old Farmer’s Almanac This year, the autumnal

On the Road in Las Vegas

On the Road in Las Vegas

By Catherine Austin Fitts Well, I’m on the road again. On this trip, I am spending five days in Las Vegas. There was someone I

Arvo Pärt- Spiegel im Spiegel

Arvo Pärt- Spiegel im Spiegel

Related reading: Arvo Pärt on Wikipedia Spiegel im Spiegel on Wikipedia Benjamin Hudson (viola) Web Site Jürgen Kruse (Piano) Web Page

Lockheed Cuts & Runs

Lockheed Cuts & Runs

“They are burying the corpse in advance.” ~ Franklin Sanders The latest Department of Defense (DOD) audit now indicates that DOD is missing $6.5 Trillion

What's Up This Fall 2016?

What's Up This Fall 2016?

“A study of economics usually reveals that the best time to buy something is last year.” ~Marty Allen By Catherine Austin Fitts Last fall was

Quote du Jour

Quote du Jour

“From what I’ve seen of those in power throughout business and politics now, the people of your country are not your countrymen, they’re aliens whose

The Second Coming

The Second Coming

William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere

Book Review: The New Grand Strategy

Book Review: The New Grand Strategy

“What role do we want to play in the world?” ~ From The New Grand Strategy By Catherine Austin Fitts Lawrence Wilkerson recommended that I

A Very Long Lunch in Zurich

A Very Long Lunch in Zurich

“To truly know the world, look deeply within your own being; to truly know yourself, take real interest in the world.” ~ Rudolf Steiner By