More Shadow Work: Bank Card Fraud

More Shadow Work: Bank Card Fraud

“You’ve got to know when to hold ’em Know when to fold ’em” ~ Kenny Rogers by Catherine Austin Fitts Yesterday was the photographer. Today

Strong Towns with Chuck Marohn

Strong Towns with Chuck Marohn

“For the United States to be a prosperous country, it must have strong cities, towns and neighborhoods. Enduring prosperity for our communities cannot be artificially

Richard Dolan on False Flags

Richard Dolan on False Flags

Richard Dolans new series on False Flags for Gaia TV is a must see. You can start here and continue by subscribing.

Jim Marrs: 1943-2017

Jim Marrs: 1943-2017

“I rode with him, and I got no complaints.” ~ The Outlaw Josey Wales A great man and a great Texan passed from our midst

Chopin’s Complete Nocturnes

Chopin’s Complete Nocturnes

Related reading: Frédéric Chopin on Wikipedia Frédéric Chopin Biography Chopin’s Nocturnes at Wikipedia Brigitte Engerer on Wikipedia Brigitte Engerer Biography by Robert Cummings

Happy Bastille Day!

Happy Bastille Day!

Bastille Day is the French national holiday which is celebrated on 14 July each year. In France, it is formally called La Fête Nationale (National

Food for the Soul: Generation Wealth Exhibition

Food for the Soul: Generation Wealth Exhibition

“When the financial crash happened in 2008, I realized that the stories that I have been telling since the early 90’s about consumerism and about materialism and how that had become part of the American […]

The American Revolution: Happy 4th of July!

The American Revolution: Happy 4th of July!

But what do we mean by the American Revolution?  Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds

2nd Quarter 2017 Wrap Up – Introduction

2nd Quarter 2017 Wrap Up – Introduction

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose

World’s Biggest Wealth Fund Refuses to Be Silenced

World’s Biggest Wealth Fund Refuses to Be Silenced

By Mark Gilbert (Bloomberg) Investors are increasingly serious about their environmental, social and corporate governance duties, withholding investment from industries they deem to be damaging

The Global TI Survey Launch

The Global TI Survey Launch

Under the direction of William Binney and J.Kirk Wiebe the Global TI (Targeted Individual) Survey is being released worldwide. To begin the Global TI Survey

China’s Great Bay Area

China’s Great Bay Area

“Though the [Pearl River] delta accounts for less than 1% of China’s territory and 5% of its population, it generates more than a tenth of

Tsz Shan Monastery

Tsz Shan Monastery

“The quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest; It blesseth

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

“Through learning and temperance to virtue” ~ The Chinese University of Hong Kong Motto By Catherine Austin Fitts Some days are special – Sunday in

Barrie Skinner ~ 1944-2017

Barrie Skinner ~ 1944-2017

Celebration & Life “In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart

A Good American Now Available!

A Good American Now Available!

Dowload Video Here “A Good American” tells the story of the courageous efforts of former NSA senior manager Bill Binney and colleagues Kirk Wiebe and

Moscow Sretensky Monastery Choir

Moscow Sretensky Monastery Choir

Related reading Sretensky Monastery (Moscow) on Wikipedia Sretensky Monastery on Orthodo Wikipedia Sretensky Monastery Choir on Wikipedia

Food for the Soul: “The Circle”

Food for the Soul: “The Circle”

Check it out: THE CIRCLE YouTube [CAF Note: A big shout out for our new correspondent writing under the handle “Your Culture Scout.” They are

All You Need to Know About James Comey

All You Need to Know About James Comey

By Catherine Austin Fitts James Comey, the now former head of the FBI, is also the former General Counsel of Lockheed Martin, the largest defense

Interest Rate Swaps with Rob Kirby

Interest Rate Swaps with Rob Kirby

Read the Transcript Read the Transcript of Interest Rate Swaps with Rob Kirby here (PDF) Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file The Solari Report

That Pesky Constitution

That Pesky Constitution

  By Catherine Austin Fitts The President was quoted this week as saying “He blamed the constitutional checks and balances built in to US governance.

Money & Markets – May 5, 2017

Money & Markets – May 5, 2017

“A new page has been turned.”  ~French President-Elect Emmanuel Macron By Catherine Austin Fitts The French election is over. Macron’s victory breathes new life into

Run for the Roses: Kentucky Derby 2017

Run for the Roses: Kentucky Derby 2017

  By Wikipedia The Kentucky Derby is a horse race held annually in Louisville, Kentucky, United States, on the first Saturday in May, capping the

Contessa Perdono

Contessa Perdono

Related reading The Marriage of Figaro on Wikipedia

Sretensky Monastery Choir

Sretensky Monastery Choir

Related reading Sretensky Monastery (Moscow) on Wikipedia Sretensky Monastery on Orthodo Wikipedia Sretensky Monastery Choir on Wikipedia

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

By Wikipedia Cinco de Mayo is a celebration held on May 5. The date is observed to commemorate the Mexican Army’s unlikely victory over French

Money & Markets – April 28, 2017

Money & Markets – April 28, 2017

“I think we shouldn’t underestimate how radical this change is going to be. Love it or hate it, it’s going to be quite dramatic and

Book Review: Titanic: A Perfect Crime

Book Review: Titanic: A Perfect Crime

“A man generally has two reasons for doing a thing. One that sounds good, and a real one.” ~ J. P. Morgan By Catherine Austin

Checklist: Family Risk

Checklist: Family Risk

By Catherine Austin Fitts Below is a list of risk issues I prepared for a theoretical family considering a move from a densely populated high

Money & Markets – April 14, 2017

Money & Markets – April 14, 2017

” Needless to say, Obama is gone, Boehner is gone and the 17-month debt ceiling “holiday” that they confected in October 2015 to ride Washington

Returning to the Pistis Sophia

Returning to the Pistis Sophia

“And now, let all Matter rejoice; let all aspire to the Light, that the power of the soul which is in you may live.” ~

The Financial Coup & Missing Money: Quotes

The Financial Coup & Missing Money: Quotes

[CAF Note: Bravo! One of our subscribers has been digging into the money missing from the US government. This is exactly the kind of citizen

Money & Markets – March 24, 2017

Money & Markets – March 24, 2017

“Lord, give me coffee to change the things I can change and wine to accept the things I can’t.” ~Serenity prayer posted at Organico Cafe

Book Review: Dark Money by Jane Mayer

Book Review: Dark Money by Jane Mayer

“We must make our choice. We may have democracy or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of the few, but we can’t have

The View from Canada

The View from Canada

The Herrenknecht SBM produces blind shafts with diameters of up to 12 meters and depths of up to 2,000 meters. “I have an eccentric view

The Red Button Story

The Red Button Story

By Catherine Austin Fitts I have been getting requests for the red button story. So here are a variety of options. Above is a video

Happy President’s Day!

Happy President’s Day!

Related reading: George Washington Wikipedia Washington’s Birthday Wikipedia