Here are the charts: Set One: Asia, Commodities, Precious Metals, Brazil Set Two: Emerging Markets, Europe-Asia-Australia, Frontier, India, International Equities, International Equities Minus U.S. Set Three: Global Health Care, Europe, Germany, Greece, $ US Dollar,
By Jane Hamsher The Firedoglake health care team has been covering the debate in congress since it began last year. The health care bill will come up for a vote in the House on Sunday,
On April 8 at 9:30 a.m. eastern, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit will hear oral argument in the case of Mark McAfee and Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF)
You can watch the trailer here. We’ve recommended this movie before, but it’s worth watching if you haven’t done so yet. Yes, it is possible to make a 3h 20min movie about clocks. Far from