“If you have pictures of family men having sex with a child, they are yours for life. Such people can and will help you engineer the theft of trillions for modest compensation. You control them.
“Liberty, equality, brotherhood—these ideas are deeply rooted in every soul.” ~ Thomas Meyer By Catherine Austin Fitts A century ago, Rudolf Steiner delivered a series of large public lectures in Vienna. At one of the
"What I can do, you can do." ~ Jesus Christ, who threw the moneychangers out of the temple By Catherine Austin Fitts This week, I will summarize the effort underway to end currencies and what
Are we watching a new Massacre of the Innocents? As 3,000 credentialed doctors, lawyers, and scientists plow through 55,000 Pfizer documents in a volunteer effort put together by Dr. Naomi Wolf that confirms knowledge by
“Food and energy prices are up. In the last six months alone we have had a record all-time high for the price of beef, pork and shrimp. These are the core proteins that emerging market
By Adrian Douglas Here are some Trivial Pursuit questions for you: 1) What is the biggest market in the world for a physical commodity? 2) Is the gold market one of the smallest markets in