“I want to be a billionaire.” ~ Elizabeth Holmes, Age 9-10, in response to a question about what she wanted to be. By Catherine Austin Fitts WSJ subscribers have been following the story of Theranos
[Originally published in November 2015] “If we can face it, God can fix it.” ~ Bishop Alfred Owens By Catherine Austin Fitts In The Half Has Never Been Told, historian Edward Baptist attempts to unpack
“On this rock I will build my church” ~ Jesus Christ, Matthew 16 By Catherine Austin Fitts René-Francois Guettée was ordained a Catholic priest in France in 1839. One of his first tasks was to
“There is a world that most of us know of and that we are comfortable with. There is another world that we should know of but do not, and that should, by all rights, make
“Fasting also stimulates autophagy and mitophagy, the process of culling the old, dysfunctional mitochondria. So the ancient wellness practice of intermittent fasting essentially gets rid of the old mitochondria and at the same time stimulates
[CAF Note: At last, the sequel to The Essential Saker II is available from the Vineyard of the Saker. You can purchase here in both hard copy and PDF form. I wrote the forward and
“There’s an itch in my mind, but I can only find it occasionally. It’s like rummaging through a box of ancient refuse and incomprehensible knick-knacks and suddenly feeling the two-pronged bite of a snake between
“There’s an itch in my mind, but I can only find it occasionally. It’s like rummaging through a box of ancient refuse and incomprehensible knick-knacks
Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction is Hijacking Our Kids – And How to Break The Trance “What we are discovering is that video gaming is perverting an ancient neural-hormonal network. Unlike our ancestors, who were
[CAF Note: More people keep recommending that I read this dreadful book. I am republishing my October 21, 2014 review.] By Catherine Austin Fitts To say that Naomi Klein’s new book This Changes Everything: Capitalism
Weapons of Math Destruction How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy “The trouble is that profits end up serving as a stand-in, or proxy, for truth.” ~ Cathy O’Neill By Court Skinner In the
Weapons of Math Destruction How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy “The trouble is that profits end up serving as a stand-in, or proxy,
[CAF Note: I published this review when we did Unpacking Your Financial Ecosystem on the Solari Report. I am republishing as more subscribers grapple with the power and opportunity of getting to know their state
“Like the two Kennedy assassinations or the assassination of Dr. King, or the still-debatable Watergate affair (“What was that really about?”), or the Waco tragedy or the Oklahoma City Bombing or 9/11, it [the Hess
“Like the two Kennedy assassinations or the assassination of Dr. King, or the still-debatable Watergate affair (“What was that really about?”), or the Waco tragedy
“The danger is not that we shall aim too high and miss; the real danger is that we train our eyes on the floor and end up there.” ~Yanis Varoufakis By Catherine Austin Fitts I
“Who exactly are the attention merchants? As an industry, they are relatively new. Their lineage can be traced to the nineteenth century, when in New York City the first newspapers fully dependent on advertising were
“I really didn’t believe the figure [of total commitments made during the financial crisis] until I saw the backup documents that had been provided by each of the agencies themselves. This total commitment was almost
“The Zero Point Field represented two tantalizing possibilities… it represented the Holy Grail of energy research. If you could somehow tap into this field, you might have all the energy you would ever need, not
“The Zero Point Field represented two tantalizing possibilities… it represented the Holy Grail of energy research. If you could somehow tap into this field, you
“We limit how much technology our kids use in the home” ~Steve Jobs, founder of Apple by Catherine Austin Fitts Adam Alter is an associate professor at New York University. His new book Irresistible: The
“The real protagonist of this book is a Washington political establishment that has lost the ability to explain itself or its motives to people outside the Beltway.” ~ Matt Taibbi on Shattered By Catherine Austin
“The real protagonist of this book is a Washington political establishment that has lost the ability to explain itself or its motives to people outside
“Follow the money.” ~ Deep Throat By Catherine Austin Fitts The American Institute for Economic Research publishes Follow the Money: A Citizen’s Guide to Local
“A man generally has two reasons for doing a thing. One that sounds good, and a real one.” ~ J. P. Morgan By Catherine Austin Fitts Titanic: A Perfect Crime is a novel by Patrea
“The butcher on the corner of days gone by would never think of adding sneaky fees; if he did, he would have been run out of town. But satellite-TV firms and cable companies don’t have
“Justice is a big rug. When you pull it out from under one man, a lot of others fall too.” ~Dorothy Kilgallen Earlier this year, the New York Post reported that the Manhattan District Attorney’s
“We must make our choice. We may have democracy or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of the few, but we can’t have both.” ~ Louis Brandeis by Catherine Austin Fitts In US
“This is a story about a search for dignity and fairness. This is a story about bringing transparency to the hidden power and money that restricts our lives. It’s the story of lifting the veil
“Forming habits is imperative for the survival of many products. As infinite distractions compete for our attention, companies are learning to master novel tactics to stay relevant in users’ minds. Amassing millions of users is
“Forming habits is imperative for the survival of many products. As infinite distractions compete for our attention, companies are learning to master novel tactics to
“The American motion picture is the greatest unconscious carrier of propaganda in the world today. It is a great distributor for ideas and opinions.” ~Edward Bernays By Catherine Austin Fitts Solari Report subscribers are familiar
“The American motion picture is the greatest unconscious carrier of propaganda in the world today. It is a great distributor for ideas and opinions.” ~Edward
“Society is built on three legs: Economics, politics and religion. These three must be mutually compatible or the society will not last long, and the dust bin of history has plenty of examples of societies
“The content of what [young porn viewers] found exciting changed as the Web sites introduced themes and scripts that altered their brains without their awareness. Because the brain maps for new, exciting images… they began
By Jason Worth (Note: If not specified otherwise, any quotations in this book review refer to text by the author from the book being reviewed.) The Precariat: The Dangerous New Class is a sociological study
By Catherine Austin Fitts Richard Dolan just published a new, excellent summary introduction to “The Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization.” You can access it in paperback or e-book form from Richard Dolan Press. If
By Jason Worth (Note: If not specified otherwise, any quotations in this book review refer to text by the authors from the book being reviewed.) Think about how much the Internet and technology have changed
“What role do we want to play in the world?” ~ From The New Grand Strategy By Catherine Austin Fitts Lawrence Wilkerson recommended that I read The New Grand Strategy: Restoring America’s Prosperity, Security and
By Jason Worth Openness and transparency of information pertinent to the affairs of state are the bedrocks upon which democracies operate. With it, citizens can remain informed and knowledgeable about important developments impacting their society
“It [the Clinton Foundation] has the potential to be the Mother of all Clinton scandals.” ~Kerry Jackson, Investor’s Business Daily By Catherine Austin Fitts Corsi’s
“It [the Clinton Foundation] has the potential to be the Mother of all Clinton scandals.” ~Kerry Jackson, Investor’s Business Daily By Catherine Austin Fitts Corsi’s
“All the promise held out for space flight in gaining scientific knowledge, advancing technology, and creating a hopeful future through exploration of the solar system
“All the promise held out for space flight in gaining scientific knowledge, advancing technology, and creating a hopeful future through exploration of the solar system
“Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me….For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no
“Space assets, operated by an increasing number of governmental and non-governmental entities, offer the world enormous benefits that were unimaginable just a few decades ago.
“The unraveling of the state’s monopoly of force has begun, not over centuries but over decades. The market for force’s trajectory is uncertain; it could
Government Mind Control Tech InfoWars | Aug 19 2018 “Make no mistake; this is an intentional attempt at mainstreaming a form of technology that will have grave consequences on society. If you have any doubt, ask
Government Mind Control Tech InfoWars | Aug 19 2018 “Make no mistake; this is an intentional attempt at mainstreaming a form of technology that will have
“If we can face it, God can fix it.”/em> ~ Washington D.C. Pastor By Catherine Austin Fitts Mark M. Rich is a young man who was targeted by an organized stalking – something which has