[CAF: Local action is often where we have real opportunity to make a difference. This article by Pete Heckman was originally published on Sep 22, 2012. It is timeless, so we are republishing to inspire
“There’s an itch in my mind, but I can only find it occasionally. It’s like rummaging through a box of ancient refuse and incomprehensible knick-knacks and suddenly feeling the two-pronged bite of a snake between
WHAT’S ON YOUR PLATE? is a witty and provocative documentary produced and directed by award-winning Catherine Gund about kids and food politics. Filmed over the course of one year, the film follows two eleven-year-old multi-racial
Click here to view video: https://tprod.fr/project/hold-up/ The Covid-19 pandemic has given rise to contradictory exchanges between doctors, specialists, professors, politicians and experts, all orchestrated and fueled by the heavy media fire. Scientists have thus found
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.Not to speak is to speak.Not to act is to act.”~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer By Catherine Austin Fitts Mass Formation is a