Real Deal: Saving Tennessee

Real Deal: Saving Tennessee

TENNESSEE’S GET OUR MONEY BACK CAMPAIGN 2002 Higher Tennessee Taxes? No Way! It’s Time for Lower Federal Taxes and Greater Local Control of Our Tax

A Note on the Washington Post

A Note on the Washington Post

“There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn’t. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps

Bundy, the True Story — Official

Bundy, the True Story — Official

This is the real story the courts will not let you hear, narrated entirely from inside a jail. All 3 parts HD. Narrated by Ammon

Missing You, Georgie…

Missing You, Georgie…

YouTube (14 Oct 11) Related Reading: Happy Birthday with Georgie! (24 Dec 10) Celebrating the Life of Georgie LaRue (27 Dec 10) Georgie Anna Branham

In Hoc Anno Domini

In Hoc Anno Domini

Vermont Royster’s Christmas message has been republished by The Wall Street Journal every Christmas since its first publication in 1949. As I can not think

Destiny and the Process of Dying

Destiny and the Process of Dying

  [ CAF Note: This article is republished from The Present Age a monthly magazine published by Thomas Meyer's Perseus Publishing.  It offers profound insights

Food for the Soul: Geostorm

Food for the Soul: Geostorm

“Thanks to a system of satellites, natural disasters have become a thing of the past. We can control our weather.” ~ President Palma in Geostorm

Musica Secreta: Lucrezia Borgia’s Daughter

Musica Secreta: Lucrezia Borgia’s Daughter

Related reading Musica reservata on Wikipedia Lucrezia Borgia’s Daughter More on Lucrezia Borgia’s Daughter Eleonara d’Este (1515-1575) on Wikipedia

Control 101 – 3rd Quarter 2017 Wrap Up

Control 101 – 3rd Quarter 2017 Wrap Up

“Fear is an enemy that can be killed only at close range. The closest range of all is intimacy.” ~ Andrew Vachss. By Catherine Austin

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Halloween also known All Hallows’ Eve, or All Saints’ Eve, is a celebration observed on October 31, the eve of the Western Christian feast of

The Doll Song – Tales of Hoffman

The Doll Song – Tales of Hoffman

Related Reading: The Tales of Hoffmann on Wikipedia Academy of Vocal Arts Note: Catherine will be attending the Metropolitan Opera this evening to see Tales

Food for the Soul: Blade Runner 2049

Food for the Soul: Blade Runner 2049

“Every civilization was built on the back of a disposable workforce, but I can only make so many.“ Wallace – a creator of replicants in

Robin Launches a New Era

Robin Launches a New Era

Invitation: Robin’s 90th Birthday Party Meditations on My Uncle Robin at His Memorial Service at the Dover Quaker Meeting House “And every one ‘neath their

Walking By Sees

Walking By Sees

[CAF Note: I originally published this on November 12, 2013. As our subscribers and readers are managing unprecedented change, I am republishing now. Hope it

Catherine’s Presentation on Infowars Today

Catherine’s Presentation on Infowars Today

1. $21 Trillion Missing from US Accounts at DOD and HUD ($65,000 per person) YouTube | 17 October 2017 The Missing $Trillions… Complete government documentation

Anne Williamson’s “Rape of Russia”

Anne Williamson’s “Rape of Russia”

Our subscriber Liberty Jones did not understand a reference to “the Rape of Russia” in my discussion with Joseph for our 3rd Quarter Wrap Up.

Shadow Work

Shadow Work

[CAF Note: I am republishing this piece as several subscribers are noting how much inflation is eating away at their time in addition to their

Food for the Soul: Pacific Standard Time LA/LA

Food for the Soul: Pacific Standard Time LA/LA

“In a way that is possible only in Los Angeles, Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA will implicitly raise complex and provocative issues about present-day relations throughout

Strauss – Also sprach Zarathustra – Dudamel

Strauss – Also sprach Zarathustra – Dudamel

Related reading: Richard Strauss on Wikipedia Also sprach Zarathustra (Strauss) on Wikipedia Gustavo Dudamel on Wikipedia Gustavo Dudamel Webpage Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra Webpage    

Food for The Soul: British TV Miniseries

Food for The Soul: British TV Miniseries

“In a few days, there’s going to be this international colloquium. And this place’ll be crawling with rich and powerful people, the world’s leading business

An Anniversary Prayer – September 11, 2017

An Anniversary Prayer – September 11, 2017

Catherine’s Anniversary Prayer — September 11, 2017 By Catherine Austin Fitts Lord, we gather in prayer on the sixteenth anniversary of 9-11; We thank you

Life & Death Issues vs. Monuments

Life & Death Issues vs. Monuments

By Catherine Austin Fitts I received the following question from a reader: QUESTION: Thank you for addressing so many truly important issues. As to the

Allergic to Numismatic Coins

Allergic to Numismatic Coins

Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. ~ A Course in Miracles By Catherine Austin Fitts Franklin Sanders has written an article “What is

Quote du Jour

Quote du Jour

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore Why pick fights (with the Russians)? $1 trillion to upgrade the nuclear arsenal. Is that where you want to spend your

Who’s Your Hero?

Who’s Your Hero?

By Catherine Austin Fitts Here is an excerpt of my comments on the events in Charlottesville on August 17 which we are making public. Listen

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!

On Work By Kahlil Gibran You work that you may keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth. For to be idle

The Red Cliff of Friesland

The Red Cliff of Friesland

“Leaver dea as slaef” (rather dead than slave) – Text on monument commemorating Friesland’s victory at the Battle of Warns, 1345 By Catherine Austin Fitts

Book Review: Bailout by Neil Barofsky

Book Review: Bailout by Neil Barofsky

“I really didn’t believe the figure [of total commitments made during the financial crisis] until I saw the backup documents that had been provided by

Basel, BIS & Bitcoin

Basel, BIS & Bitcoin

“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows” ~Bob Dylan By Catherine Austin Fitts Basel, Switzerland is the home of the

Food for the Soul: Da Vinci and Salt

Food for the Soul: Da Vinci and Salt

“A beautiful body perishes, but a work of art dies not.” Leonardo Da Vinci Check It Out! By Your Culture Scout What does Leonardo da

Solar Eclipse 2017

Solar Eclipse 2017

By Wikipedia An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when an astronomical object is temporarily obscured, either by passing into the shadow of another

Beautiful Music

Beautiful Music

“Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.” ~Ludwig van Beethoven By Catherine Austin Fitts My job is to help people understand what is

The Cost of One Photographer

The Cost of One Photographer

“A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon, you’re talking real money.” ~Senator Everett Dirksen By Catherine Austin Fitts Today, I checked into my hotel