Anger Rooms: A Smashing New Way to Relieve Stress NY Times | 26 November 2016 Room charges $25 for… Education System Broken: Let’s Try ‘Ed-Exit’ RPI | 21 November 2016 Inevitably leads to … The
“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” ~C. S. Lewis By Catherine Austin Fitts World equity markets had a strong week as the dollar fell despite the Fed bumping the
Argentina’s central bank reserves dispute suffered an expected escalation when on Tuesday Judge Thomas Griesa from New York State placed an embargo on Argentine central bank accounts held in the United States, following a lawsuit
As of last week, there is now a U.S. Government national security agency called the Biometrics Identity Management Agency (BIMA). It supersedes a Biometrics Task Force that was established in 2000. Though nominally a component
Eerie Predictions in Vegas… Cui Bono? YouTube | 04 October 2017 The Question… Adam Kokesh – Vision of a New America YouTube | 05 October 2017 Hurricane Nate sets record as fastest moving storm
FDA Views on Your Food Choices: From FDA‘s reply brief to a lawsuit filed by FTCLDF challenging the interstate raw milk ban in the case of Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund et al. v. United States