“Nothing is impossible. The world itself says, “I’m possible.” ~ Audrey Hepburn By Catherine Austin Fitts The conflicts within the federal budget are starting to come to ahead. How the equity bull market can climb
By Catherine Austin Fitts It’s time to take a deep breath and listen to the American people. Our concerns have been smothered over by the media “shriek-o-meter” and government promises like thick gravy poured on
“We work under the assumption that lowering the cost of capital and providing cheap money encourage businesses to lever up and use that levering up to expand [capital investment] and job creation, which is part
Join Dr. Joseph Farrell and Catherine at the Launch Party! Saturday, October 15, 2016, 7-11pm Tulsa, Oklahoma By Catherine Austin Fitts Are you are ready for the Joseph P. Farrell Pipe Organ Crowdfund? Our team