Mary Meaker’s Essential 2017 Internet Tech Trends Report The consolidation around a handful of tech giants is evident. E-commerce is definitely changing the face of how the economy operates. There are some interesting stats, for
by: Corey Lynn Much like the world of eugenics, changing their phrasing each decade to disguise their true intentions while carrying out the same agenda, and glamouring it up with each change – the world
In Lets Go to the Movies, I will review the new series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, the Japanese tidying guru whose goal is to “spark joy” in your home. Tidy guru Marie Kondo comes
Eerie Predictions in Vegas… Cui Bono? YouTube | 04 October 2017 The Question… Adam Kokesh – Vision of a New America YouTube | 05 October 2017 Hurricane Nate sets record as fastest moving storm
"Let freedom ring!" ~ Lois Kolkhorst, May 30, 2021 “Let freedom ring!” was tweeted by Texas State Senator Lois Kolkhorst, R-Brenham, after the Legislature approved bills that included the ban on government entities and businesses requiring proof of vaccination